
Forest of Mugha

In the dense, mist-shrouded Swamp Forest of Mugha, a place forever veiled in fog and shadows, the towering trees blot out the sky. Here, in this eternally dim realm, discerning day from night is impossible without scaling the lofty heights of the ancient trees. This forest, teeming with monsters lurking in every shadow, has become a treacherous training ground for adventurers seeking to prove their mettle and earn their fortune. The swamp's high concentration of mana imbues even the youngest of its monsters with valuable traits, making them coveted targets for hunters.

Deep within this foreboding forest, an army of Lizardmen prepares for battle. Their muscular bodies, covered in tough skin that blends hues of blue and orange, exude strength and resilience. Each one stands over six feet tall, armed with spears and shields, a formidable force to behold.

Among them stands their leader, Itho, a giant among his kin. His grey-blue skin is adorned with shiny scales, and he towers over nine feet tall, wielding a massive bone blade with a commanding presence. As he addresses his army, his voice resonates with a mixture of rage and resolve. With three powerful strikes to the ground, he commands their undivided attention.

"Everyone!" Itho bellows, raising his blade high. "The humans have gone too far!" His fist clenches as he recounts their suffering. "Our wives! Our children! Dead! Poisoned by the humans!" He paces forward, his anger palpable. "We have tolerated their presence, yet they dare to attack us!" With a fierce punch, he splits a small mountain in half. "To survive, we must expand beyond our forest!"

His words ignite a fiery response from the Lizardmen. Weapons raised, they roar in unison, their fury echoing through the swamp. "Humans are to blame for our losses! We shall claim what is theirs!"

As Itho commands them to march, the rhythmic pounding of their tails against the ground and water creates a formidable cadence, warning all other creatures to keep their distance.

Turning to address his brother, Loir, Itho nods solemnly. "Brother Loir, ensure our remaining women and children are safe. This is a fight for our very survival." 

As the Lizardmen army marches through the Swamp Forest of Mugha, Loir approaches Itho with a grave expression. "Brother Itho," he begins, his voice laced with concern, "the situation is dire. We don't have enough females to sustain our population. We risk extinction unless we consider breeding with another race."

Itho's reaction is immediate and visceral. His fists clench tightly, his sharp nails digging into his own flesh. "Wise Brother Loir," he responds, his voice tinged with resentment, "we have no choice but to turn to the humans. Though we've never interbred with them, ancient tales from our ancestors suggest it's possible." The disgust is evident in his voice as he adds, "Those humans dare to slaughter our kin! We cannot let this atrocity go unpunished."

Loir, ever the voice of reason, nods in understanding but cautions, "Strong Brother Itho, I share your anger, but we mustn't underestimate humans. Some among them are formidable."

Itho's tail slams against the ground in a display of defiance. "Those humans are no match for my strength. Every human who dared enter our realm was weak. I never needed to fight them to know this. Their cowardly act of poisoning our food proves their weakness and disgrace." His voice booms with conviction, echoing his disdain for the human race.

Outside the Swamp Forest of Mugha, the scene is drastically different from the dense, misty woods. A vast expanse of grassland stretches out for miles, under the open sky. Here, a military encampment has been set up, with dozens of soldiers stationed around the perimeter, their postures rigid and expressions stern.

Adventurers, frustrated and tired from their journey, confront the soldiers. "What do you mean we can't enter!? We're from the guild, this place is open to us!" exclaims one adventurer, visibly agitated.

Another adventurer joins in, his voice laced with annoyance. "Oi, you soldier! We don't care who you work for. We've come a long way and we're getting through!" His frustration echoes the sentiment of his companions.

A particularly tall and muscular adventurer steps forward, towering over the soldiers. "That's right, let us through. Don't make us hurt you," he threatens, his tone icy.

One soldier, seemingly unfazed by the size difference, coolly steps up. He lifts his hand and firmly grasps the towering adventurer's shoulder, squeezing it so tightly that the man drops to his knee in pain. "Shit! Stop, that fucking hurts! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" the man yelps in agony.

The soldier, his voice unwavering, commands, "Head back to the nearest village. The Swamp Forest of Mugha is temporarily closed. It should reopen in a few days. Now leave." The adventurers, nursing their pride and their pain, retreat hastily, grumbling but powerless to resist.

Suddenly, the arrival of a carriage disrupts the tense atmosphere. "Stop! Identify yourself!" the same soldier calls out, standing guard.

A figure emerges from the carriage, exuding an air of authority that immediately commands respect. The soldier, recognizing the man, drops to his knees, completely overpowered by his presence. "I-it's an honor to meet you, Commander Neo!" he stammers, awe-struck.

Commander Neo, a man who looks to be in his late twenties with striking grey hair and eyes, stands tall at six feet. His demeanor is calm and collected, betraying no emotion. He strides past the soldier into the camp, where every other soldier bows in profound respect.

Commander Neo, with a deep exhale, approaches the command tent, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. The tent flap opens, revealing the interior where a man sits in contemplation. This man possesses an intense aura. His piercing blue eyes and a mix of black and brown hair give him a formidable presence, one that could intimidate even the fiercest of beasts. He sits, lost in his thoughts, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table.

Neo enters and bows respectfully. "I have confirmed the numbers to be around 50 to 60 thousand. I can handle the situation within a couple of days," he reports, his voice steady.

The man, however, seems distant, unresponsive to Neo's words. "Sir Duke," Neo tries again, but there's no reaction. Raising his voice slightly, he calls out, "Duke Alister!"

Startled, the Duke finally snaps out of his reverie. "No," he mutters, more to himself than to Neo, rubbing his beard in deep thought. "She'll be leaving in a couple of days. I need to prepare..." he trails off, his mind clearly elsewhere.

Suddenly, Duke Alister stands, making a decisive statement. "I don't have a couple of days. I'll handle this matter myself."

Neo exhales, a hint of frustration in his breath. "As you command, but... I don't think she'll care," he says, trying to bring some practicality to the Duke's apparent distraction.

Duke Alister rubs his forehead, a gesture of acknowledgment mixed with resignation. "I know, I know. But it doesn't matter," he replies, his tone resolute. Picking up a wooden sword, he strides out of the tent.

As Duke Alister emerges, the soldiers in the camp instinctively drop to their knees, trembling slightly at his gaze. The Duke, however, pays them no heed. With a single, swift step, he vanishes from sight. 


Duke Alister materializes near the Swamp Forest of Mugha, his mind a whirlwind of intense paternal concern. He meanders through the forest, his hand absentmindedly stroking his beard, his thoughts racing with fervent worry. 'Am I doing the right thing?' he agonizes internally. 'Sending her away... it's tearing me apart. I know she needs to grow, to see the world, but... am I failing her as a father?'

He's so engrossed in his turmoil that he barely registers the ominous sounds of the Lizardmen army nearby. 'She's everything to me,' he ruminates, his heart heavy with a father's love and fear. 'I've got to ensure she's safe, equipped, and prepared. But is pushing her away the answer? What if she feels abandoned, or worse, in danger?'

Unbeknownst to him, his presence in the forest has not gone unnoticed by the Lizardmen. As they prepare to attack this lone human intruder, Itho, suddenly commands, "Stop!" He strides forward, causing the ground to shake with the rhythmic swishing of tails.

The Duke's pacing becomes more erratic, his forehead creased with lines of deep thought and concern. 'I must think of everything – her safety, her comfort. Does she have enough clothes? Will she miss her favorite meals? Oh, and her blanket.'

As he paces back and forth, pondering over his daughter's future and well-being, the Lizardmen watch him warily, weapons at the ready. Itho eyes the Duke suspiciously, wondering about the human's intentions. "Wise Brother Loir," he turns to his sibling, "what is this human trying to do?"

Loir, scratching his scales, surmises, "Strong Brother Itho, it might be a ploy to delay us. They sent just one man, perhaps planning a feigned negotiation. We should eliminate him."

Meanwhile, Duke Alister's internal debate intensifies. 'She's growing up too fast. Have I been too protective? But how can I not be? She's my little girl. Sending her to the elves... Elves can be tricky and rude, but she's made friends now.' His mind drifts to her companions, 'They are a peculiar bunch, but one of them seems to be smart. Although I don't like that she made friends with a man, he doesn't stand a chance, she would never like a man like him right?'

In the tense standoff between Duke Alister and the Lizardmen army, the air is thick with impending conflict. Itho gives a decisive command. "Strong brothers! Kill this human!" His voice booms across the forest, echoing a command for attack.

But Duke Alister, lost in his own world of paternal concerns, remains oblivious to the danger he's in. 'Dammit! I need to go see her right now,' he thinks, consumed by the urgency to be with his daughter. Looking up, he absentmindedly mutters, "I'm sorry, I didn't notice you," while absentmindedly brandishing his wooden sword.

In that moment, something extraordinary happens. As the Duke slices through the air, a fine red line traces the path of his sword. He turns around, his thoughts shifting to something as mundane as, 'Oh, I should get her some coconuts.' Behind him, an unbelievable scene unfolds – everything within a certain radius around him, including the Lizardmen, is perfectly bisected. Plants, debris, and creatures alike are cleanly cut, leaving a scene of eerie precision and devastation.

Itho, by some stroke of luck or sheer reflex, manages to evade the deadly strike. He falls to his knees, his eyes wide with shock and terror. "N-no, no, no, no..." he stammers, his gaze fixed on the carnage before him. The sight of his fallen brothers, now lifeless and divided, brings him to the brink of despair.

"My brothers!" he cries out, tears streaming down his face as he kneels amidst the ruin. His grief is palpable, a mix of sorrow and a burning desire for retribution. "Brothers!" His cry is a mournful lament for his lost kin, each word heavy with emotion.

As he kneels there, surrounded by the aftermath of the Duke's unknowing wrath, Itho makes a solemn vow, fueled by his anguish and the need for vengeance. "I promise to get revenge on these humans!" he declares, his voice trembling with a mixture of grief and determination.


Neo, his expression a mix of frustration and concern, finds himself teleported alongside Duke Alister, appearing just outside the turmoil of the Swamp Forest. He lets out a resigned sigh, his forehead creased with worry. "I asked you not to cause a scene," he chides, his voice tinged with disappointment. "We don't even know why they suddenly prepared for war. Why did you kill them? Do you realize how chaotic the forest will become now?"

Duke Alister, typically unresponsive to confrontation, avoids eye contact. Despite his position, he often defers to Neo, who handles most of the challenging situations on his behalf. "I-I'm going to see Isadora now," he mutters almost guiltily before vanishing, leaving Neo to contemplate the aftermath.

Meanwhile, Isadora, is fully absorbed in her training. She swings her sword with relentless precision, her count reaching into the thousands. The gymnasium, a testament to her father's love and concern, rivals even the best facilities of the royal family. Yet, her face remains impassive, devoid of any emotion, as she continues her unyielding routine.

Duke Alister, after knocking, enters the gym to find Isadora utterly engrossed in her training, oblivious to his presence. He smiles gently, watching her. "How are you?" he asks, though he receives no response. Moving to the table, he continues, "You will be part of the group going to the Elf kingdom. Don't worry, I've arranged for your friends to join you." Still, Isadora remains silent, her focus unbroken as she strikes at the training dummy.

The Duke's smile warms as he observes her. 'Has she developed a new footwork technique, or did she create one herself? I'm so proud of her,' he thinks, admiration clear in his gaze. He approaches her, tenderly wiping the sweat from her brow. "Dinner will be ready soon. Ah, look what I brought you." He reveals a pile of coconuts, yet Isadora's expression remains unchanged.

Setting the coconuts on the table, he adds, "I'll see you at dinner," before exiting the gym. As soon as the door closes behind him, a subtle shift occurs in Isadora. She turns towards the coconuts, her gaze lingering on them even as she continues her rigorous training. Eventually, she approaches the table and picks up a coconut, drinking from it silently.

Fun Fact: Duke Alister did not use any technique.

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