
Aahva's trio

Aahva's life is full of adventure. She met a lot of people. Every time her luck fail to get perfect loved one. She always feel lack of love. She met nik and prans. Both are in love with her. Will she get into love or will she into a huge trouble? Will her life get some turning point?

EktaMehta · Urban
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52 Chs

chapter -32

They start to have breakfast. Nik watches her table manners. She looks like a pure elegant girl. He thinks she is something which i can't get through. he will approach her slowly.

Aahva" why are you watching me like this?"

Nik" can't i watch you?"

Aahva" Yes you can but after completing breakfast we have lots of time to see each other."

Nik smiled.

After the breakfast

Nik" Mishi, I have done all arrangements so it will not bother you much. Just some formalities needed so you have to go passport office. I have some work at office so i will join you later. And listen i talk with Bella so you don't have to involve yourself with her. From now on you live with me. your bag will collect in the noon by my assistant so don't worry. complete all the formalities and take detour if you want. Ruhi will guide you."

Aahva" Nik i don't want to stay here. I mean it's not good. if anyone knows it will be not good for you as well."

Nik scratches his head with car keys and thinks something" you don't have to worry about it we will leave the city within 2 days for the project. so stay here we will discuss it after return."

Aahva " Nik should i enroll for my college? "

Nik " yes, go Ruhi will accompany you. "

Aahva want to speak something but thinks how to start.

Nik " anything else you need?"

Aahva" hmmmm... should i get some money before project?"

Nik casually take a card from his pocket and give it to her. Nik "take this card. password is 1934. you can use wherever you want. it's limitless."

Aahva shocked " please i don't want any kind of this. i would prefer my own money which only belongs to me by my hard work."

Nik" ok then give me a kiss. isn't it hard work for you?"

Aahva "you..."

Nik " yes me???"

Aahva" Nik.."

Nik" ok ok take it easy. i was just joking. You can return when you have your own ways. till then take it." Nik smiled.