
Skill Hunting

[Chrome I'll go hunt some goblins for a while]

I said to chrome. chrome nodded with a smile I've been here for 3 days already but I still haven't trained so that's why I planned to hunt for a bit. I had gone to the plains where I can fight some goblins. the goblins rushed at me with a cane I dodged the attack and kicked the goblin there were 5 more so I used [Berserk] I felt like I could move a mountain with this strength I had fast agility and high strength I made my move and jabbed the goblin. a goblin used some kind of chant then attacked me with a vortex it was strong. guessing from the damage it inflicted the goblin was a girl and their leader so I went for her first I quickly uppercut and she died with one blow.

[*Huff* glad that's over with]

I said while walking to a nearby rock to rest

when I arrived I said [Status]


Level 5

Atk 1200

Def 1200

Spd 1200



Extraordinary Brawn [Will strengthen the user]

Extraordinary Intelligence [Will automatically see the information of one person and will learn any weapons just by touching it]

Ability Gain[Will acquire a new skill each time the user wins]

World Language[Can understand any language]

Sword Summon[Will summon a sword that can not break]

Space Storage[Will summon a bag that can store anything]

Flicker[Will transport from a short distance]

Blaze [Can control and summon flames]

Hydro [Can control and summon liquid]

Okay, that's a pretty good set of skill's but [Space Storage] is the greatest. well, time for me to return to Chrome.

Wait? Once I arrived I saw Chrome and a bunch of guys and one girl?


Next chapter