
Passing Grimm

(A/N: I chose RWBY as the beginning world again since it is a low-level world on the scale and I am already doing Danmachi in another fic.)


Landing on the grassy plains with a thud, Fenrir groaned slightly, "Why can't he gently place me down?" He grumbled to himself while picking himself up.


[Interface Installed]



[Status: Fenrir]

[Titles: Favorite Grandson of Ymir]

[Condition: Malnourished]


- [All-Devouring Fangs]

- [Senjutsu: (Sage Arts)] (Locked by Ymir)

- [Jötunn Blood] (Locked by Ymir)

- [Eyes of Fimbulvetr] (Locked by Ymir)

- [Body of the Berserker] (Locked by Ymir)

- [Fenrisúlfr] (Locked by Ymir)





[Retractable Claws]


Combat Art: [Hymn of the Wolf Sage]

1st Hymn ᵒ Bloody Ascension (Basic)

2nd Hymn ᵒ Ravenous Fang (Locked)

3rd Hymn ᵒ Tyrants Slash (Locked)

4th Hymn ᵒ Song of Chains (Locked)

5th Hymn ᵒ Jötunn Strike (Locked)

6th Hymn ᵒ Nature's Descent (Locked)

7th Hymn ᵒ Wolf's Wrath (Locked)

8th Hymn ᵒ Harbinger (Locked)

10th Hymn ᵒ Ragnarøkkr (Locked)]


[All-Devouring Fangs: Due to your physiology, your fangs can absorb and destroy any type of energy with contact. Limits: Weighs heavily on physical strength, if your body is to weak to absorb or destroy the energy you will receive backlash.]

[Gleipnir: Mythical chains that were meant to hold the entity [Fenrir]. Due to hundreds of years coating the chains in his blood and divine energy [Gleipnir] is now for the sole usage of [Fenrir]. Effectiveness of Gleipnir's unique abilities depend on user's own strength. EX: All abilities are accessible from the start, but if user's body can't handle the strain of accessing an ability there will be backlash.]

Abilities: Size Manipulation, Complete Restriction, Pain Multiplication, Movement Control, Soul-Bound to [Fenrir].]

[Retractable Claws: From birth the entity [Fenrir] was never without his claws. Has a thin slit above his fingernails that hold his retractable claws. Contains portions of [Fenrir]'s energy.

Abilities: Retractable, Extreme Durability, Glacial Coating,]

[Hymn of the Wolf Sage: A combat style created by [Fenrir] during his hunts with his mother and augmented by [Ymir]. Focuses purely on the fast attacks that maim and brutalize the enemy by using entity [Fenrir]'s claws, fangs, and [Gleipnir].]

Fenrir rubbed his eyes slightly when looking at the odd blue screen in front of him. "What the hell is this?" He said cautiously while looking at the details of his 'status'. Before he could delve deeper into staring, a blue portal opened above his hand a dropped an envelope.

Noticing the note he promptly ripped it open and read the letter.

{Hello there Fen,

It is your favorite grandpa here to inform you of the screen you just saw!

Due to your.. lack of experience, me and your mother decided to make a small panel to list your skills, + some other quirks! Make sure to have fun and make friends, or else you will be lonely forever! I also want another grandchild to spoil so I am depending on you!

P.S: I sealed off some of your abilities when you first appeared in my dimension as your body was to weak. Once you reach a certain threshold the seals will break one by one.


Fenrir laughed slightly while looking at the letter before grumbling about the last two sentences in the second paragraph. "Friends huh?" Fenrir thought aloud. "I guess I can give it a try," he mumbled before he started to walk in to a random direction.


"Ymir damnit!! How the HELL am I supposed to get out of this forest!" Fenrir yelled while slightly frustrated. He's been attempting to find his way out of the forest for days and it seems never-ending.

"Fuck it, I'm going to train," Fenrir growled before he began to physically condition his currently weak body.

After about 6 hours of tireless conditioning that he and his brother, his sister was more into magic, used to do when they were younger he decided to go out and hunt for some food.

Carefully darting between shrubbery while tracking prey with his enhanced nose and hearing he caught the trail of an.. abnormally large boar. Fenrir reminisced slightly of hunting with his siblings and mother before shaking away those thoughts.

After following the scent for a couple minutes he stumbled onto a very odd looking boar. It was definitely larger than the boars he hunted before, along with its pitch black hide and four red eyes. Bone armor dotted its sides while predominately covering its face, the bone armor itself had seemingly random red markings ranging on the surface of the armor.

Fenrir steadily stalked behind the boar and he silently withdrew Gleipnir. 'The bone plating thins near its stomach area, I'll flip em' and strike,' Fenrir concluded before he continued his silent trek towards the unknown species of boar.

Swiftly shooting the Gleipnir he adjusted the momentum mid-flight to wrap around the boar tightly preventing it from moving. He promptly dug his fingernails deep into the skin of the boar and snaked his arm in a way that would definitely kill the boar, either by blood loss or organ failure.

However, much to Fenrir's chagrin, instead of bleeding.. well blood.. the boar instead released black particles out of its black flesh. Unluckily, Fenrir decided it was a type of energy and swiftly devoured it with the help of his fangs.

"Big mistake," Fenrir gagged while attempting to not throw up. "Gods that was vile," Fenrir gasped out between deep breaths.

"SQUEEEE," the boar yelled in agony as its weak spot, its stomach, was cut open. Snapping back to reality Fenrir walked in front of the boar and sent [Gleipnir] through on of its stomach to kill the damn thing faster.

"SQUE-" The boar was cut off as its body flopped over with no resistance as the red glow of its eyes faded. Fenrir sighed as he mentally took note NOT to eat this beast. As much as Fenrir hated wasting his hunt, something instilled in him by his mother, there was no way in HELL he was eating that thing.

"If it's... blood? I don't even think those black particles could be called that. Whatever the fuck it is called it tasted awful and I wasn't even ACTUALLY eating it. I'm looking for a rabbit," Fenrir grumbled as he walked away.

However, before he could fully make his retreat from the dead boar it exploded into a pool of viscous black liquid and seeped into the ground with a cacophony of gross gurgling sounds. "What.. the fuck?" Fenrir said slightly bewildered and mostly disgusted.

Suddenly he snapped his fingers, "Right.. different world different rules," he concluded as he began to sniff out a rabbit or deer trail.

"Damn it I hope I unlock Senjutsu fast.. training would be so much easier with it.. and hunting," Fenrir growled to himself while feeling uneasy NOT being connected to nature.


Fenrir spent the next few weeks both exploring the forest in an attempt to get out and hunting odd creatures with bone armor and black hide.

"Maybe I should hunt those bear ones again? They put up a good fight.." Fenrir pondered to himself while thinking of the black-furred bear he fought a few days back.

"Fuck it, I'm going to continue my search for a town... it's been so.. 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙮," he whispered while tuning out the songs of the forest around him.

Fenrir walked in the same direction he's been heading in for a few weeks in small increments except this time he sprinted instead. Nimbly dodging the swaying branches of the trees or stray predators he continued his search for any town or city.


"Finally!" A wolf-faunus boy with torn clothes and dirt clinging to his slightly tanned skin exclaimed.

In front of him stood a large gate with three guards positioned around it. Slowly positioning himself into a combat ready stance incase if things go south Fenrir walked closer to the gate.

"Hello," Fenrir said awkwardly whenever the guards all looked at him.

The guard closest to the gate sighed, "Alright identification please," the man stated simply.

A woman with the guard uniform elbowed him in the gut, "Oh my Oum, does it fucking LOOK like he has an ID?" She said in a hushed voice while sparing a glance towards the torn and flimsy clothing Fenrir was wearing.

The man didn't deign to respond and only looked away with slight embarrassment. The woman spun around to look at Fenrir, "Sorry for my co-workers unintended remark," she paused while Fenrir continued to look at her blankly. "Unless you happen to have an ID on you, then you will need to follow me so our boss can help you," She said with a kind tone.

Fenrir shook his head slightly, "I don't have an ID miss," he said awkwardly while mentally noting to deal with his social ineptitude.

The woman rubbed her forehead slightly, "It's alright.. follow me," she stated simply while beckoning Fenrir to follow her into a well-built building with other guards loitering inside.

After maneuvering through a couple of hallways, the duo made it inside of a classical looking office with a lizard-faunus sitting behind the desk.. As soon as the lizard-man saw the two enter his office he quirked his eyebrow slightly, "What can I do for you Sarah?" the lizard-man said with a slightly raspy voice.

The woman, now named Sarah, planted her palm onto Fenrir's shoulder, "Toro, we got another identification-less kid, those SDC (Schnee Dust Company) bastards are really screwing up the tribes outside of Menagerie," she said while assuming Fenrir's cause of NOT owning an ID.

Toro's, the lizard-man, face grew slightly somber as he heaved a sad sigh, "Alright.. let's get this over with," he paused as he pursued his lips slightly before shuffling some documents. After rearranging his folders he picked a sheet of paper and a pen. He slid it over the desk in front of the silent Fenrir.

"Here you go lad, if you don't know how to write just ask Sarah," he paused while waving his hand over to Sarah, "over here to help ya," he continued.

Fenrir nodded as he examined the sheet of paper. He rapidly began to answer the questions that asked for basic information. Such as age, gender, and other non-important stuff. Mentally Fenrir sweated a little bit once he saw the age line, 'No way am I writing 512 years old,' he thought before just writing 12.

After he finished writing all of the basic information of himself, while omitting a few details, he slid the paper and pen back across the desk to Toro. Toro smiled slightly, "Welcome to Menagerie. Ask any of the locals for help and you'll most likely get it, we are a tight knit bunch here. You'll be staying at the 'White Fang Orphanage' due to your status as" he paused while gazing at his ID, "an orphan," he finished.

"I'll guide him there Toro, make sure to tell that irresponsible ass David to finish his shift this time," she grumbled the last part before leading Fenrir out of the office and showing him the orphanage.


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