
Troublesome Mr. Perfect

Sam woke up to feel a hand on his forehead. It was warm and comforting, though Sam didn't understand why. He cracked his eye open to see a boy with gold hair and gold eyes. Strange, he thought, I've never seen metallic eyes before. He studied the eyes. They had flecks of green in them but were, for the most part, solid gold. Sam decided he liked the color gold.

"What are you staring at, sleeping beauty?" The honey voice said. Sam's eyes widened as he realized it came from the boy. He also realized that he had been staring at his face for the better part of a minute. His fuzzy brain slowly took in who he was actually staring at.

"Sir!" Sam cried out as he scrambled to stand up and salute. He felt the world spin and closed his eyes but didn't relax from standing at attention.

"You...uh...you don't have to do that," Jacob said. Sam felt foolish because he hadn't realized who he was staring at until a few minutes after seeing him. Not only that but it was Jacob Dussere of all people.

"Yes, I do, Sir. You are the headmaster's son and should be treated with the utmost respect." Sam recited what he had been taught to say. A hand grabbed his wrist and he flinched away from the touch as his eyes shot open. The world tilted again and the floor was suddenly inches from his face. A warm arm was wrapped around his torso and a hand still held his wrist. Turning he saw Jacob's concerned face staring down at him. A blush crept up his neck and he jerked out of Jacobs hold. This caused him to finish falling smack his face into the ground. Still better than being held by Dussere, Sam thought.

Jacob tried to help Sam get back up but was ignored. Sam hated the fact he had been looked after by his worst enemy. He glared at Jacob and brushed off his uniform.

"I'm fine, sir." He said in an apathetic tone. He watched Jacob wince at the fact he had been so formal and he fought a smirk. Apparently the headmaster's son disliked his position. That could be useful, Sam thought. Jacob gave a small smile and nodded.

"Of course." His honey voice was smooth but clearly anxious. Sam didn't like it when the voice sounded anxious either. That was strange since he usually enjoyed hearing the fear in the voices of others. Shrugging it off he nodded and headed for the door. He wanted to get as far away from people as he could. The library was always a good place for that, not many students actually cared about their academic grades anyways.

"Oh, and Belle will be reprimanded for what she did!" Jacob called just as Sam reached the door. Stopping Sam turned to Jacob and glared him down.

"I'm sorry?" He said coolly. Jacob frowned.

"I said that Belle will be reprimanded?" He sounded confused as to why this was a problem. It took Sam a second to realize he had never dealt with a bully before. Of course, he hadn't, he hadn't ever had to hide who he was or where he came from. He could flaunt it and people would flock to him. He never acted weakly so he never had to fight a battle without his powers. After all, he was perfection personified.

"I don't think she will be." Sam responded, "She didn't do anything wrong after all." Jacob's eyes widened and he gaped.

"You still have burn marks! Of course, she did something!" Jacob was shocked Sam was so willing to let a bully go like that. Sam scowled, which only made Jacob more confused. Turning Sam calmly walked up to Jacob until they were inches apart.

"And I said she didn't do anything, okay?" Sam said in a low voice. Jacob stared at the boy, who was a good five inches shorter than him, that was currently threatening him. Jacob couldn't help but chuckle and Sam took a step back.

Was Jacob laughing at him? Of course, he was! He was just like Belle after all. Sam's fist clenched and a sharp electric shock rocketed down his spine. Flinching Sam cursed and turned towards the door again.

"Are you really leaving?" Jacob asked. He was still trying to get over the fact that Sam had tried to threaten him. Sam glared at Jacob who immediately stopped laughing.

"Yes, I am," Sam paused and right before he closed the door he glanced at Jacob, "Sir."

Jacob didn't know how to respond. A student of the lowest status had just mocked him and his rank. The balls it had to take to do that were incredible. Jacob simply had to know more about him.

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