
What Are His Plans

Out of fear that he might enrage this unstable demon king, the current head of the Heartfilia household agreed to work together with Sora. which made Sora super happy, as with this guy he could quickly become a riches person.

So, they signed a contract, Julian Heartfilia signed the contract, and they would be partners for 50 years, and no more or less. Julian wanted to keep Sora away, he was expecting that his family would take many blows while working with Sora. Sora's mindset was not built for this line of work, although he was changing, it has been 200+ years, yet he was still having trouble changing.

Once the contract was signed, Sora went on to ask Julian to help him get into contact with a few smart people in this world, Which Julian agree to. around which time, Aquarius arrived and brought some shocking news.

The celestial king was willing to allow Sora to enter the celestial realm, the celestial king was at level 200, making him equal to those high-ranking gods. meanwhile, Sora was more like a mid-ranking god in his current condition.

So, holding onto Aquarius, Sora disappeared along with Aquarius and appeared within the celestial realm. and upon appearing within this realm, Sora couldn't help but raise an eyebrow while looking at this world.

The Celestial Spirit World is the place where all Celestial Spirits spend their time when they are not being called up by their summoners. It seems to have several different celestial objects such as planet-like orbs floating in the air and at first glance, the void appears to stretch on infinitely with sparkling stars that spread everywhere. On these surfaces appear several rainbow-colored constructions such as pathways under massive arches that can bridge to other orbs with pillars, crystals, and trees surrounding them with floating bubbles, as well as several buildings and a massive ship is shown from a distance.

Being in the world seems to have some sort of rejuvenating effect on the spirits, restoring their health after being in the human world which, over long periods of time, can potentially kill the spirit. The reverse is also possible, humans are unable to breathe in their realm.

"You really are free." the celestial king said as he looked at Sora who was floating there while looking around the place.

"Sigh, to me, it has been a few years, but to think it has been more than 200 years. but the past has left me, and this is a new era. I simply wish to work on myself." Sora said with a sigh, The Celestial king was stunned for a moment, he sized Sora up and down for some time before he nodded slightly.

So, he listed a few rules to Sora which Sora lazily agree to. So, after all of this, he was allowed to explore this world. time within the celestial realm followed almost 100 times faster than the outside world, which was extremely past.

just a day within this realm was like 3 months outside, which was a bit too fast, so, was not going to stay here for long, only a few hours, which should be like a week outside.

"You seem to be trying..." Aquarius said softly as she sat next to Sora, who was just simply sitting before a clear pond, with closed eyes. Sora seeing her sighed softly,

"so, it has been like a thousand years to you since we last meant. and within this time you remain with the same household, does this have something to do with Anna?" Sora said softly, Aquarius went quiet for a moment before floating next to Sora., and so she went to explain.

Back then, Anna was badly injured from her battle with the devil. but there was one last thing she needed to do, and it was to stop Acnologia, who had grown to a point where he could fight lesser gods. but she was too injured to face him, so she left the last to those of the future.

With Zeref's help, along with all 12 of the celestial spirits, she sent dragons slayers into the future, during a point in time when the Mana in the air would be at its peak. these dragon slayer goals were to defeat Acnologia,

"... I just now realized that the mana outside does seem to be far richer than hundreds of years ago," Sora said softly before he froze as he realized something. people of today's era seem to be stronger than in the past. the normal person back in the past would be around level 3 to level 5, but now they were around level 5 to level 7.

"That's right. it turns out that the demon lord before you also set up the realm to be in a weakened state." Aquarius said softly before looking deeply at Sora, it was not hard for Sora to guess what she wanted. she wanted him to defeat Acnologia.

"I'm no longer a fighter, and I'm no longer going to fight on behalf of anyone. it always comes back to stab me in the back." Sora said softly, stunning Aquarius who lowered her head at this. she knew what Sora meant. the most pain in Sora's life was based on those he saved, Iris and the others might be Sora's biggest regrets.

"you know... Anna never hated you, she even looked up to you. for a long amount of her life, you were her hero." Aquarius said softly, Sora just shrugged at her words.

"Well, I will be leaving. I'm going to start working towards being the richest person alive. feel free to stop by and visit or whatever." Sora said with a shrug as he teleported out of there, leaving Aquarius frozen. was Sora unable to use Mana? how did he leave?

of course, Sora used his mind to control the Mana in the air to teleport, which tired him out, but that was not much of a problem.

anyways, upon returning to the outside world, Sora found that a week had passed. he went to check up on the group of people with big brains Julian bought him, and so, Sora began working on improving this world tech once more.

the first thing Sora worked on was a train, Sora was a thing of building some type of Amusement Park around his Casino, he wanted people of all ages to throw money at him. Sora of course didn't just sit back and let these guys with big brains do all of the work, Sora took the time to also start learning,

by the year 730, Sora came to an agreement with the Kingdom of Fiore. They wanted the rollercoaster Sora had built, but they want it to cover their kingdom. Sora of course agreed and called this new type of Rollercoaster, a train. something which amazed everyone.

but with the birth of the trains of course came cars, and many people began improving upon them, before Sora knew it, Magic Motorcycles became a thing, some even were customized to help with some type of magic.

"What are you doing here." sitting behind a table with a cigar, along with an expansive coat on, Sora looked at Aquarius who had entered his office. it has been more than 30 years since they last meant, so her suddenly popping up to meet see him was a shock.

"did you forget? you asked me to stop by and pay a visit," She said with a smile, Sora was stunned for a moment before he nodded. he seem to have said those words,

"Well, then how are you in this world?" Sora asked as he put the cigar out, before getting up. Aquarius explained how she had a new master, and wanted to stop by and see if Sora was causing trouble or not. but she seemed to have been worrying for nothing, but how could she not worry knowing that the man who almost slaughter the human race, dropping the number of humans from the millions to hundreds of thousands was up and walking around?

She was using her own magical energy to remain within this world, so her new owner didn't need to worry about a thing.

"I will be leaving and going to Alakitasia, before I left I wanted to leave with peace of mind." She said softly, the new owner of her key was heading to Alakitasia, this was due to the former owner growing pregnant and not wanting to be a wizard anymore.

"Well, you need not worry about me. come, let me show you around." Sora said with a smile, Aquarius followed after him, she didn't have her fish tail but human legs. so she followed around Sora while searching for red flags, but she found nothing.

when she reached the Casino, she was stunned as she saw how some of it reminded her of the celestial spirit realm.

"the celestial spirit realm was the most beautiful place I have ever been to, I created this based on it. but I also wanted to be original," Sora said with a smile, feeling prideful at the shocked look in her eyes,

"business is going well for you..." Aquarius nodded at Sora's words before looking at the packed place. There were waves of humans here. Sora nodded slightly at her words, he was having all of them become addicted to gambling. most of the people here were already in debt and were trying to pay them off, by gambling... truly stupid people.

"well, people don't just come here to gamble. I have created new dishes, you should try some, one of the is pizza, Donuts, and so many more." Sora said with a smile as he brought her to try these dishes, which she enjoyed.

"... you know, you're not so bad," Aquarius said softly, Sora who was eating a Donut paused slightly at her words. Sora was able to turn his life around after everything that happened, she could guess how hard it had been,

"..." Sora wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, but Aquarius did something which shocked him. she kissed on slightly on the check, with a slight smile Aquarius wanted to say something but Sora kissed her on the lips, leaving her stunned.

"What was that for?" She asked with a slight blush, Sora shrugged slightly seeing her reaction,

"kisses on the checks are for kids... take it as a goodbye kiss, it might, the next we meet might be hundreds of years later," Sora said with a smile, Aquarius was speechless before she hesitated

"you can always come to the celestial spirit realm." She said softly, to which Sora shook his head,

"I can leave your realm, but entering it is far harder. if I could go to other realms, I would have gone to the demon realm... also, your people don't seem to like me very much, you're the only one who bothers to approach me," Sora said with a smile, stunning Aquarius who suddenly realized something. Sora found himself hundreds of years into the future, without the 3 sisters he was all alone, with everyone he knew either died or was too far away for him to reach.

"... I'm not leaving for a few more days, it has been like what? 60 years since we last met, this can't be everything right?" She asked with a smile, stunning Sora, but he quickly saw through her.

"to think there would be a day some pity me, the demon lord," Sora said with a slight shake of his head,

"And here I thought you were no longer the demon lord," she said with a smile, leaving Sora speechless, indeed right now he was a businessman. Aquarius's smile grew seeing the speechless look Sora had, stepping forward, she kissed Sora, leaving Sora's eyes wide open as her tongue entered his mouth, which he of course returned the favor.

"Now that's a real kiss." She said with a slight blush, Sora looked at her a moment before smiling slightly, but after a moment he shook his head, and pulling Aquarius into his arm, and showing her just what a real kiss was.

meanwhile, underground within a lab, a group of people was working on building a ship, using the knowledge they gained from building many things in the past few years, along with this world's magical power, they were finishing up the creation of a ship.

"We are almost done, a ship that can travel across time and space... I wonder what the boss wants to do with such a thing." a woman who was the head of everything here said calmly while smoking a cigarette,

"is that not clear? he did something in the past he wants to fix, time travel might just be the only way to fix a person's regrets of the past." a middle-aged man said calmly, making the woman frown slightly.

"Does the boss know the effect that could have upon the future? if he goes back to the past and changes something, then the future would be changed." She said with a deep frown, causing everyone to freeze slightly at her words. they never thought of it, they were simply happy to create something like this, but at her words, they realized just what they were making.

"what if going back in time doesn't affect us?" one of the men there asked after a moment of thought, causing everyone to look at him.

"what if going back in time creates a branch in time? think about it, the boss has to go in time and change something leading to the whole future is changed. but wouldn't that mean he is erasing himself? by doing so, he would have no reason to go back in time, so at that point, if he never went back in time, how would the future be changed?" He asked confusing many of them, before making him sigh as he pulled out a pen and began writing on air.

the explanation was simple, if you went back in time to kill your father before he met your mother then you would have never been born, thereby you could have never gone back in time, to kill your father.

So, what if you killing your father created a branch in time? one in which you killed your father, and the other in which is the original timeline. this would mean the event of the past were fixed, and it was almost impossible to change them.

"Whatever it is... messing with time isn't a good idea, and I'm against this." the woman said with a shake of her head, this was just too risky, they should talk to the boss before doing anything, they didn't even know if the ship could time travel, they were just jumping to a conclusion.

So the question was... what was Sora planning on doing with this ship? If he wanted to mess with time, should they help or stop him?

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