
A & X

(Alessandro & Xaviera Series. Book 1) Alessandro loves a wayward lady, Violeta. His family doesn't approve of their relationship. His grandmother then finds the beautiful daughter of her friend from the countryside him to marry. Rosetta, his grandmother believes that countryside women make good wives. Rosetta is obsessed with this countryside lady to the extent that, if Alessandro refuses to marry her, Rosetta would suffer a heart attack, which might kill her eventually. Alessandro still loves Violeta and swears never to leave her. Read to find out what happens between Alessandro, Violeta and the countryside girl, Xaviera.

I_do_write_romance · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 7

As Alessandro and Xaviera walked downstairs, all eyes were staring at them, accompanied by smiling lips. Everyone present downstairs stared at them. Rosetta was the happiest, seeing her dreams almost coming through was just perfect.

"Hey there!" Rafaela greeted. Alessandro tried to smile, but it was difficult, even though he tried multiple times. He just had to look delighted. This was the only way to keep his granny happy.

"Aww! Look at the two love birds! If Sandro had tucked his hands in Xaviera's, it would have been perfect." Rosetta said. Sandro knew what his grandmother meant. He just had to do everything that would make Rosetta happy.

He slipped his hand into Xaviera's, pulling her close to him. He could kill two birds with one stone. He could please his grandma, and hurt Xaviera as well.

Xaviera shivered in Sandro's grasp. She just wished that she could scream out her plight to everyone, to tell them that Sandro and her didn't like each other. But if she dared, her mother would have been heart broken, so she just had to play along with Sandro.

"You guys should come this way, your tables have been set specially. Come." Rafaela called them. She walked to a table for two, not quite far from the long family dining table.

Sandro and Xaviera tailed behind Rafaela, as she led them to the sizeable table. "Take your seats, Xaviera, you are in charge!" She said as she left both Sandro and Xaviera standing.

Sandro sat down, as Xaviera did same shyly.

"You expect me to serve myself?" Sandro scoffed. Xaviera took a plastic spatula, as she placed some portion of a foreign dish on Sandro's plate. She never made any eye contact.

As she placed some food on her plate, she couldn't take a bite, because she could sense Sandro staring at her. Nervousness flowed along with her blood.

"Ain't you guys eating? Or are you gonna keep on admiring each other over there?" Rosetta teased.

Sandro ignored his grandma, still staring at Xaviera. He knew the impact his stares had on her, but, that was what he wanted. Xaviera picked up a spoon, as she took a bite from the food.

"Local bitch! You should be using a fork and a knife, you are in the city, don't you remember?" Sandro whispered to her. She dropped her spoon, as she picked a set of cutlery, a fork and a knife to be precise.

She placed them in the wrong hands, causing Sandro to chuckle. "This is so bad! Look at who they want me to marry. So local..." He laughed.

Xaviera was so embarrassed. She didn't understand why Sandro was laughing. 'Maybe my food is too much, shoulda reduce it?' She thought to herself.

"You are still making the same mistake, you have misplaced your cutlery!" He laughed. Xaviera thought he meant she wasn't holding them well, so she grabbed them firmly.

"Tsw, fool. The fork is supposed to be on your left." He stated. Xaviera exchanged them embarrassingly. She never thought there was a rule for using a fork and a knife. She made these mistakes back at college, and all the times she was with Antonio, her boyfriend.

"Local girl!" He mocked.

Sandro turned to look if his family were watching them. No, they were not. He let out a sigh.

"Try changing the mind of your mother. As for me, if I marry you, you'd just be one ordinary person to me. I can have a secret wedding with Violeta. Easy right?" He told her. All Xaviera could do was to open her eyes in shock. Secret wedding?

She continued eating, as she suffered whilst using the fork and the knife.

"Be fast, we still have to bath." He reminded her.