
A Wizard'sLife

reborn in Wizard's world

NOOB_KILLER · Book&Literature
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This past month changed me from a regular introvert to an easily annoyed introvert.

I was extremely bored in my classes so far we had all the core subjects and flying lessons the professor who sorted us was the deputy headmistress who is also a professor of defence against the dark arts, professor Eupraxia Mole is extremely strict while teaching DADA as not letting us mess around, but outside of the classroom she is quite an easy-going person, letting go a few genuinely funny pranks, she is like a better version of Minerva McGonagall.

The Head of Gryffindor is also in charge of transfiguration- professor Alina bruke, she is also strict in the classroom, and fair enough to all students regardless of their status or house.

Head of Ravenclaw --Cormac Crockett is the professor of Charms, he is distracted easily sometimes even while teaching

The head of Hufflepuff -Travers barge, The herbology professor is like all the Hufflepuff Hufflepuff.

Professor of Astronomy Doris Warbeck his lack of interest in teaching is comparable to the lack of interest in astronomy by his students.

Lastly, the professor of the History of Magic is Cuthbert Binns, the same binns who will teach the history of magic in the late 20th century, he is still alive, and even now he is fixed on the subject of goblins' rebellion.

The flying class were only available for first and second-year students and they were merely for those who want to attend.


Currently, I am in the Room of Requirements for my self-study in the wards, Alchemy, and elemental magic. With help of SAGE whose job was to analyze everything I read. I worked like a scanner and SAGE analyzed everything greatly increasing my theoretical knowledge of Alchemy and wards.

I plan on doing duelling practice in both ROR and the duelling club.

I have spoken to Iris this month and coached her in charms and potions, now one may ask what I gain from tutoring her, well other than keeping up with the current gossip in Hogwarts and not looking like a complete loner nothing at all, that and she is Evans, who might be the great grandmother of Lily potter? And it worries me that can she survive with her clumsiness.

-------6 months later-------

I am bored in classes these past 6 months every teacher and students know that, and Even professor Mole knows it.

I have tried to get access to the restricted section of the Library, but the damm professor won't be able to give me till the next year that is after considering me to be responsible enough to not get into any trouble.

Iris has been with me most of my time in between classes, there is no problem with Slytherin and Gryffindor hanging out but for some reason, the annoying trio are always around they have even got detention because they discriminated against muggle-born and half-blood students, but it did not have any effect other than blaming the victims of their discrimination and their isolation from almost all students.