

["Brother, what have I done to you?" The Abandoned Princess asked as tears starting to form on her eyes.

The Crown Prince glared at the person that was covered in mud. "Never call me brother. I will never acknowledge you."]

"What are you looking at?" The small prince snarled at me.

I couldn't blame him for harboring resentment towards the person who killed his mother. But to hate your sibling until you grow up that's pure stupidity.

Might as well change his feelings towards me, perhaps I have few chances in surviving this story.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Bring my mother back!"

"Then I should kill myself?"

He was taken aback. His glaring eyes were gone. "N-no."

"Should I disappear so you wouldn't be angry at me?" I knelt down in front of him.

"I. . . I don't know! Don't ask me!"

This child. . He also just wants to be loved.

I placed my hand on his head patting him.

"What are you doing?! Take your hand off me!" He shook his head vigorously that I had to remove my hand but place it back when he stopped moving.

We both kept doing it until the prince gives up from being exhausted.

"I'm sorry," I said. "You must be very lonely. I'm sorry for taking her away from you."

His eyes started to tear up.

"You really love her so much," I continued.

It wasn't a question but the boy answered as he cries, "Yes."

"I'm really sorry."

I pulled my handkerchief and started to wipe his tears after he stopped crying. He was being shy when I told him to blow since his nose was clogged with snot.

Adorable. It brought me to a smile.

He eventually did it after I told him I won't help him to get out of his current position. I then pushed him back where he came from when we heard someone was calling him.

"Princess, what are you doing there?" Haisley came back with freshly baked cookies and milk.

"I found something cute," I said and walked back to the tree.


"Yes. A bunny with gold eyes."

The next three days were raining that I had to stay indoors. I smiled in satisfaction after I perfectly drew the prince being stuck in the hedge.

"Oh my! You're amazing at drawing, princess," Haisley praised as she looks at the paper. But then when she looked at it more closer she recognized the person I drew. "Prince Aiden."

"Prince Aiden," I copied Haisley and wrote his name with yellow crayon. So that's what his name.

"Have you met him, princess?" Haisley worriedly asked.

I nodded and gave her my paper. "He got stuck in the garden."


I yawned and decided to sleep again even though I just woke up an hour ago. Since I have nothing to do might as well hibernate. And it continued for a month.