
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Female neurosis

Lin Feng cautiously glanced around, as if the room was filled with hidden cameras, before approaching Raven 12345's desk. He was intrigued by what might be on the data terminal of this goddess-like figure. This curiosity was inherent to human nature, and although he knew it was rather dull, he couldn't resist.

To his surprise, he found a forum-like page on the terminal, with text that wasn't in Earth's languages. However, thanks to the seamless translation provided by the terminal, he could understand it perfectly. The header read "Shadow City Community Watering Section." Lin Feng recalled that "Shadow City" was the capital of the Hailing Empire, also known as the "Highest Divine Realm" in mortal understanding. Upon seeing this title, he felt a solemn atmosphere enveloping him, especially when he read the first post, which left him utterly shocked:

"Just got transferred to a primitive universe as a God. How can I pretend to be a God on a regular basis? Urgent online waiting—Raven 12345, from the magic data terminal, posted thirty minutes ago."

Below this post, Raven 12345, his unreliable boss, had received over two hundred and thirty likes and was already manually pinned at the top...

Quietly leaving the desk, Lin Feng returned to his seat and sat down obediently. He tried to lower his head to his navel, thinking about what would happen if Raven 12345 found out he had seen this post. Would the crazy goddess be angry enough to fire him on the spot?

His last bit of unrealistic fantasy about the Temporal Management Bureau crumbled at this moment. Although he knew the bureau was a formidable entity—where even a deputy section-level cadre could destroy the entire galaxy without repercussions—he now understood that those powerful figures had no time to bother with humans. Just look at Raven 12345; did she do anything productive every day?

As Lin Feng pondered this, a blue vortex suddenly appeared in the room, and Raven 12345 was teleported back. Her sudden appearance startled Lin Feng, but she seemed unaware that he had peeked at her data terminal. She handed him a crystal chip the size of a matchbox. "Here, keep this safe. You'll need it in the future."

"What's this?" Lin Feng was somewhat immune to the various high-tech gadgets issued by the Temporal Management Bureau, so he asked out of curiosity, without the naive astonishment he had shown before.

Raven 12345's tone was casual, as if lending someone half an eraser. "It's a spaceship start key and a trainee pilot training card."

As Lin Feng took the crystal chip, he shuddered as if touching a hot iron, almost dropping the fragile-looking chip. He couldn't help but revert to his naive self, "What did you say?! A spaceship?!"

"Yes, a spaceship." Raven 12345 nodded. "Why are you so surprised? The Temporal Management Bureau oversees countless universes. The organized scope of my world reaches three hundred billion light-years. As the only certified deity within that range, do you think I'd choose a spokesperson based on their antics on Earth? Not every God is a hobbyist in micro-sculpting."

Lin Feng almost went numb with shock, receiving the crystal chip. He gulped nervously. "Let me get this straight... You mean, I have to learn to fly a spaceship?! That's a bit too much of a leap!"

"Don't worry, you won't need it for now. Your spaceship hasn't been approved yet. I only applied for an anti-theft lock for you..."

Lin Feng: "..."

How did this goddess's mind work? There was no rhyme or reason to it! Lin Feng confirmed with Raven 12345 several times and finally confirmed that he wouldn't have to consider spaceships and alien planets in the near future. This crazy goddess had actually only applied for a spaceship core lock for him—its purpose was completely unclear. Lin Feng felt like it was ordering a door lock before buying a house. The key would serve no purpose other than to poke the lock every day for a sense of achievement. But according to Raven 12345, even the core lock of the new spaceship hadn't arrived from the factory yet. She had it brought over directly from the workshop, not knowing its use for Lin Feng...

This erratic woman was impossible to communicate with.

"Anything else?" Raven 12345 didn't care about the confusion her bizarre logic caused others. She patted Lin Feng on the shoulder as if nothing had happened. "If there's nothing else, I'll go back to work. This is the first time in my life that I've posted and got likes..."

Lin Feng instinctively wanted to nod and leave, but fortunately, his sanity returned at the last moment. "Wait! There's one last thing!"

Raven 12345 looked at Lin Feng curiously, and he quickly seized the opportunity to ask the question he had forgotten earlier. "I've noticed something. Magic doesn't affect me—when Vivian tried to remove the curse with blood magic, it didn't work. Her blood had no effect on me, and when I went to England, the Leta runes... "

Lin Feng recounted several unusual incidents he had encountered, not believing that this "magic immunity" was a perk of working for the Temporal Management Bureau. Raven 12345 would have told him in advance if such a benefit existed, despite her eccentricities. Moreover, the first appearance of magic immunity was before Lin Feng underwent any physical adjustments; at that time, he was just a completely ordinary person. This ability must have had another explanation.

After hearing his description, Raven 12345, rarely, showed a serious expression. She scrutinized Lin Feng from head to toe, making him feel uncomfortable, before speaking, "Immune to vampire blood magic and blood infusion? Immune to Leta runes' effects? And can also directly remove the effects of Leta runes? Is there anything else?"

Lin Feng, seeing Raven's expression, became nervous himself. He guessed that his situation was probably more complicated than he thought, to make this usually clueless goddess show such a look. So, he recalled everything and, finally, shook his head firmly, "No. And I haven't encountered any other magic... Anyway, I'm immune to everything I've encountered so far. Could it be that I'm naturally immune to all magic? This is a miraculous ability..."

Raven 12345 flicked a spark onto Lin Feng, "Miraculous my foot, you're overthinking it."

Half a minute later, Lin Feng recovered from his numb state, looking resentful. "Why do you have to resort to violence... So, I'm not magic immune?"

"Not entirely. You're immune to some magic, but the specifics... need further investigation," Raven 12345 frowned. "This may also be a historical legacy issue, but don't worry, it's harmless."

"Can you tell me more?" Lin Feng guessed that Raven 12345 might know some inside information and took the opportunity to ask, "After all, this has happened to me, so I feel I should at least have some right to know."

"The problem is, I'm not sure myself. For now, I can only roughly determine it's related to the Dream Plane." Raven 12345 looked into Lin Feng's eyes, her expression genuine. "People who have been in contact with the Dream Plane usually undergo some kind of

 change, but most of them are malignant mutations, dying within a few days. Your situation, awakening to partial magic immunity after a single sleep, is an exception. I must investigate further before reaching a conclusion."

"Related to the Dream Plane again?" Lin Feng finally developed a proactive interest in that mysterious and dangerous place. "What exactly is it, and how...?"

"You'll find out if you go and see for yourself," Raven 12345 said mysteriously, "You've only been there once, and you're far from understanding the truth of that space. I won't tell you too much. Do your own research."

"It's one of those situations where you say half and leave half out." Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter, "This is so much like the stories of fairies in myths... Oh, right, one last thing!"

Lin Feng almost forgot an important purpose of his visit. Remembering, he quickly said, "Can you help me solve the language problem for my tenants? Vivian and Moyun were baffled when they went to England, and Izsak can't speak human language at all. Now, that big demon is constantly holding a first-grade Chinese language textbook, and the werewolves, vampires, and demons communicate with sign language and pictograms. If this continues, I really don't know how to face Hollywood and Qidian Novels..."

Raven 12345's smile brightened, "That's easy. I've already reported the special situation here. I can provide limited civilian equipment support for your tenants. Bring them over in a couple of days, and I'll install the language packs directly into their minds—oh, and you'll need to reinstall it as well. It'll save you the trouble of using the data terminal as an intermediary."

Lin Feng finally realized something was off. "Wait a minute! You mean I have to lie in that coffin again?"

Raven 12345 smiled radiantly, "Exactly!"