
Abandoned & Lost Stories

Real_Story_4626 · Realistic
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4 Chs

Mom says I'm stupid

"Where do you live?" I asked him

"Why are you sleeping on the ground?"

"Where are your parents? I asked him again, but he never been answer all of my questions to him.

He's siting in front of me while asking some question again and again. His hair was dirty and his clothes even dirtier. I found out that he living anywhere in a street and walking around in a park, and sleeping on the ground. That time when I saw him I think he was so hungry so we I took him to cafeteria, he ate enough for 3 people.

After a while. I bring him in my home. I said to him he was always welcome here, but he looked so scared. Then I asked him again a questions, but he was silent and said nothing.

I know he wasn't the first person who felt a heartbreak and didn't have a friends by his side and who didn't trust those who said they were trying to help him.

I said to him "You're safe here." Then he smiled at me.

"I hope you can talk to me." I said to him.

After a minutes he said, "I don't talk so good, I'm not smart and also my Mom said to me I'm stupid".

It was only a couple of sentences, but I suspected that John is tense, scared and hurt.

Then I asked him more questions about his life again.

"I loved my Dad. But she used to hit me when I'm doing bad and when he was drunk also. I wish he didn't die, I really wish he was here." He said

His father died because of a car accident. Then his Mother and his StepFather didn't want him. Even his grandparents doesn't want him. And also his other relatives doesn't want him too. He dropped out in his school and he has no friends at all.

"When my father died, no one would take me in, I lived in the street or park. I stole a food to eat and I didn't eat much." He said

"Is there's wrong with me?" John asking and asking and asking. "Why am I living like this. . . Why doesn't anyone love me. . . Am I suffering because I don't deserve anything better?"

I was silent that time and I hugged him.

I believe that there is an Easter for John. I will pray for him for making their way through their own.