
Headless dream

Faster Chole ran determined to keep a safe distance between her and whatever was chasing her. She couldn't pick out the figure properly but she could tell it was a human male clothed in full black blending perfectly with the darkness that rules the night together with her on a lonly path.

She struggles to keep up with her desire to stay safe but I no time she was wary and her legs began to gave way. She knew stopping was not an option so she linger on using every bit of strenght in her. Her legs finally gave way she fell face first to the ground but she will not give up easily even in a fallen position she still pushed her self to crawl on the ground.

She remembers the words of her father in that moment running, walking or crawling always make sure you are moving forward no matter.

Those words suddenly made a new form of energy take over her but as she was about to get up on her feet she felt a tight grip on her hand fear immediately crawled into her heart as she made attempt to scream but nothing came out of her mouth. She made attempt to have a look at the face of her attacker but was shocked to see her attacker had no face.

It was human male body without an head. Her strength immediately failed her as she made no further attempt to resist. She finally accepted to give herself to her fate. The headless man brought out a sword with his left arm swang it to and fro in an executioner style.

Chloe bowed her head, he eyes closed tightly in total surrounder thinking only about her parents she was about to leave behind. She was expecting to feel a sharp pain around her neck when she felt the tip of the sword making an inscription on her neck. It felt like something was being drawn on her neck with the sword yet she felt no pain.

The next thing she heard was a deep baritone voice

"You are the only child of the third generation, therefor you have been chosen. Today marks a new day in your life by virtue of your age you are now ripe for the things to come. Stay away from that which breathes fire as your destinies should never cross"

Immediately the voice stopped speaking the sword making a drawing on her neck also stopped immediately. Suddenly the pain came rushing through her system as she was finally able to scream waking up at the same time.

It was just a dream Chloe, Chloe woke up to the tight embrace of her mother. She was visibly shaking as sweat kept dripping freely from her body. One could mistakely think she just took her bath without bathing. Everything seem so real to her some few minutes ago.

She held on to her mother, who seem to understand what she was passing through.

"It was all a dream you are safe now", Chloe's mother Mrs Huffman comforted her.

Chloe suddenly remembered the drawings that was made behind her neck she quickly disengaged from the grip of her mind and headed straight for a mirror in her room and there it was. A strange marking could be seen on her neck. A marking she had never seen her body before was now resting openly her neck.

"What is wrong? " her mother asked looking at her with concern in her eyes.

She didn't respond instead she turned slowly to reveal the marking to her mother. The expression on her mothers voice wasn't what she expected, to her surprise her mother looked calm asif she already knew about it.

"You don't seem surprise to see this on my neck what is this?" She asked suspiciously

At that moment her father Mr Huffman walked in, with a big box in his hand full of smile and ignorant of what just happened.

"Happy birthday Chloe!! You are now finally 18 and now officially an adult" he screamed walking forward to pull her in an embrace but stopped when he noticed the coldness from both his wife and Chloe.

"What is wrong?" He asked his gaze moving from Chloe to his wife trying to guess what was wrong. Chloe notices his mother simply point to her neck as Mr Huffman's eyes followed the fingers of his wife.

Chloe noticed the smile on her father's face turn into a frown.

"Why so soon? " he murmured in frustration sitting on a sofa in her room.

Chloe could tell her father also has an idea about the marking but the only difference was that he wasn't totally cool with it.

"Its obvious you both know something about this marking on my neck so one of you should please explain this to me?" Chloe pleaded looking from her father to her mother.

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