

Theia, a world shaped by the convergence of diverse energies known as the Supernatural Tide, is home to a society empowered by the awakening of a System. This event, occurring 2000 years ago, brought forth gates to other worlds, mysterious dungeons, and a towering structure known as "The Tower." The awakening of individuals, granting them access to supernatural powers and abilities.

Oldfaithconspiracy · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Long time ago, even before the establishment of academies, Shinji Takanashi formed the Adventurer Organization to provide a means of earning for weaker awakened individuals who were oppressed by the federation.

Later, he arrived in this continent previously known as monster continent, after killing every single one of them, he decided to built a safe haven here just for unawakeneds.

For quite a few years, things went well, the federation didn't bothered him for a while, the unawakeneds found a place they could call home, it was a moment of peace.

Before it all quickly went downhill...

The federation found lack in labours for meager tasks, realizing this they demanded the good for nothing unawakeneds to come back and start working.

When rejected, they declared them enemy of the planet and launched a crusade, but were unable to win as quickly as they thought.

Turns out, some unawakeneds just need time, not only that, they turned out to be stronger than even the above average awakeneds.

This war continued for quite a while, until it arrived.

A magnificent towering structure known as the Tower arrived in the southern most continent.

There, the federation acquired various tools and blueprints, ancient knowledge that allowed them to get rid of the weak unawakeneds more efficiently.

Of course, on the end, the didn't managed to defeat Shinji, but at that point it was all over, everything he fought for.

Since they couldn't defeat him, the federation made a treaty, they wanted the continent as well as Shinji to guard the federation, in return; they will make a policy against discrimination towards unawakeneds.

He agreed but also asked for the central part of the continent, which after some exchange, they agreed upon.

Now, although the central continent is seen as the top academy; there's no pride in Shinji's heart.

In his mind; he was the one who caused the death of 40 million peoples.

"Despite how much I try, it looks impossible to remove this pride from these childrens, who, their entire life have lived with the ideology of... " Shinji kept going while looking outside his window.

'Man! WTF? Why is he keep going? I don't remember writing anything afterwards when that mc was here instead, it was a few minutes skip! '

"So, Lenar Augustus, I have a request from you" He then looked back with a serious expression.

"I want you, to be the tenth banner master and represent the Central academy"



While the federation officers are divided in three category, they are also further divided into squads known as banner.

This intricate banner system within the federation officers operates with a hierarchy that mirrors a disciplined military structure.

At the foundation, you have the Bannered officers, the dedicated individuals who have aligned themselves with a specific banner. These officers form the backbone, undergoing missions and assignments under the banner's directive.

Moving up the ladder, the Squad Leaders are responsible for leading smaller units within the banner(which is 9). Their role involves tactical planning, coordination, and ensuring the successful execution of missions. It's a position that demands strategic thinking and leadership skills.

Beyond that, the Group leader oversees a large number of group, around 500,they usually take part in raids,crusades and other battles of large scales.

At the pinnacle of this structured hierarchy stands the esteemed Banner Master. This individual holds the highest authority within a banner, overseeing all operations and making critical decisions, one of which is deploying a squad or group, and weather or not to deploy any.

The Banner Master's responsibility extends to the overall success and reputation of the banner, and their leadership is crucial for maintaining their banner's strength and order.

Each banner, whether under a principal or a world leader, operates autonomously, contributing to the collective might of the federation.

Lenar was a big fan of Waraxe 69k, so if any of you are wondering where he got this idea... It from there.

Currently, there are nine banners, four of them belongs to the other four principals and the other 5 being the world leaders'.

And yes, they are the empyreans.


"I'll get your post changed and arrange for a residential area for you here. You should go and quickly establish your banner," Shinji said with a smile, urging Lenar to do so now that he had agreed.


"Well, I am heading out then, see ya old man!" Clasping his hands, Lenar disappeared.

"Old man?" Shaking his head, Lenar lrt out a weak smile.

"Sir, about the request he made..... " The butler who left a moments ago came back a a file in his hand.

He then handed them to Shinji.

"Hmm, so these are the students he wants me to poach during the examination.... Huh? "

[Name: Alden Sanguinius]

[Date of birth: 30/5/2007]

[Status: Unawakened]


"But, before that, there's something that needs to be done," Lenar muttered, looking down on a road while flying above.

From the skies, Lenar observed the unfolding scene below. A confrontation was brewing between Alden, one of the main leads, and an imposing figure accompanied by a mocking voice, which despite being this far, Lenar could easily hear.

The situation seemed dire for Alden, who, worn-out from intensive training that he does.

As the figure revealed himself, Lenar recognized him to be one of the students associated with one of Alden's classmates.

'He must have been sent by Elijah' Lenar pondered as the assailant approached Alden with malicious intent.

There wasn't any resistance....

Alden tries to inquire about the assailant's identity, which only resulted in him being subjected to pain of higher magnitude, but despite this, Alden remained conscious, which, Lenar didn't liked.

'Man, just fall down already, unless you want t-'.


'There it is'

Suddenly, a swift sound cut through the air and Lenar saw the assailant closing in on Alden, who, fatigued and battered, struggled to evade the impending assault.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of powerful strikes followed, leaving Alden on the verge of unconsciousness.

"Fucking bastard! Why do you make me do extra work?" the assailant exclaimed, lifting Alden's unconscious body with little effort.

Lenar, still observing from above, follow after them.