

Professor Elarion forms another intricate magic circle, illustrating his next point with the ease of long practice. "Affinities can affect how fast and strong an attack becomes, with the added benefit of lower mana costs." As he speaks, he casts an animation spell, causing the plants around the classroom to come to life, intertwining and playfully interacting with each other. The students watch, fascinated, but Elarion redirects their attention back to the lesson at hand. "Some people have multiple affinities, and others have none. As a mage, it doesn't matter. Can anyone tell me why?" His gaze sweeps over the class, briefly landing on Kael.

Kael, sensing the shift in focus, suppresses a yawn, 'Does he want me to answer?' His curiosity about the professor's approach to magic is piqued, yet he remains silent, observing his peers' reactions. At the front of the class, two students eagerly raise their hands. One is a young elf with white curly hair and soft green eyes; the other, a girl with shoulder-length pink hair and distinctive blue eyes, one noticeably lighter than the other.

Professor Elarion acknowledges the boy, "Aldon, go ahead." Aldon, slightly hesitant but eager to contribute, answers, "If someone is incapable of improving and progressing their magic without an affinity, they shouldn't be a mage to begin with." His voice lacks conviction, betraying his uncertainty.

The girl, however, speaks with a confident tone, cutting through the room's growing murmur. "Affinities do not define what a mage is capable of. If I'm correct, Professor, you must be referring to white magic." Her professionalism stands out, marking her as someone with a deep understanding of the subject.

The professor nods, a hint of dissatisfaction in his expression as he surveys the classroom. "Although you are right, does anyone know what exactly white magic is? This is your next lesson, so if you have anything you want to share, feel free to do so." The room falls silent; no hands rise, prompting Kael to sigh inwardly, 'The class is moving too slow.' He raises his hand, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.

"White magic, pure magic, true magic. It goes by multiple names depending on the region," Kael explains, his voice steady. "It's the same concept: magic that doesn't use affinities." Demonstrating, he lifts a finger and creates a thin string of mana. "Unless you're a high-ranked mage, this form of magic doesn't have firepower. For most mages, it's used to create strong shields, analyze, seal, etc... These spells can be used by all mages as long as they have decent mana control." He finishes, hoping his contribution might speed up the lesson, 'Maybe he'll let me out early.'

But Kael's intervention has unintended consequences. "That's right, all mages are capable of using white magic," Professor Elarion confirms, prompting a flutter of admiration from the students, especially the girls. "Oh my~ he's smart in magic as well? Isn't he a martial artist?" one whispers. Another adds, "No wonder our sweet Lúthien fell for him. She's always working so hard, so seeing someone like him must have lit her up." A third chimes in, "That's right, there aren't many people on her level, and the boys on her level are horrible." Kael mentally curses his predicament, 'Fuck... I messed up, I should stay quiet from here on out.'

Ignoring the rising whispers, Professor Elarion continues, "White magic is composed of both complicated and simple magic circles. Unlike other forms of magic, training white magic only requires great memory and constant practice." He demonstrates this by snapping his fingers, causing all the animated plants to emit a high-pitched sound, causing everyone to cover their ears in pain. Once the noise ceases and silence is restored, he adds, "You are all to practice using a silence spell. Given the variety of options, you may choose your own spell or use the one on the board." He then effortlessly sketches a detailed diagram of the spell on the board.

Kael leans casually on his arm, his gaze fixed on the board. 'Hmmm... I can probably replicate that spell, but I want to learn more about elven magic before I attempt anything.' As the class concludes, he rises, his eyes narrowing at Biana and Lysandra who have succumbed to sleep in the back of the class. He strides over and delivers a wake-up call with a hard smack to their heads, 'These damn bastards.'

"I'll take them back to their dorms and head to my next class with Isadora," he mutters under his breath, mapping out his immediate plans. Biana vocalizes her discomfort with a series of "ouch ouch ouch!" as she's unceremoniously dragged through the hallways. Eventually, she wrestles free, yawning widely while attempting to tame her messy hazel hair. "Okay okay, I get it!" she protests, her voice laced with sleep-induced irritation.

Lysandra, for her part, stretches and yawns, her criticism of the class blunt and to the point. "That was boring, all they did was talk about magic and use it a bit." Kael exhales a sigh of resignation, 'I guess I shouldn't expect too much from Lysandra. She'll naturally understand how mana works as she grows.'

Biana, rubbing her piercing green eyes, offers a rare glimpse of contentment. "Hmmm... This place is nice, I don't have to worry about that devil. I can sleep and drink all I want~" she muses.


Kael and Isadora stride across the vibrant, dew-speckled field, the morning sun casting long shadows behind them. Kael, wearing a look of determination, abruptly halts and turns to Isadora, his hand gripping her shoulder firmly, urging her to meet his gaze. "Okay, Isadora," he says earnestly, a mischievous smirk playing at the corners of his mouth, "Elves don't like people who refuse to talk. I know you prefer silence, but can you do me a favor and respond in simple words? I promise I'll make you anything you want."

Isadora, her expression as unreadable as ever, pauses to consider his request. Her eyes glaze over as she imagines Kael transforming into a comical, chibi goblin, surrounded by an array of exotic dishes sprinkled with coconut. She nods, breaking her typical silence with a succinct "Okay." Kael's tense features soften into a relieved sigh, appreciating her willingness to compromise.

Upon reaching the practice field, all eyes turn towards them, the air filled with the tension of unsheathed swords and quiet anticipation. Lúthien, radiant and poised, notices Kael and graces him with a warm smile, gracefully approaching. "Hey, V, I'm glad you're here," she greets, her eyes briefly flickering to Isadora before quickly shifting away, her demeanor changing as if Isadora were merely a wisp of smoke.

Kael, sensing the delicate dynamics at play, intervenes, "Hey, Lú, this is Isadora. She's a good friend of mine." He gently pulls Lúthien closer, lowering his voice, "I know you all have your biases against humans and I'm not judging, but she's an important friend. Please, give her a chance." Lúthien's expression clouds with thought, her response noncommittal, "Hmmm... I don't hate you, V, but as for other humans... I can't make any promises."

The moment grows more intimate as Lúthien embraces Kael, her gaze deliberately shifts over Isadora's shoulder, carrying an unmistakable chill. With a mocking glint in her eyes, Lúthien then playfully sticks out her tongue directly at Isadora, a clear sneer woven into her otherwise playful gesture. Kael, puzzled by the sudden affection and the surrounding elves' muffled laughter, questions, "Hey, why the hug all of a sudden?" Lúthien releases him, her eyes shimmering with gratitude, "I'm just thankful, you helped me improve so much yesterday."

As the situation unfolds, Isadora stands slightly apart, lost in her own thoughts. She debates the pressing matter of when to indulge in her next coconut drink, now or later, her expression giving nothing away.

Kael scans the surroundings, a ripple of confusion coursing through him as he muses, 'This is weird... what's going on?' He observes the elves, their gazes flitting between him and Isadora, a silent communication passing among them. As Lúthien catches their stares, a hush falls over the group. She strides towards Isadora, her presence commanding silence, and then pivots to Kael, her voice laced with concern, "Hey V, I know you can wield both mana and aura, but remember, most of us elves primarily use mana. The number of elves familiar with aura techniques is less than ten. She might not gain much from this."

Kael nods, understanding her point but not overly concerned, "Don't worry about it. Isadora and I train together regularly. She's not here to learn new techniques right now; she just needs a sparring partner on her level."

Their exchange is interrupted by the approach of a figure, his presence markedly distinct. The professor, with his dark brown hair and intriguing light orange eyes, moves with a tranquility that belies the undercurrents of tension. "I see," he comments, his gaze sweeping over the students before settling on the newcomers. "If that's the case, why don't I test her?" His words, casual yet pointed, cut through the silence.

Lúthien's demeanor shifts instantly, her eyes turning icy as she meets the professor's gaze, who simply smirks in response, unbothered by her hostility. Kael internally notes, 'That's the youngest professor, and he's someone Lúthien can't stand.'

Introducing himself with a disarmingly warm smile, the professor says, "I am Professor Aelendir. Pleased to meet you, young humans." His attention lingers on Kael, an unspoken challenge hanging between them.

In a subtle display of alliance, Lúthien edges closer to Kael, her fingers intertwining with his. She leans in, her whisper barely audible, "He's a horrible person; don't let his amiable facade fool you." Kael exhales softly, his thoughts wryly amused, 'I see, holding my hand, spreading rumors, hugging me. She's clearly using me against him. It's both ridiculous and amusing. But I'll play along for now; after all, I still need someone to guide me to the library.'

Kael offers a friendly smile, stepping forward with an air of casual confidence. "I go by V, and this is Isadora," he introduces, nodding towards his companion. Turning his attention back to the professor, he inquires with a hint of curiosity lacing his tone, "How would you like to test her?" Internally, Kael can't help but ponder, 'I was curious about her plan. With Mason gone, I assumed she'd target someone within her influence, but dragging me into her mess was unexpected.'

The professor, embodying the essence of calm authority, gestures towards the earth. In response, roots and soil dance together, conjuring a wooden sword that rises slowly from the ground. "Young human, feel free to go all out," he invites, his voice a mixture of challenge and respect.

Isadora steps forward, a determined glint in her eye, as the professor activates a barrier around them. She wraps her sword in a vibrant aura and launches into action, her movements fluid and precise. The professor effortlessly parries her attacks, his admiration apparent. "I see why your friend places his trust in you," he comments, acknowledging her skill.

Isadora, drawing in a deep breath, intensifies her assault. The aura surrounding her blade deepens to a fierce solid red as she delivers a powerful slash. The professor counters with his wooden sword, their collision sending a shockwave rippling through the air.

Lúthien, observing from the sidelines, muses aloud, "She's not bad..." Kael chuckles, a hint of pride in his voice. "Hmhmhm... This isn't her full power; she's holding back out of respect."

Lúthien's curiosity is piqued. "Why would she do that?" she asks.

Kael explains, "She's probably curious about elven swordsmanship." He pauses, then adds with respectful directness, "If you're curious, and with all due respect, she is stronger than you."

Lúthien's reaction is immediate; she bites her inner cheek, her thoughts racing. 'She wouldn't challenge me over what I did, right? Tsk, I must avoid any involvement with that man's family at all costs, even if I have to establish a relationship with V.'

Kael, seizing the moment to lighten the mood, quips, "By the way, how long do you plan on holding my hand?" Caught off guard, Lúthien releases his hand abruptly, stammering an apology, "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't notice."

Kael glances at her, noting the flush of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. 'She's quite the actress. Damn, her acting beats mine.' he thinks, amused by the complexity of emotions playing out before him.

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