
A World Of Possibilities

Waking up, Azura Bell see's light and then later on finds out that he is a child. Although having the thoughts of a teenager, he does not remember his past life. He only remembers short pieces of that life and how he dies. He starts his life with a loving family but also a weird one. He finds out that he is in a strange world unlike his past one. This world has many creatures like Elves, Demi-Humans, and more. And all of them will go against him if they find out his secrets! He is about to face a world of magic and cultivation that shall be against him in anyway possible. Will he face the cruel world and learn truths? Will he be able to overcome all his obstacles? Will he be able to protect his loved ones and his family? Come and follow Azura through his journey! And to what will happen to Azura nobody will know. Unless if you follow him. Try to guess what will happen. After all, this is A World Of Possibilities! Other websites I post on: (RoyalRoad.com) (tapas.io) If you got any other popular websites please say so in the comments so I can post there to. Authors Message: I'm sorry that I have been gone for a long time. And to all who have read this before I said that I lost almost all of my novel because of my pc that broke. I have started then rewriting it and made it much better and I think Im happy that my pc broke at that time. I shall start publishing again but I suggest that you all start reading from the start since I changed so much of my story. For Everyone that thinks things are missing here and there around my novel and the concept of it. Im going to say this once. EVERYTHING WILL COME SLOWLY DUE TIME IN THE CHAPTERS. I will report in my notes when I have changed the chapters and other things.

FoxAuthor · Fantasy
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Second day! Part 2

And the door opens fully and something falls down and glass shatters with a loud noise of a plate falling then shaking and spinning on the floor.




-----------------------------Part 1-----------------------------

-----------------------------Part 2-----------------------------




And the figure standing at the door was his mom. "Oh shoot, I'm dead, very, very dead."


*Stare* .... "LENNY, GET OVER HERE NOW."

"Yea ok.... Bella what have you done, this is a huge mess."

"No, look." Directing his gaze to me.





"Wife, is it me are our son started already crawling on the first day..."


They stare at each other and out of no where start crying and run over to me and hug me.

"God, this is only the second day of when he was born and he started crawling. This is a miracle, not only we get a son that is healthy but a one that already learns how to crawl." Lenny said. *Sobbing*

"Mhm." Mom agrees while crying tears of joy.

And so they cry for a couple of minutes while thinking of how they got a great son. "But Im not that great. Well if you consider that I already have a brain of a teenager then yes, but many would think that is weird."

"By the way. How do you think he got out anyways, wasn't the crib up so he couldn't fall out. Wait what if he crawled out and hurt something." Panicked mother.

"Nah, he seems just fine, not crying or anything right. He would have cried and screamed if he did get hurt. Also I think that my brother and sister left the crib down maybe."

"Yes now that I remember, they did leave it down. But didn't I put it up..... I must have forgoten, Oh Lenny, it's already been the first day but I already made a mistake that could have hurt our child." And mother started crying.

"Shhh Shh, nonsense Bella. It's our first kid so yes we are going to have mistakes here and there and maybe even everywhere." *Chuckles* "But you always must look at the positive side. God has given us a child were many would say it would be impossible to get a perfect child. And he is crawling on the second day, I say that when our son grows up he is going to be a genius I say, a GENIUS." *More chuckles*

*Sniff* "Alright, but I'll still have to worry and be careful, and you too. And what if he isn't able to use mana. What if he might not be able to become strong. Or what if...". Mother started panicking again.

"Shhh, It's going to be alright. Anyways he cares that he won't be able to use mana and magic. He'll still be our son. Our perfect son."

"Mhm, you are right Lenny. But I need to make sure that those two won't be able to get close to him at all."

"Aww come on Bella. Give them a rest. They probably didn't mean to leave the crib open."

"Hmph, nonsense."

They stare at each other.....

*Both laugh*

Laughing and wiping his tears away he says "Now shouldn't we let our son go back to sleep. Seems he is tired from all this, after all he is just only 2 days old. Not ready to do manly stuff."


"Ok, Ok." And mother puts me into bed. "Good night sweetie. Please don't do anything like that again that might worry us ok." Kissing Azura.

'I won't mom.' He thinks. 'Man it is nice to have a mom that worries about me and a dad that is always positive and cheerful. I wish that it could be like that forever.' Falls asleep.

"Good night my little Azura."

"Good night son."

Author: And so this is the second day that passes since he was born, even though it was a short day since he slept most of the second day. But most of this time Ive was silent and started creating little Azura's mana core, even though it might take 2-4 years.

Alright, I decided to be kind enough and add part two to the second day. But Im warning yall. I want to finish at least 20 chapters before I start publishing a few. Trust me, this is for the greater good for the both of us. If I do that then I'll be able to create chapters faster and have back up chapters if I don't make one and I will always have chapters ready if I can create some for a week or 2. If I won't do that then I will have problems.

I'll post 1 or 2 chapters again these couple past days and when I finish maybe 30 chapters-50 then I'll publish a lot but I might just start publishing slowly after I make it to chapter 155 in my novel. We will see.

Please give some power stones if you like this novel because there is people like you out there but just have not heard or seen this novel yet.

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