
A WORLD FALLEN - A Post Apocalypse Novel

Ly Thien Anh's parents disappeared when he was young, living with his brother. After he turned ten, his older brother also disappeared. From then on, he lived wandering on the streets and market corners. In order to continue living, he did many jobs, from begging to stealing, and went in and out of prison many times. Although he is a sinner, Thien Anh is a person with principles, not the type of person who likes to do evil. Due to living in a bad environment, Thien Anh's personality is very closed, careful and knows how to think ahead. He has no passion for gambling or girls, he likes quiet places. Then one day, a meteor shower fell, destroying most human cities. Immediately after the unexpected natural disaster, the world's living environment changed completely. Once extinct creatures reappeared, plants and animals quickly changed and evolved strongly. Civilizations that once disappeared have now reappeared, revealing mysteries from tens of thousands of years ago. The space portal appeared, countless races also followed the space portal to the human world. From here, the battle for survival between countless races broke out. These can be considered the darkest historical pages in human history.

Janclesio · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

Chapter 69: Mutation Occurs

Thanh heard that and immediately showed what looked like an eyeball to Thien Anh.

At the same time, Alisa also passed from the other side to this side. When she saw the strange thing in Thien Anh's hand, she curiously asked: "What looks so strange?" Thien Anh heard that and replied: "I don't know what it is." something else, it looks strange, Lam has learned a lot, look to see if you know what it is.

It looks like a fake eye, is there anything that can replace a real eye, used in medicine?" Alisa took the fake eye and observed it for a while then shook her head and said: "No, what is this?" It's not a prosthetic eye, but the technique used to make this is really sophisticated. I've never seen anything with such a delicate and complex structure before." Thien Anh asked curiously: "Is there a way?" Can anyone analyze it? Maybe this thing could be some kind of treasure, otherwise, that guy wouldn't have brought it with him." While nearby, Thanh heard this and interjected: "That name just now. When he saw Ngao rushing past, he took out this thing. He heard that guy say he would use this to deal with us.

The baby feels that this thing must be especially powerful.

It's best if we try to capture a few armed elements and then interrogate them." Hearing this, everyone felt it made sense, but when everyone looked towards the previous trap area, they couldn't help but reluctantly. At this time, the group of monsters that Alisa had lured had completely covered the armored vehicles.

There were two cars outside that were still torn into pieces. The armed men inside the car protested fiercely but were hopeless. After using guns to kill many monsters, they became a meal for those monsters.

Every time the monsters captured a person, they all screamed with excitement. While screaming in excitement, they split the termite's body into many pieces. The mutants looked weak, but they pulled One piece will produce another piece.

Thien Anh himself saw them pull apart several armed men. Heads, arms, and legs were separated, internal organs flowed out into snow, the mutants saw this and howled in excitement.

Then he licked the areas with blood or internal organs flowing out. "Dang bang bang…" "Dang bang bang…" In other vehicles, the group of armed members who were still alive were still alive fight back fiercely.

Countless monsters were shot to pieces as soon as they approached the holes in the car. However, the number of monsters that Alisa lured back was so large that when one group died, another group took its place.

One strange thing is, normally, when monsters of different species see each other, they will kill each other, but once humans appear, they will prioritize killing humans first. Seeing the situation of the group armed, Thien Anh said: "Forget it, don't save me.

They're done, we can't save them." Alisa nodded and said: "Yes.

Saving them now is no different than putting yourself in danger.

It's unlikely they already know anything, so let's just let them die and be done with it." The others nodded when they heard that.

Next, everyone moved to a high area for convenient observation.

Waiting for the armed elements to die, they will also bring other monsters with them. While observing the armed elements here, Thien Anh did not forget those who were trying to take over his weapons warehouse. army.

Through equipment linked to the security camera system at the armory, Thien Anh easily observed every move of the other guys. The group of armed elements on the other side also had more than a hundred gunmen, believed to be temporarily armed, there's almost no use for that.

So some people used light machine guns, some used pistols, and some held machine guns. Just like Thien Anh had predicted, the group of one-eyed monsters in the military armory area was very violent, so As soon as the group of armed elements approached the military warehouse, they immediately ran outside. Although the group of one-eyed monsters was very stupid, almost only had an attack instinct, no escape instinct, but the number There were so many of them, making it extremely difficult for the armed group to deal with them. But we must admit one thing, but that armed group was very smart, they combined rudimentary weapons with Modern weapons. Before attacking, they stretched out a series of barbed wire two inches above the ground, with one such wire every four or five meters.

The group of fierce one-eyed monsters ran out to attack them and were immediately entangled in the steel wire and fell prone on the ground.

At this time, the group only needed to fire one bullet to finish off the monsters. Because of this combination, even though they only had more than a hundred people, they were still able to stand firm against the attack like a storm of one-eyed beasts.

However, the barbed wire is only effective at first. When the corpses of the monsters cover the barbed wire, the effect of the other barbed wire disappears.

The monsters pulled each other forward from behind, they stepped on the bodies of their fellow humans, so they were not stopped. Witnessing this scene, the commander of the armed group immediately ordered his people to step back and retreat defensive position number two, where rudimentary traps were previously arranged. Seeing this scene, Alisa couldn't help but narrow her eyes. She looked at Thien Anh and asked: "Is there a way to deal with them?" he not yet. Shall we continue to use the method of luring monsters to attack them?" Thien Anh shook his head when he heard that. He analyzed: "Using monsters to attack that group cannot be done.

Firstly, there is no large herd nearby, secondly, that place is not a dead end, they can easily escape.

If you want to kill them, you have to use another method." Alisa curiously asked: "What method?" Thien Anh raised his lips to reveal a sinister smile, he said: "Looking at the situation, I know that those group do not have enough ammunition to kill them." against a herd of one-eyed monsters.

If I guess correctly, they will return near evening.

We just need to set up mines and wait for them to come in." Alisa heard that and understood, she asked: "Is it the same as doing it here?" Thien Anh nodded and said: "That's it, simple and effective." fruit.

We have Thien Lang supporting us. Digging a trap like this takes very little time. We only need to dig six traps to block six routes so we don't have to worry about catching those guys.

For now, we should end the matter here." Standing on the roof of a tall building, looking into the distance, holding a small remote in his hand.

Thien Anh gently pressed the button on the remote. "Boom..." "Bang rumble..." The sound of strong explosions continued to ring out, an entire area hundreds of square meters was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire, the entire area was engulfed in flames. The armored vehicles and most of the monsters were covered by the explosion. The explosion was so powerful that it blew the armored vehicles into the sky. As for the monsters, they were still at the center of the explosion. If it explodes, there won't be any bones left, and if there's anything on the edge, it will be blown away. Seeing this scene, Thien Anh said: "Clean up the rest, then we'll go to the armory."Other people Hearing that, he nodded, then Thien Lang went ahead to open the way, Thien Anh and Alisa followed behind.

As for Thanh, he still took on the role of reconnaissance, in case an enemy came looking for him. "Grrrrrr…" "Dang bang bang…" "Dang bang bang…" The majority of the monsters died in the explosion, and most of the survivors were seriously injured, losing both legs and arms.

So destroying them is extremely easy.

In less than ten minutes, all the survivors were killed. After killing all the monsters, Thien Anh stopped by a few armored vehicles to see if any of the armed elements were still alive. He often reads stories about how some people who don't die after a disaster become strong, and even then come back to take revenge.

Although he had never encountered such a case before, he should still be wary. So when he saw a guy whose body was still relatively intact, he added another bullet to the head.

But right at the time Thien Anh checked to see if anyone was still alive, a strange thing suddenly happened. The thing that looked like an artificial eye that he kept in his pocket suddenly emitted a strong aura.

That light instantly covered the entire explosion area.

At the same time, the bodies of the dead and the monsters quickly evaporated.