
Abnormal Tamer

Beazion was a world filled with many kinds of beasts. In this world, the most prestigious and popular profession was the Beast Tamer. Hanz was 18 years old. He was an orphan and was adopted by a grandpa who pitied him. However, Hanz’s adopted grandpa passed away. Hanz’s grandpa left him with some inheritance which could help him to become a beast tamer. Alongside the inheritance, Hanz’s grandpa left him a letter. In the letter, he stated about Hanz’s real family. Hanz wanted to meet his real family and thus, he set on a journey to meet his real family.

SourMango77 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – Duplication Space

Name: Hanz

Age: 17

Lifespan: 100 years

Condition: Healthy


Vitality: 1.01

Stamina: 1.12

Strength: 0.97

Endurance: 1.04

Dexterity: 0.82

Hanz's status screen was shown in front of him and he was shocked to see his age. "What the? I am 17? Grandpa must have assumed my age when he found me," thought Hanz. He was surprised that he was younger than he always thought and was happy to find out about his real age though the system did not mention his birthdate.

"I guess I just need to keep tabs of my age to find my birthdate," Hanz planned to observe his age so that he would know when was his birthday. His grandpa made the day he found Hanz as his birthday but he was still curious about his real birthday.

"My lifespan is 100 years… that is the standard lifespan for everyone, right?" Hanz wondered. He was not sure if that was the standard or different people had different lifespan. He did hear that there was a standard number for lifespan but that only applied to healthy people and lifespan could change over time too.

However, the leisure of knowing the lifespan was only happening to people with the system skill. Those without could only live their life normally and did their best to live.

Hanz checked his stat and he nodded because he knew about the standard of normal people. Normal people would usually have an average stat of 0.5 to 0.6. Those that had the stat plus-minus 1.00 were usually people who were healthy and exercised a lot and Hanz was one of those.

However, those with the status points of almost 2.00 would usually be geniuses among the normal human in Beazion. They would usually make names in Beazion among normal humans. Those kinds of people would surely have a stat near 2.00 even without using the system skill to figure it out. This stat distribution was common knowledge and Hanz knew it too.

Every human and beast in Beazion would have the stamina, strength, endurance, and dexterity stat. However, only humans had the vitality stat while the beasts would have the health and mana stat.

The vitality stat and health stat were the same things but the system called it differently between humans and the beast. The vitality stat was a stat to measure the health of the beast and humans.

Other than the name of the stat, the way it worked was different too. For humans' vitality stat, the number of status points showed how healthy the person was. If the person were injured physically, there would not be any changes to the stat. However, if the person was sick from an illness, the vitality stat would show some changes.

For beasts' health stat, the health points worked the same as HP from games. Once the beast was injured physically or having an illness, the health points would decrease. Once the health points reached zero, the beast would die.

As for mana, it was known widely that beasts could use mana naturally while humans could not, and thus, there was no mana stat for humans. However, once humans reached a certain point in their stats, they would have the mana stat too.

The stamina, strength, endurance, and dexterity, it worked the same on both humans and beasts. The stamina was a status that determined how long a person or beast could work or fights continuously. The higher the stamina, the longer the person or beast to be able to perform.

The strength status was to measure the power of a person or beast in lifting, attacking, crushing, and many more actions that involve strength. However, this status only applied to physical strength. As for magic strength, it depended on how much mana was used in the attack. Same as stamina status, someone was stronger with higher strength.

Endurance status was for defense. Any action involving defense depended on endurance status. The higher the endurance status the stronger the defense. Endurance status also affected the ability of someone in enduring all kinds of pains. It worked mentally and physically. Also, the endurance status included defense against a magic attack.

Dexterity status was to measure the speed of humans and beasts. Any action involving speed would use this status such as running speed, hand speed, head speed, writing speed, talking speed, nimbleness, and many more speeds relating actions. Same as the three previous status, the higher the dexterity, the higher the speed.

All of Hanz's status points were hovering around the 1.00 mark. He was a healthy person that took care of his health and thus, it was not surprising for his stat to be at that point. Even so, Hanz was happy and satisfied to see that him exercising every day paid off statistically.

He might have seen it physically before that he had a good body shape with nicely toned muscle but he knew himself that that did not mean he was healthy. However, with the system skill, it was proved that he was healthy. With the condition status mentioning healthy as well as the stat points at the healthy level, he was happy.

After that, Hanz checked his skill list. At the moment, he had yet to learn the other four skills. After the system skill, he was forced to learn the duplication space skill. He had checked the system skill and understood them better and it was time to learn more about the duplication space skill he got from the unknown skill orb.

"Let see here~" Hanz controlled the system skill and opened the skill list tab. Once the skill list was opened, he saw that two skills were listed there. The first would be the system skill and below it would be the duplication skill.

Skill List

The System (Grade G, Level 1) – Keep tabs of the user's condition. Learn skills. Limit: 5 skills

Duplication Space (Special, Special) – Duplicate anything inserted in the space. Space: 5. Capacity: 100 or 100 kg per space.

No matter the skill orb's rank, all of them would start at grade G and level 1. All of them without exception. To strengthen their skill, humans needed to increase the grade and level of skills. There were a few ways of leveling up and upgrading the skill.

The first method was the natural leveling. The skill would level up and upgrade by themselves without the human doing anything as time passed. However, this method was for lazy people and it took a long time to happen. Months and even years. Since it was natural, it depended on the luck of the human. According to history, there was no human stupid enough to use this method.

The second method was using the skill frequently. The more the human used the skill they had, the faster the skill would level up. This was the most common and accepted method by everyone in Beazion. Obviously, because they learned the skill to use them and thus, automatically leveling their skill.

The third method was for people with many resources. With the right resources, they could use them to increase their skill. However, this method was limited to a certain type of skill and rarely used by people because the resources mentioned here were not something they could find at the roadside.

The fourth method was for the riches. This method was the easiest and expensive method ever but it was the most effective and fastest than the three earlier methods. This method was by learning the same skill orb over and over again until they maxed their skill level.

Many rich people used this method because they could afford to buy many skill orbs. This was also one of the reasons why the riches were usually at the top of everything in Beazion. The power of money.

However, there were limits to this method and that was the skill orb itself and the backlash of increasing the skill level too fast (might not happen if the human planned it properly). This method was fine and easy for common skill but for rarer skills such as the special dimension skill, they could only use the second or third method.

As for the backlash, it happened a lot because they could not be patient and raised the skill level without restraint. Thus, their body could not hold a sudden increase in power and they received the backlash.

Hanz looked at the system's grade and level while he nodded because that was what it was supposed to be, grade G, level 1. However, his space duplication skill was different. There was no grade and level, it was a special skill without any grade or skill. He did not know if he could increase the skill level but from the way it was written, Hanz could only conclude that it was impossible.

"This skill is indeed special. It needs some kind of condition to be met for me to learn this skill. Also, I never heard of anyone possessing special skills like this…" Hanz stopped for a second before he continued, "Maybe they keep it a secret."

"That's right! I should never ever tell anyone about this skill," though he had yet tested the skill, from the knowledge he got, Hanz knew that the skill was too much. "Time to test this skill," said Hanz and he activated the duplication space skill.

A new screen appeared in front of Hanz with five empty green boxes. Looking at the green boxes, Hanz knew immediately what he should do. He had the knowledge and he needed to test them.

Hanz looked around the room and saw a pencil on his desk. He took the pencil and placed it inside one of the green boxes. The pencil disappeared from Hanz's hand and appeared in one of the green boxes.

Immediately after the pencil was inside the box, a count of 1 and a timer of 30 seconds appeared and the timer decreased as time passed. "So, this is how it looked," said Hanz while staring at the timer.

After 30 seconds, the count increased to 2, and the timer resets back to 30 seconds. "Duplication success," thought Hanz and he took out one of the pencils, and the count decreased back to 1. Hanz checked the duplicate pencil and it was the same pencil as before. He waited for another 30 seconds and a new pencil was duplicate.

Hanz took out all the pencils and he had three pencils in his hand including the original. However, Hanz was scratching his head because he did not know which one was the original. After all, they were exactly the same as each other.

"Hmm… let's take another test," Hanz took a small knife and carved a moon shape symbol on one of the three pencils. He put the carved pencil into the duplication space to see if it would duplicate the symbol too.

30 seconds later, he checked the two pencils and they were the same. "This skill is too powerful. Let's test on something else," Hanz went to the kitchen and took a white radish and put it in the duplication space.

However, this time, the timer was different. Rather than 30 seconds, it was 3 minutes. Hanz already knew about the time difference thanks to the knowledge he got about the skill. The time for duplication varied from item to item based on the rarity of the item, size, complexity, and many more.

After 3 minutes, a new white radish was created. Hanz checked the two white radishes and they were of the same quality. "Hahaha, this skill is really special…" Hanz stopped for a few seconds before his face became serious and continued, "Time for the real test."

Hanz went back to his room and saw the four skill orbs he had yet to learn. "The knowledge I got said that I can duplicate skill orb too. Time to see if it is possible," Hanz took the taming skill orb and put it in one of the boxes.

The count was 1 and the timer was 5 hours. "Hmm~ I will need to wait five hours to get another taming skill orb… Let's duplicate the rest of the skill orb too," Hanz decided to duplicate all of the skill orbs. If he could duplicate them, he would be able to easily raise his skill level without much effort.

The item storage skill orb took 7 hours, the beast space skill orb took 9 hours while the special dimension skill orb took a whopping 20 hours to duplicate. Hanz could see that the dimension skill orb was the most complex out of them all.

"Okay, that settles most of the thing," said Hanz and he stared at the white box. Attached inside the bottom of the white box was a piece of paper. Hanz knew what it was. "My family's identity."

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