
Makayla Uley

My mom was driving me to my dad's since I got in trouble back home I only punched a kid he was being a asshole so he got what he deserved but now I have to live with my dad I don't even know him that well he was never in my life so I'm just going to ignore him the whole time I'm there we pull in to a little cabin me and mom get out I grab my bags and walk with her to the front door someone opened it he was tall with muscle's and tan body

Mom- hi Sam

They hug and she pull's me in I roll my eyes

Sam- So Makayla I'm your dad

I roll my eyes my mom smacks the back of my head

Sam- So you will be staying here for a while until your mom is ready to have you back after what you did

I roll my eyes again

Sam- I do not like all this attitude I'm getting

Makayla- you wouldn't be getting it if I wasn't here

He looked at me shocked I talked back

Mom- she's all yours

My mom left and I stand with my bags I follow him to my room and set my stuff down and start unpacking I go back downstairs with my phone in my hand

Sam- Makayla no phones at the table we have friends over

I look up and look back down at my phone I heard Oh shit or damn he came over and took my phone

Makayla- hey! what the hell

Sam- watch your language young lady

I roll my eyes and sit back down playing with my hair

Sam- Makayla these are my friends there around your age that is Jared Embry Leah Quil Seth and Paul

I nod

Makayla- Can I have my phone back now

Sam- no you know what you lost it for a week

Makayla- what the hell man just because your my dad does not give you the right to tell me what to do were were you my whole life huh mom said you didn't want me so why am I here now!

Everyone was shocked and was quiet He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me to my room and shut the door I tried to open it but it was locked I start banging on the door crying I slide down the door with my knees to my chest (I hate being locked in places it gives me anxiety and memories come back to when my stepdad Josh used to hit me and lock me in rooms)

Sam Pov

I go back downstairs taking deep breaths

Paul- she has got some anger issues man

Sam- I know but she is right I was never there when I found out about her I was just now learning how to control myself

Embry- we understand man but it sounded like she doesn't like being locked in a room

Sam- I don't know what else to do it's her first day here and I already had to take her phone

Emily comes in and can feel the tension

Emily- what's going on

She said while coming over and sitting on my lap

Sam- my daughter being my daughter with her anger issues

Emily- I didn't know you had a daughter what's her name maybe I can help

Sam- well her name is Makayla and she has some serious anger issues she is worst than Paul and he has bad anger

Emily- wow worst than Paul

Makayla Pov

I cry on the floor while I hear them talking and having a good time I hear footsteps coming to my door I was sat beside the door curled in a ball the door opens and in comes a girl she shut the door and sat in front of me

Emily- Hi Makayla I'm Emily

I look at her

Emily- I just wanna help everything you say is between you and I why do you not like this door shut to were you can't get out

Makayla- My stepdad would beat me and hit me and lock me in room's and I couldn't get out and I just feel like Sam would do that to me I barely even know the guy

Emily- I understand Makayla my dad used to hit me to but I know for a fact that Sam would never in a million years hurt you ever he loves you even if it doesn't seem like it but he does and I know you don't know him that well so I'm hoping you will give him a chance

Makayla- Thank you Emily

I hug her and I sit up and walk out of the room and hug Sam he was shocked but hugs me back

Makayla- Sorry I was being a bitch sorry

Sam- It's ok but you still are grounded from your phone

Makayla- ok and I understand but I do wanna talk to you away from them

He nods and we go into my room and sit on my bed

Sam- what's up you can tell me anything

Makayla- I do not like being locked in here it reminds me of mom's boyfriend my stepdad he used to beat me and lock me in closed room and I could not get out and It just made me think you were like him

Sam- Oh honey I had no idea and I would never ever do anything to ever hurt you

I nod and hug him

Makayla- and I do wanna have a relationship with you where were not fighting over stupid shit sorry

Sam- I do to but I want to start with you working on the attitude

I nod and we go back downstairs the guys were still here I walk into the living room and start doing yoga

Emily- May I join

Makayla- sure

Me and Emily we doing yoga while the boys were being boys we finish and everyone came in and was watching us finish with the splits I went all the way day while Emily only went half way

Sam- you definitely got your flexibility from your mother

I laugh and do the side splits all the way everyone's jaw was open I stand up and my bone popped I laugh the boys were froze shocked I go up to my room and shower and Put on some black jeans and a yellow sweat shirt I walk downstairs and into the kitchen and make some toast with some ginger on it with some bananas I walk back into the living room and there was no room for me so I sat on Dad's lap eating my food

Seth- what the hell are you eating

Sam- hey language

Makayla- It is toast with some ginger and some bananas

He made a disgusted face I roll my eyes and finish eating and walk back into the kitchen and wash my dish and bump into Paul

Makayla- hey watch were your going

Paul- your the one who bumped into me

Makayla- No I didn't you bumped into me and almost made me fall don't lie

I push him out of my way I hear a low growl and look at him shaking and came over to me pushing me to the wall I push him back and I began to shake like crazy dad came in seeing us fight

Sam- hey! not in the house Paul Makayla follow me honey

He takes me outside and I hear my cloths rip and I'm on all four dad became a big wolf and began talking to me

"honey it's ok your a shapeshifter like me but your the new alpha" "but how your older than me" "your my daughter honey I was waiting till the time you turned and I guess today is the day" he bowed to me "dad how do I turn back "go in the woods and think about being human and you will turn back there should be clothes out there for you" I nod and walk in the wood and find some clothes I put them on and walk out and see my dad I go over to him |

Makayla- that was weird but just so I'm correct I'm the alpha and were shapeshifters

he nods and we walk back inside and I see Paul I growl but stop and listen to dad

Sam- ok boys as you know she has become the new alpha you give her the same respect you have for me

Paul- why the hell she is to young to lead I was the second in line it should be me

Sam- she is my blood she is my daughter she is alpha now

Paul rolled his eyes I growl and he stopped everyone nods It was getting late so I went up to my room and changed and went to bed

I woke up and showered and put on some black and white pants with a black crop topI walk downstairs and the boys were here obviously I walk in the kitchen and see Emily cooking I smile and hug her

Makayla- what are you making today

Emily- some eggs bacon

Makayla- yum

I walk in the living room and sit Between Seth and Jared I take the remote away from Jared and he growled And I did back and he stopped I put on Never have I ever and they both were watching confused

Seth- wait so she had a crush on Paxton since 3rd grade and she was finally dating him but she was playing him while she was dating someone else to and when they went to a party they found out and broke it off with her

Makayla- ya that pretty much sums it up

Jared- this show is so confusing

Makayla- no it's not you just can't keep up with drama

he rolled his eyes and dad came in at the wrong time and seen people making out

Sam- wow this looks a bit much for you Kayla

I smile at the nickname

Makayla- you just came in at the wrong time

Sam- anyways your going to school with the boys tomorrow

Makayla- why can't I just stay at home

Sam- cause you need school and you need to keep an eye for Jacob we think he might be close to turning

Makayla- fine but I'm not walking

Sam- I know cause Paul and Jared will be picking you up every day

I nod and get in the shower and change into come Pajamas and go to sleep

I woke up the next morning and showered and put on some blue ripped jeans and a red jacket I go downstairs and see Paul and Jared waiting outside I grab my bag and an apple and walk out the door and get in there car Jared starts driving we get to the school and see the other's everyone was looking at me but I ignored them and stayed confident and walked with the boys behind me we walked in the school with everyone staring at me and I heard "is she the new leader to the cult/ she's hot I wonder if she will go out with me" I got to my locker our lockers were all in a row someone came up to me

Bryce- hi I'm Bryce wanna go out on a date with me

Makayla- I'll pass I don't go out with assholes like you

I heard people say oooo or oh shit he just got rejected

Bryce- come on baby girl I know you want me

He came closer holding my waist I punch him in his face he fell passed out I was sent to the principle's office

Principle- On the first day you already hit someone

Makayla- he was touching me and I didn't like it

Principle- well your dad is on his way wait in the hall

I walk out and wait

Embry- what did you do

Makayla- this asshole named Bryce was touching me and I didn't like it so I punched him

Embry- he deserved it anyways I have to go to class Sam should be waiting outside

I nod and grab my bag and walk outside and get in dad's car

Makayla- I swear it wasn't my fault he was touching me and I didn't like it so I punched him

Sam- I'm not mad at you I understand why you did it

I nod and he drove home we walk in and Paul was home to I look at him and he looked at me we both froze looking in each other's eyes I looked away shocked and went up to my room and started my homework dad came in and handed me my phone back and sat on my bed with me

Sam- so there is one things I didn't tell you about being a wolf we have this thing call Imprinting it mean like when you look in there eyes your home gravity isn't holding you to earth it's them you would do anything be anything for them

Makayla- sounds like you know the feeling

Sam- ya I did on Emily a while ago and I think you and Paul just Imprinted on each other

Makayla- so me and him are bound to be together even if we don't want to

Sam- well it's like this if your sad or mad he will be able to feel that same with him and if either one of you feels pain so will the other and being apart with hurt more than anything in the world

Makayla- so your saying I have permission to date him

He nods I hug him and he left and Paul came in I was putting my home work up and I looked at him

Paul- so we Imprinted on each other

Makayla- ya but I don't want to rush into anything I want us to take it slow

He nods and sits on my bed

Paul- so Makayla will you be my girlfriend

Makayla- I would love to Paul

We kiss and he went back downstairs so I could change I change into a red sweat shirt and some black ripped jeans I go downstairs and smile at Paul and go into the kitchen

Makayla- Do you need any help Emily

Emily- Nope But you could keep me company and tell me what's going on with you and Paul

I smile and look over at Paul and back at Emily

Makayla- we Imprinted on each other and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes but I told him I wanna take it slow cause my experience with guys isn't the greatest I of course didn't tell him that part

Emily- I understand and you can tell him when your ready and I'm happy for you

She hug's me I hug her and smile

Makayla- And I know your with my dad and I'm ok with it you guys seem really happy together

Emily- ya we are but I didn't want to tell you right when you got here I didn't know how you would react

Makayla- I get it and I respect that old pissed off me would flip out but being here has changed me for the good I mean I still have these anger issues but I'm working on it and Paul is a big help with the anger and I also help him

Emily- that's the Imprint talking we have the power to calm them down instantly same with them

Makayla- It's crazy cause when I was coming here I was going to ignore everything now look at me

She smiles I go and sit on Paul's lap

Paul- hey beautiful

Makayla- hey handsome

Sam looked at us and at me

Makayla- ok dad all this staring isn't going to slide it's weird

Sam- I know just making sure he doesn't hurt you you have been threw a lot

I look down

Sam- sorry I thought you told him

Makayla- It's ok I might as well tell him come on Baby

I bring him up to my room and sit on my bed with him

Paul- You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to

Makayla- no you need to know

He nods listening to me

Makayla- So I don't really have a good experience with guys so I want to take things slow but I wanna tell you why

Paul- Whenever your ready I'm listening

Makayla- my stepdad Josh he used to beat me hit me and lock me in room it got to were I would have anxiety in room's with doors shut and even in cars and sometimes when I meet new people mostly guys I think about how they could be like him I know you wouldn't hurt me none of you would but I just thought you should know

He hugs me tight

Paul- I would never ever hurt you none of us would and I'm so so sorry you had to go threw that and I'm here for you if you ever need me or if your sad mad I'm always here for you

I tear up and hug him again

Makayla- Thank you for understanding and I'm always here for you to

We smile at each other and kiss and go back into the living room I sit on his lap Jake came in and looked at us

Jake- when did this happen

Makayla- we Imprinted on each other

He nods and sat next to us looking at me

Makayla- what do you want Jake

Jake- so you remember Bella Swan

Makayla- The leech lover ya

He rolled his eyes and I hit him and he stopped

Jake- can I bring her over tomorrow

Makayla- ya no no way in hell she runs with vampires

Jake- come on please

Makayla- I said no

I say with the alpha tone and he stopped

It was getting late and the boys were leaving me and Paul kiss and he left I went up to my room and changed into Pajamas and go to bed

Next chapter