
Strange Wolves

Alayah's POV

I woke up crying and shaking again, but Lilac comforted me along with her scolding me, her saying "I told you so" I looked at her with a dirty look. "Pull over. We can switch you need to rest" Lilac looked at me with her lip pouting "aw you really do love me" I rolled my eyes "yeah yeah, just pull over" she pulled over off the road, next to some woods and we switched places.

"I can smell some wolves near by, and theirs plenty of woods I could build my house isolated from humans. We should go see if they have any lots for sale" she looked at me and smiled "yeah" she said sounding a bit off I took off with the car "what's wrong?" She looked at me again "I was thinking..." making a right turn I glanced at her "thinking..." I asked turning back to the road. "I was wondering if maybe...I could stay with you for a bit." She said unsure. I chuckled "that's what you were so unsure about?"

I didn't know why she even felt like she had to ask she's the only person I like to keep around. I then started laughing she looked at me embarrassed "well yeah, I know you preferred to be al-" cutting her off again I said "I like to be alone from OTHER people not you. Your like my sister and I would do anything for you. You know that, and you also know that I hate it when you act like this don't be afraid to ask me things" her eyes started to water. "I'm sorry it's just been tough lately" I looked at her with a sympathetic face "I know I'm sorry if I was being too stern. I just don't want you to feel as if I'm a stranger we've known each other for a long time, you shouldn't be hiding in your shell still Lilac" I said with worry. "Your right. I'll try to do better" she sniffed at the end but I knew she was starting to go back to her normal self I slowed down looking to my right "well this seems to be the only house for miles" I pulled In their driveway. Their driveway was a dirt road with trees surrounding it it felt like we were driving for 10 minutes before we actually reached the house.

"you stay in the car and get some rest" I opened the door "bu-" I looked at her "no buts. I'll be fine. Stay." I got out and closed the door just before I could start walking my phone rang. "What do you want Aaron?" I said "heyyyyy Aalayah babyyy where are you? I need you to come pick me uppp I'm at the club" he said slurring his words I scoffed "excuse me? How about your drunk ass calls your new girlfriend to do that. I'm in a different state." I said frustrated "huh? What girlfrienddd?" Now I was mad, fucking idiot "look Aaron I don't have time for your bullshit. You call me again and I'm cutting off your dick and feeding it to your new girlfriend!" I yelled. "Ba-" I hung up gosh does he make me want to pull my hair out!

I put my phone in my pocket and started walking to their front door. I walked up the few steps and knocked on the door. I waited for a few more seconds before knocking again. A man cracked open the door but with part of his body sticking out "can I help you?" He said darkly "sorry for bothering you but I was wondering if you had any lots for sale" I said sheepishly he looked me up and down then he smirked.

"GREYSON!" I looked at him my brows furrowed wondering who the hell Greyson was and why he was calling him. "I don't own the place, my big bro does" he stated. As we were waiting I realized what wolves I was smelling, I could smell him perfectly now. Shit... i can't believe I didn't realize this. That means we're in his territory, just as I said that a voice said "what the hell do you want Tyler? I was in the middle of something." Tyler opened the door enough for me to see them both, damn were they tall.

"This little lady was wondering if we had any lots for sale" Greyson was now in the doorway. He didn't say anything he just stood their with his face filled with confusion. Tyler looked at him "brother." Greyson looked back at Tyler then looked back at me "we have about six lots opened a few miles away from here. The lots are a little deeper in the woods than our house. I'll put some shoes on and I guess Tyler and me will show you." And with that he left my heart started to feel a slight tug to it. I furrowed my brows confused. Then all of then sudden it stopped, I looked up to see Greyson walking down his stairs. Maybe it was because I didn't take my pills I should go take them. Tyler walked out the door Greyson following him.

"Hey can you give me a sec?" Tyler and Greyson exchanged looks then Tyler spoke up "sure" I walked back the the car opened the driver side door. I opened my compartment and took my pills, closing the door I realized they were staring at me. "Uhm? Can we go now?" I said feeling a bit uncomfortable. Greyson and Tyler exchanged looks again Tyler cleared his throat "Yeah sorry about that" he and his brother started walking into the woods and I followed. We were walking for about an hour before we arrived. Greyson said "this is the only other area with the trees cleared out if you like being near people I wouldn't buy the lot. People aren't close for about another 13 miles" I chucked "not a people person either huh?" He looked at me and gave me a small smile "not at all" I glanced at the ground.

Gosh why did he have to be so hot! "How much for the lots?" I asked. He looked at me "it's about 50,000" I looked at him confused "that's it?" He chuckled "Many people don't come out here so I thought why not make it cheap?" I thought to myself didn't he say he wasn't a people person? "I'll take it, are you okay with a check?" Tyler looked at Greyson "checks are fine." I smiled "great! Unfortunately I don't have my checkbook with me right now it's in my car..." Tyler looked at me.

"let's make our way back. Who knows what's out here" he said with a tease and with that Tyler started walking so I followed with Greyson behind me "What like the boogeyman?" I joked Tyler glanced back at me "something like that..." I snickered then I felt as if someone was watching me I stoped in my tracks I smelled her now. I started to walk again so I didn't cause attention to myself to play it off I chuckled. We made it back to their house and I made my way to the car.

I looked at Lilac to make sure she was okay and opened the glove department to grab the checkbook and a pen. I closed the door and started writing "you said 50,000 correct?" Greyson spoke "yeah..." I signed the check book. Then I saw Tyler wasn't there "where's Tyler?" Greyson looked at me "uh... he went to get the paperwork" my vison started to blur. My mouth had the metallic taste. I knew what this meant. Shit.

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