
Abnormal Tamer

Beazion was a world filled with many kinds of beasts. In this world, the most prestigious and popular profession was the Beast Tamer. Hanz was 18 years old. He was an orphan and was adopted by a grandpa who pitied him. However, Hanz’s adopted grandpa passed away. Hanz’s grandpa left him with some inheritance which could help him to become a beast tamer. Alongside the inheritance, Hanz’s grandpa left him a letter. In the letter, he stated about Hanz’s real family. Hanz wanted to meet his real family and thus, he set on a journey to meet his real family.

SourMango77 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – A Set of Skill Orbs

It took Hanz 10 minutes to calm himself down. He deeply breathed in and out to calm. He wiped his tears and looked at the opened white box. He saw there were glass spheres neatly arranged inside the white box.

"Skill orbs?" Hanz had never seen or touched a skill orb but he was familiar with the term. He knew about skill orbs as well as how it might look like. However, skill orb was a product of luxury. Only rich people were able to afford to get a skill orb.

Just like the name suggested, the skill orb contained a certain kind of skill that a human could learn. However, to learn the skill inside the skill orb, they first needed to learn a special skill called the system.

Without 'the system' skill, no human could learn the skill inside the skill orb. 'The system' skill was a special skill that acted as a medium between humans and the skill orb so that the humans could learn the skill inside the skill orb.

Even so, 'the system' skill itself came from a skill orb and they were special too, and thus, they were super expensive. Again, only those with money could buy them. People like Hanz and the villagers could not buy the skill orb unless they saved money for a long time.

"Did grandpa save money in secret to buy me these skill orbs?" Hanz wondered. He knew all too well about his family's financial situation and he knew that they were incapable of getting their hands on a skill orb. The only explanation was that Juin saved money in secret.

Hanz removed the top of the white box and he could see the six skill orbs inside the box. Hanz was surprised to see Juin able to buy that many skill orbs for him. "I didn't know that grandpa saved this much money. The skill orbs and then, the box. I am sure they are all expensive."

On top of the skill orb, there were labels for each of the skill orb. Hanz read them one by one, "The system, taming, beast space, item storage, special dimension and unknown…" Hanz was speechless.

Among the six skill orbs, the special dimension skill orb was one of the rarest in the world. It was also one of the most coveted skill orbs of all time. Many beast tamers wanted the special dimension skill orb because they could have their own private space without anyone able to intrude.

"How in the world did grandpa get this skill?" Hanz was shaken to the core. He had no idea how Juin was able to get something that rare. Special dimension skill orb was not the type of skill that people would sell in their shop like other skill orbs.

"This must be the reason for all these spells because of this skill orb," thought Hanz. Due to the special dimension skill orb, he needed to be careful or he might attract unwanted attention from strong beast tamer.

Moving on to the other skill orb, Hanz knew what his grandpa intended. "Grandpa wants me to become a beast tamer," said Hanz in a low voice. "Grandpa really loves me," Hanz smiled happily not because he could become a beast tamer but his grandpa spent a lot of money to make him a beast tamer. He could feel the love Juin gave him.

Beazion was a huge world of an empty and void space filled with uncountable planes floating in that space. The planes were gigantic floating land that had different sizes and conditions. On these uncountable planes, different species of beasts lived.

There were many species of beasts but they were all originally normal animals. Going through evolutions, they became beasts. The most basic of beasts took the same shape as a normal animal. However, the difference would be the core inside their body.

A beast had a core while a normal animal did not have any core. The core was a vessel to store mana and the beast could use the stored mana to become stronger. With mana in their body, the beast could defeat many opponents.

Beasts could be considered the strongest living being in Beazion. Humans' strength was paled in comparison to the beast. If the weakest beast was a small frog, humans were a fly. They stood a low chance to survive when encountering a beast.

However, that situation changed when humans started becoming warriors, swordsmen and many else to fight against the beast. Humans found out about the use of mana and developing a way to use mana in the surroundings to fight the beast.

Even so, humans were still on the losing side. The mana that they could use was nil and was not enough to fight the beast properly. An animal looks alike beast was manageable to them but those much more advanced species of beasts were too hard for them. Humans ended up becoming the fly again when meeting them.

Many years later, a human found 'the system' skill orb. Humans learned that 'the system' skill could help them become stronger. They found out that the system was the medium for them to learn skills from the orb they found abundantly in the wild. Similar to the core of the beasts, the system for humans.

Be that as it may, humans found the limit of the system. The system indeed helped them become stronger but not that much. The strongest beast they could kill was the last stage of rank 0 beasts. Higher than that, they became a fly again.

However, that state did not last long when an adventurer found out the best way to fight against the beast. That adventurer found a skill called taming which could tame a beast to fight alongside humans. With that discovery, humans started getting stronger and stronger and were now able to fight against a stronger beast.

With the emergence of many humans able to tame the beasts, a profession called the beast tamer was created. Since then, beast tamer was the most popular and prestigious profession in the world. No one could deny that because they ruled all the kingdoms and empires in Beazion. They were at the top alongside the beasts, everywhere in the world.

However, even if there were many beast tamers in the world, most of them came from a rich family. After the advancement of humanity, humans started giving the skill orb, rank based on their rarity and importance.

To become a beast tamer, humans needed 'the system' skill orb. The system skill orb was unfortunately grouped in the highest rank, S. Any skill orb in this rank could only be bought at the minimum price of 1 billion coins. Normal people could not afford that unless they pooled in money from everyone in the family for years.

Not only the system skill, but the taming skill was also ranked S too. So, to become a beast tamer, one needed to have a minimum of 10 to 20 billion coins.

Not only that, to become a good beast tamer, more money was also needed to feed the beast, to strengthen them, to prepare a place for them to live, and many more. Everything needed money unless that beast tamer could procure the resources by themselves or else, they would need a lot of money.

"Seriously, I am speechless. All the skill orbs in this box are rank S except the unknown skill orb. They are in the billions. Grandpa is keeping a lot of secrets from me… Well, thank you grandpa. I know you bought all this for me," said Hanz while smiling helplessly.

Hanz knew how expensive all the skills in the box and normal people's eyes, they were treasures. He was a bit hesitant to use the skill orbs because they were expensive. He did not know if he could become a good tamer. Only good tamers made money in the world and beast tamers used a lot of money. That was common knowledge.

"Well, grandpa bought this for me so I should use them properly. Money? I will think about that later," thought Hanz and he glanced at the unknown skill orb. They were longer notes attached to it and Hanz read it.

"No one knew what skill is inside this skill orb because no one can appraise this skill orb including those with high-level system skill. Since no one had any idea about this skill orb, it is cheap. I bought this because who knows? Maybe you can find out about it," the note said.

"I didn't know that there is a skill orb that could not be appraised by the system," thought Hanz while he was holding the ping pong size glass orb.

The appraisal mentioned by Juin in the notes was simply something the system could do. Other than becoming a medium for humans, the system had the appraisal functions too. However, there was a limit to what it could appraise.

The unknown skill orb could be a super rare skill. However, since those with high-level system skills could not appraise it, that could only mean that the skill orb was faulty or damaged. It looked perfectly fine but there might be some unknown problem. This kind of situation was not rare so everyone assumed the unknown skill orb was damaged.

"Time to learn all these skills," Hanz smiled and he touched the system skill orb. Immediately after that, a floating screen appeared in front of Hanz and he was shocked. He never encountered something like that and that scared him a bit.

[Learn the system skill?] The words on the floating screen said. Hanz said 'yes' and the floating screen disappeared while the skill orb shone. After the skill orb shone, it disintegrated into small white particles and entered Hanz's body.

At the same time the particles entered his body, he could feel that he gained some kind of knowledge regarding the system skill. The process took less than ten seconds and he finished learning the system skill.

"Phew~ I thought it would be painful or something similar," said Hanz. He had prepared himself to feel some kind of pain but he worried for nothing. However, before he could try using the system skill, a new floating screen appeared immediately.

[Condition met. Learn skill automatically] Hanz was shocked. When he was learning the system skill, he was still holding the unknown skill orb. Out of nowhere, the system activated the unknown skill orb by itself and it shone brightly. It went through the same process as the system skill. Disintegrate and enter Hanz's body.

A few seconds later, Hanz was staring blankly at his empty hands. The unknown skill orb was no more. The system learned it without his consent. He froze because his mind was processing the information he got for the unknown skill.

"This skill… can it do that?" Hanz shook when he got knowledge of the skill. "Duplication Space… this skill can duplicate anything I want," Hanz was speechless. "According to the knowledge I get, it will perfectly 100% duplicate anything I want. Although it is duplicate, it is the same as the real thing without any problem."

Hanz processed the knowledge properly and he could not help but smile. "This skill is too much. Hahaha, with this skill, I don't have to worry much about money and resources," thought Hanz. He was not rich and he knew that becoming a beast tamer cost a lot of money.

He was happy that the burden was lessened with the new unknown skill he had just learned. "But… Why is it possible for me to learn this skill? No one was able to appraise the skill. The system said that I meet the condition to learn this skill and I cannot decline too."

"What is the condition?" Hanz wondered. "Is it because I have yet to learn any other skills or I just learn the system skill?" Hanz decided to stop thinking because no matter the condition, he was happy that he could learn the duplication skill.

"I should test the skill first to see if it works as the knowledge I get," said Hanz. "But first, let me check my status. I need to know my current condition." Hanz opened his status screen and his status was shown on a floating screen.

Here is the third chapter. If you enjoy reading this, support me on Patr3on. https : // www . patr3on . com / sourmango (remove space and change 3 to e)

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