1 X-0

"When I see the oncoming tide of another world, I will embrace the feeling of a foreign reign upon my shoulders as I am below a royalty, on my knees as a peasant. Stepping stone of the exotic hand that shames even the Gods themselves, a nigh omnipotent power that scares that very fabric of our universe. But like all things, whether mortal or immortal, even Amortal, they all fall one day. In the pits of their own Hell, molded by their very hands. At that moment, I am a peasant no more"

Impacting claps sounded in the small classroom before being settled down by a waving hand.

"Very good, Skylar. That was beautifully read" The teacher complimented the boy named Skylar before gesturing him to head back to his seat.

He complied, walking back to desk pass all the other students. It was the last desk on the farthest side of the classroom right next to a wide window. As he sat down, he looked at the window, not outside, but at his own unique features.

Skylar Joseph Obadiah, for all that saw him, is albino. The extreme genetic disorder that caused his body to have an absence of melanin causing his skin, eyes and hair to have a snow-white color to it, and higher sensitivity to the sun. It made him feel unique compared to other people. Being out in the sunlight was a terrible though, had to cover up or risk being cooked alive.

Anyway, Skylar is sitting threw his Literature class, patiently waiting for the class to end; conveniently it's the last class of the day before he would be released from school. He liked his school life, especially the Literature class, but he really wanted to go home as the feeling that something bad was going to happen is aching him.

"Alright class" The teacher called out, "I want you all to get into groups of two and create a poem based on success"

And as if on cue, "Skylar, Let's work together!" A voice immediately called out to Skylar with an over enthusiastic tone. A desk bumped next his own, and with a groan, he turned his head then greeted his partner. "Hello, Lindy"

Lindsey "Lindy" Harp, a 14-year-old girl that has an obsession with Skylar. If you look at her appearance, you would instantly think something along the lines of "normal", right? Her brunette hair is in a ponytail, and she wears cutesy pink-and-blue clothing with sparkling glitter splashed on them. Her personality is eccentric, to say the least, she's like Mabel from Gravity Falls combined with a Mental patient with a personality disorder. Honestly, it's like she's trying to be a 14-year-old girl, despite being one.

Only thing that didn't seem to be her trying was her obsession for Skylar which bothered him. Her obsession with him by all means wasn't some kind of crush, it was just obsession. He doesn't feel any affection in her words or see hearts in her eyes; instead, it was just her being drawn to him like a magnet. And it has been like this ever since the beginning of the school year, when they first met. If that didn't spout creepy then he didn't know what did.

Anyway, looks like he would need to be this girl's partner for the remainder of the class.

"Skylar, do you think a baby bird trying to fly would be a good poem? Or maybe a turtle coming to land! Or how about a lion cub learning to hunt?! Or maybe...!"

If he didn't lose his mind before class would end, that is.


"Annnnd Done!" She jotted down the last bit of words on the piece of paper before she lifted up the paper to show Skylar all the work, she did for them, "What do you think?"

"Huh?" Skylar shot up from the desk with a drowsy look in his eye. He had his head down on his desk for the last 30 or-so minutes in a half-sleep state until Lindy took the liberty to wake him up.

"I said, what do you think?" She repeated, flailing the paper around the air. Skylar squinted his eyes to get a good look at what was in front of him, but if you followed his line of sight you would see that he was looking at the clock behind Lindy—she noticed.

'2:44. Almost time to leave' He'd never understand the way time just slows when you're at school compared to the "1 second till midnight" at home. A stretch and a yawn were all that was needed to get the gears turning again in his brain, and soon enough he was back to full cognitive function. Good thing too, because he was aware enough to notice the look that Lindy was giving him.

It wasn't one of anger, annoyance, or disappointment, but it reminded him of the way his grandmother would have looked at him when he was being rude—just looking with narrowed, judging eyes. She had never looked at him like that before; she was always sparkling like a pink gem in beaming sunlight, but the way she's looking at him made him think otherwise. He didn't know why it felt like that.

"It looks good, okay?" He gave.

Upon hearing those words, Lindy's expression instantly reverted back to its usual appearance, "Aww~ Thank you, Skylar!" A casual praise then she was back to normal, and Skylar subconsciously gave a sigh of relief before reaching down to grab his bag from the floor.

"However," A voice spoke out, "You, Skylar Obadiah, act like you should treat other creatures with selfish intent, but under that shell you act the same way as any other empathetic creature, you're just not expressing it. But don't worry, I'll crack that shell and fix you right up. You'll be the most perfect one among us."

"Hmm?" He looked at Lindy.


"Did you say something?"

"Other than a thank you, nothing else." She looked at him with sparkling eyes, "Unless you want to talk with me more~?"

"No, no" He scratched the back of his neck, "I, uh, was just wondering, but it may have been my imagination"

"Oh, okay!" she went back to writing on the paper.

*Ding!* *Dong!*

'Oh, Finally'

"Alright, have a nice weekend" The teacher gave a farewell as the whole class packed their stuff.

Skylar let out a breath before taking the opportunity to leave first. He just wanted to go home and sleep for the rest of the day, something many people could relate to. On his way out though, he couldn't help but notice that Lindy was watching him leave the classroom. He large green eyes seemed to glow under the bangs of her hair that she stared at him through. It wasn't strange to see her staring him as she did it almost every day, but the way she looked at him currently was weirder than normal. But he decided to just ignore it, and continue on his way.

While walking down the halls of his school, he had another thought about the uncomfortable staring he endured, 'Were her eyes always so green? Could have sworn they were blue'
