
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Suddenly it's not normal

Lin Feng looked at the paper in front of him, on which was written the address of a rather remote place in the suburbs, a place he was very familiar with: it was his own home!

"Why are you looking for this place?" Lin Feng couldn't understand why a stranger he had just met would be holding the address to his house. Honestly, at this moment, he was quite excited, but he also knew himself well. He knew that all his luck with the opposite sex had been used up before the third grade when he sat next to a girl in class. So, he remained calm, just looking at the pretty girl in front of him with a hint of curiosity.

She had a good figure and a good face. Although she was a bit short, her lively and cheerful appearance could compensate for it...

"I'm looking for a place to stay!" The pretty girl answered very straightforwardly and decisively, "I've been looking for a day, and I couldn't find it, so I decided to ask someone. But you're the only one left in the park I can ask."

Lin Feng always felt that the familiarity of the girl in front of him was a bit too much, but his attention was quickly drawn to the three words "looking for a place" mentioned by the girl. His mind, which had been drowsy from the summer nap, suddenly cleared up a bit. He suddenly remembered something: oh, he was a landlord, and he had just placed an advertisement in the local newspaper saying that he had a room for rent. Was this pretty girl in front of him looking for a place to stay?

It had been a long time since he last rented out, and today he finally received rent again!

Lin Feng folded the paper and handed it back to her. "Of course, I know this place. I'll take you there."

The pretty girl immediately looked happy, put the paper back in her bag, and patted her bag. "Thank you! I've been looking for so long..."

Lin Feng stood up and stretched lazily. Just as he was about to walk out of the park, he suddenly remembered something was wrong. "Wait a minute! You've been looking for this address in the city center all day?!"

The pretty girl nodded vigorously, showing a somewhat naive and cute look. "Yes! This place is quite hard to find."

"Of course it's hard to find!" Lin Feng almost couldn't control his tone. He suddenly suspected that the girl in front of him had some grudge against him from before, and today she came specially to tease him. "Didn't you notice that the address says 'south suburbs'?! South suburbs! You've been looking for an address in the city for a suburb all day?"

"But it says 'Baishi Building' on it." The pretty girl pointed in a direction, which Lin Feng knew was the location of a commercial building in the city center. "Isn't Baishi Building in the city?"

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, then he realized, "It's Baishi Road in the south suburbs, not Baishi Building in the city center!"

He hadn't finished his sentence yet: Miss, did you only look at the first two characters of the place name?

"Ah ha." The pretty girl quickly recalled, showing a slightly embarrassed look. "I forgot, I'm usually a bit careless. Do you know where this Baishi Road in the south suburbs is? Can you take me there?"

Lin Feng still felt that something was off with the girl in front of him, but he was someone who didn't like to think too much about things. Besides, the other party was just a prospective tenant looking to rent a room from him. He had been a landlord for the past two years and was used to not getting too involved with tenants. So, he pointed to the park gate. "We have to take a bus. The south suburbs are far from here. It should be almost night when we get there. Oh, by the way, I'm the landlord you're looking for. The house you're looking for is mine."

Upon hearing this, the pretty girl immediately showed a surprised look. She almost jumped up, "Oh, really?!"

Lin Feng nodded. "Yes, I am."

The girl was full of excitement. "Wow, what a coincidence! How can there be such a coincidence in the world? Landlord, we must be destined to meet?!"

Lin Feng rubbed his forehead. Since the girl seemed to be a bit naive, he finally couldn't help but say what he wanted to say: "Aren't you afraid of being kidnapped? What if I'm lying to you?"

This was a rather tactful way of putting it. In fact, he really thought the girl in front of him was a bit... no, very naive! Looking for an address in the city center for a suburb all day, and believing a stranger with just a few words, and even trusting a stranger to lead her to a deserted suburb, how could girls these days have such weak vigilance? Was she lucky or were the kidnappers lazy recently, why hasn't this girl been kidnapped yet?

Lin Feng muttered a lot in his mind, but it was only for a second or two. The girl in front of him (is it okay to call her that?) also seemed to have just realized, and she looked at Lin Feng vigilantly, "Kidnap? Then are you a kidnapper planning to sell me?"

Lin Feng: "Of course not!" He felt that he should keep his distance from this girl. If it weren't for the fact that she was a "customer," he wouldn't have spent so much time communicating with such a silly person!

The silly girl nodded in satisfaction. "That's good. I'm afraid of being deceived. Shall we go?"

Lin Feng sighed helplessly and felt unusually heavy as he walked away from the park.

The two of them soon boarded a bus from the city to the suburbs. It was not boring at all along the way: Lin Feng found that this new tenant of his was not only familiar, lively, and somewhat silly, but also a talkative person! On the bus, she enthusiastically chatted with him all the way, talking about everything from the current situation of domestic and foreign second-tier celebrities to the basic house prices in second-tier cities. Lin Feng didn't know where these topics started, but as long as he could nod and agree a little, the silly girl would find the motivation to continue talking and continue with her balabala... But that wasn't a big problem. Listening to her talk was a way to pass the time, and Lin Feng also took this opportunity to roughly understand the situation of his new tenant. This was a must for a landlord: to know the tenant's situation as quickly as possible to prevent some troublesome situations.

The silly girl's name was Liu Mu Yun, and she generously allowed Lin Feng to call her "Mu Yun" directly. She claimed to be a wandering veterinarian and a casual writer (not sure what a casual writer is), who had just moved from another city and planned to settle here. She didn't care where she lived, as long as it was sheltered, clean, and convenient, because she had the freedom to work...

Based on this information, Lin Feng judged that his new tenant was very enterprising, temporarily without a stable job, but wouldn't cause trouble for him. He was quite satisfied with this. Actually, such a young girl couldn't cause much

 trouble for him even if she wanted to. He was just a little worried that such a naive girl would be easily deceived by others, so he felt that it was necessary to remind her a little. When they were about to get off the bus, Lin Feng couldn't help but say, "Mu Yun, you seem to be a bit too kind. You should be careful when you meet strangers in the future. Not everyone is as good as me."

Liu Mu Yun smiled brightly and said, "I know, but I also believe that there are more good people in the world. Besides, I'm not a kid anymore. I won't be so easily deceived. By the way, thank you for taking me in today. I'm really lucky to have met such a good landlord as you."

Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh. He really didn't know if this girl was lucky or unlucky, but he was really lucky. He had been a landlord for two years, and the tenants he had encountered were all normal people. It was the first time he had met such a silly and naive tenant!

After getting off the bus, they walked for a while along Baishi Road, which was not as difficult to find as Liu Mu Yun had imagined. Lin Feng took her to the rental house. It was a small two-story building that he had rented for two years and had been vacant for a while. He cleaned it up a bit and put it up for rent. The location was indeed a bit off, but it was relatively close to the bus station, and the rent was cheap, suitable for people who were new to the city and didn't have much money. Lin Feng didn't expect to rent it out so quickly.

The house was a bit old, but it was clean. Liu Mu Yun looked around and nodded in satisfaction. She happily paid the rent and deposit, and Lin Feng handed over the key to her.

"Thank you, landlord!" Liu Mu Yun was very happy, as if she had found a treasure. She patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, turned around and ran into the house, shouting, "I finally have my own house! I can finally settle down!"

Lin Feng stood at the door and looked at her back, feeling a little emotional. He didn't know why, but he suddenly remembered the days when he had just graduated from university and came to this city alone. At that time, he was also full of dreams and longings for the future, just like this silly girl in front of him...

He shook his head, drove away the inexplicable emotion, turned around, and walked towards the bus stop. It was almost dark, and he had to hurry back to the city center to have dinner with his girlfriend.

As he walked, he took out his phone and sent a message to his girlfriend: "I met a very silly girl today. She looked for the address of my house in the city center for a suburb all day. She was so silly and naive that I couldn't help but want to take care of her."

After sending the message, he didn't expect his girlfriend to reply, because she was busy with work and rarely replied to messages during this time. But he didn't expect that after a while, he would receive a reply from his girlfriend: "You met a silly girl? Then you should take care of her. Maybe she is your destined one!"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. He didn't believe in fate, but he felt that meeting Liu Mu Yun today was indeed a bit unusual. He didn't know what kind of fate awaited him and this silly girl in the future...

But he didn't care. He was just a passerby in her life, and she was just a passerby in his life. Their meeting was just a small episode in their respective lives. He had his life, and she had her life. In the vast sea of people, they were just two insignificant dust...

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little lost. He shook his head vigorously, trying to shake off the inexplicable emotion that had surged up again. He quickened his pace and walked towards the bus stop, wanting to leave this suburb as soon as possible and return to the bustling city center, where he belonged...

As for Liu Mu Yun, who had just settled down in her new house, he didn't know what kind of life she would have in the future, and he didn't want to know. He just hoped that she could be happy, just like he hoped that everyone in the world could be happy...

As for himself, he would continue to live his own life, continue to work hard, continue to pursue his dreams, and continue to move forward bravely on the road of life...

Because life was short, and there were too many unknowns in life, so why bother to think too much?

Just live in the moment, live in the present, and live every day to the fullest!

This was Lin Feng's philosophy of life, and it was also the attitude he had always maintained towards life...

The bus arrived, and Lin Feng got on the bus and left this suburb, leaving behind the small two-story building where Liu Mu Yun had just settled down, leaving behind the past, and moving towards the future...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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