
Chapter 9: Earth Loli

"I didn't plan for any of this. I simply wanted answers"

"I was better off not listening to those elves... Even the fairies. Everyone's been tossing me around like some Frisbee"

"I never should've come with Nygel. I'm only farther away from any answers and.....shit I'm losing focus"

He readied himself, still unsure of what would happen now "You still fail to realize the difference in our power even while in my presence? Very well"

Rhaegah felt the room go darker as the grand elemental emphasized why she was called a 'pillar' standing at least eleven feet give or take. Her once glistening hair was now a dark torrent raging endlessly. The water level of the room rose significantly, rising well over his ankles. He could clearly see the mana pouring out of her drowning him in the literal sense. So much pressure was forced on him that he could not believe he was still on his feet. His swords dropped from him the moment he realized even the slightest movement was impossible. She had rendered him paralyzed with only her presence. This was never going to be a battle, more like someone accidentally squashing a bug while stretching.

He hung his head low admitting defeat "I only want answers. I have no idea who I am or how I'm supposed to save anyone without knowing anything" he felt the pressure ease up.

"I was told you could help me. And that's the only reason I agreed to come. I can't hope to battle you knowing I'd most certainly die, but I can't just leave either. I wanna know who I am but more importantly I want to help however I can. This gauntlet was forced on me-" he raised his arm and to his surprise he could move now "She calmed down?!"

"You claim the desire to help, and you come here with a possession of the world ender?" Iara bellowed "Clearly you have been defeated, but I can see your pride will not let you walk away"

Water suddenly rose from one of the pools around swirling under his feet lifting a few feet from the ground "I shall do it for you"

With those words, Rhaegah felt himself moving in a backward motion headed out of the tower watching Iara sit on her throne...the room returning to darkness.

"Rhaegah" a faint voice called out to him "Rhaegah!" Auia's voice rung loudly causing him to snap out of the daze. His mind was still suffering the effects of being exposed to all that. He looked at her remembering how she was tossed out of the temple "You're good right?" he asked sounding too weak to be heard.

"We will help you descend" one of the guards stationed outside said seeing the state they were in. He stepped to the edge of the waterfall, and with a simple gesture, a large platform of ice burst forth headed downwards in a single stretch guarded at both sides by spiked ice rails. This display of power and control was something that shook Rhaegah seeing as this was one of the people he was fighting toe to toe with earlier

"Hold up.... Were you-"

"It would have been unwise to kill you before you met with the Pillar. We were just here to test your strength. I am known as Umbra" Rhaegah then realized just how terrifying this race was "But the one you defeated first was indeed weak and in training" he added. "Did he just try to console me?"

They both stepped on the platform and were sent down a slippery slope. The slide down was short as the speed they moved with was on par with the one they ascended with. Nearing the bottom they were automatically slowed down in order for them not to crash. Looking back the ice structure shattered like glass filling the whole area with sparkles. Annai was waiting for them and without much thought, they were headed back to the common grounds.

"Dragon-born! Judging from that appearance you most certainly met with her" a voice called out as they neared the common grounds. Rhaegah turned to see the two elementals they met when they first got to the island. "Come to think of it, when I stated my reason for choosing the water pillar.......I get it now. She was aware of what I was going to face there"

"Guess we're not too far apart Jon" he said out loud as the two drew closer

"Aeris! How do you know this lad?!" Annai exclaimed. Thinking about it Rhaegah had only seen eleven elementals including a Pillar on an island supposedly full of them. "You will speak with your father explaining yourselves" Annai stated sternly raising a hand refusing to listen to whatever they had to say.

Rhaegah was certain of one thing now. Aeris and Ignis were not adults judging by the way Annai handled them, and his suspicion of how their appearance represented their age was just about confirmed. If compared to objects, Aeris and Ignis were still looking relatively new while the likes of Pyrah and Annai looked worn out.

The walk back was quiet and awkward at first with Rhaegah and Auia failing miserably and the two in trouble for meddling in matters way beyond them. "I take it Pyrah's your father?" Rhaegah asked growing tired of the awkward silence.

"Yes he is. And being a fire elemental does not increase one's capacity for patience and temperament" Aeris replied

"So he's basically hotheaded?"

"Exactly so. I'm more surprised that Ignis shows no such temper"

"I'm sure he just keeps it in so you won't feel so much of that going around" Rhaegah said noticing Ignis looking his way "Staring again?"

"Where do you hail from? Your manner of speaking is one I am not familiar with. Seeing as the others have no such complexity in their speech"

"Well lemme just say it's far away from anywhere you could possibly know. But even more curious is how Pyrah is your 'father's even though elementals don't bear children, much less a child of another element"

"We are created by the pillars and granted to fitting guardians we call parents. These guardians raise the children till they come of age and are left to play their respective roles as members of the elemental race"

"Adoption huh.... Reasonable enough" Rhaegah said getting to the same building they arrived at on entry to the island. Once again Rhaegah felt eyes on him and took a swift turn looking in all directions to no avail. "That's never good" he thought walking into the structure. Herke was the first to spot them but held back his remark on seeing the look on their faces. Rhaegah and Auia had been thoroughly defeated given the looks of it. Knowing Auia, this must have really been a total defeat as she was one to never really give up once her mind was set on something. "What in the gods happened to you?" Nygel exclaimed

"Let's just say there's no way I'm getting anything from the water Pillar"

"What did you do?" Symmone asked sternly but also calmly seeing the sudden change in Auia's countenance

"Nothing.... That's the problem. She immediately assumed I was somebody else lashing out as soon as she saw me"

"He speaks the truth. She did not wait to uncover the reason as to why we came and simply three me out almost as soon as I stepped in" Auia added.

"First her guards attacked us and then she picked on the scraps that were left. Nygel this is turning out worse than... This was not even a possible scenario. I nearly died there, and I'm still nowhere in knowing what this thing is" he pointed to the gauntlet "and nothing still of who I am"

None of them had anything to say that would quell his rising anger. In that moment they realized that he had been forced to search for information about his identity since no one was helping in that aspect. They had selfishly dragged him into their war without even bothering to help him figure out why he was on Earth in the first place if he was from Valoren. Rhaegah now felt even worse as that was something he didn't want to openly admit knowing how it would affect them once they realized that. But he couldn't blame them for putting him second, their entire world was in peril..... So much so that they had to search across worlds to find a solution.

"You absolutely have to gain the favour of the pillars. Your mother's instructions were clear-" Alvier grabbed his sister's shoulder and the female dark elf immediately realized she had said way too much. The air became cold and thin, everyone suddenly feeling like the effects of gravity was intensified in that region. This happened so suddenly that no one could register quickly that this was someone's doing. All eyes suddenly looked to Rhaegah, the source of the phenomenon. He had his eyes closed as though fighting a thought "What..... did you just say??

Alvier feeling the enraged aura quickly stood between Rhaegah and his sister. To his surprise he wasn't the only one, Herke stood equidistant from both of them with Nygel being the closest to Rhaegah "Rhaegah... Calm yourself" Nygel said softly. "You know his mother?" Auia said with a broken voice standing . No one but Symmone realized that Nygel was seeping mana towards Rhaegah in an attempt to quell his rage. A harmless wave of gold mana burst out making Nygel take one step back. His mana was completely rejected..... violently, and the aura around Rhaegah was descending deeper into bloodlust. "Do you realize how much he hurts for not knowing who he is? And you knew where the source of all the answers were?" Auia said almost in tears

"It was not my place to say-"

"It would be best to remain silent" Symmone coldly stated

"He's only been thrown around in everyone's battles and problems without a means of better understanding his own self" Auia said softly

"Auia, I know-"

"Nygel..... Let her speak" Symmone cut in now noticing that Rhaegah's aura was no longer intensifying. Echoes of loud thuds took everyone's attention outside as the ceiling caved in suddenly.

In that moment everyone dispersed evading whatever was coming through the roof. The group looked around to find that two didn't make it out. "This is bad" Pyrah said fiercely "They have sensed the presence of danger and have come to eliminate it"

"They?" Nygel asked

"The golems of the earth region. Though they do not wander here. The aura he released must have been too potent to reach them that far away"

Inside the building Rhaegah's outstretched hand stopped the attack of one golem. His arm twitched showing the sudden strain he was feeling as the golem pushed on. "Thanks for that" he said to Auia who casted an ice spike that pierced the golem making it weak enough for Rhaegah to stop it.

"No need to thank me for defending myself"

"I mean for earlier... You seemed to be angry in my place. Thank you for that, cos I honestly didn't know what to say then"

"Thank me later" she stated sharply as another golem burst into the structure forcing them out. Getting outside they were met by two more golems towering much taller than Iara that turned towards Rhaegah the moment he stepped out. "You have to get him out of here else he will die" Pyrah warned ready to move on the golems as a figure walked past him stopping him in his tracks. Nygel noticed that and giving in to his curious nature, decided to watch what was about to happen. Rhaegah flipped, dashed and dodged various attacks until he unfortunately landed right in the middle of the gathering of golems who wasted no time attacking him viscously.

Rhaegah opened his eyes wondering why he wasn't hit yet. The golems stood still not moving an inch stepping aside one by one when a certain figure walked up to them. Judging from the initial appearance Rhaegah noticed he was more plant than rock.....almost entirely plant to be more specific. He had a robe stretching to the ground but only scraping it. Horns protruding the side of his head confused Rhaegah even more and he was taller than everyone present, though not as tall as the golems. "So you are the dragonborn. Follow me" the wood figure calmly stated and turned to walk away " Unless you wish to remain with them" he said again pointing to the golems still standing in place "And like before, one may accompany you"

"I take it we're heading to the earth Pillar?" Rhaegah asked

"What makes you certain I am not said Pillar?"

"No offense to you but compared to what I felt in the water tower, you don't have that much of a presence"

"I take it you believe a Pillar must be one with overwhelming godlike presence"

"Pretty much"

"I do hope you will not be disappointed"

"So what do I call-?"

"M'hoku. I am called M'hoku"

"Herke.... Would you do me the honor?"

"Really?? Given the state you returned the last time, I think you should reconsi-"

"An earth elemental mage fits the bill perfectly don't you think?"

"In that case-"

"Symmone won't leave Auia in that state and leave with me. You should know that" Symmone and Auia suddenly looked towards Rhaegah surprised that the boy had realized the bond between them. Herke surrendered and went along with them. The golems immediately sprang back into motion and went their way. Nygel looked closely at them noticing that all their attacks either had no effects or were immediately fixed regardless of the damage "There is powerful magic overflowing on this island"

Finally sure that Rhaegah had left the area, Auia relaxed falling unconscious into the arms of a screaming Symmone. "She was hiding her strain from him. She overexerted herself beyond normal degrees, she has not been this worn out for a long time" Nygel said looking towards the direction the three went "How much more will you push yourself Rhaegah?"

"You must still be in thought about your encounter with Lady Iara" M'hoku said without looking at him

"She was certain I was someone else. Someone she definitely hated"

"There was a time when this island was void of the many elementals you see now. Only the Pillars existed then, and the mortal races visited this island more often than they did their neighboring lands"

"I have never heard of this" Herke joined in now happy he tagged along

"This was a time long before the first fall" M'hoku replied and Rhaegah took a mental note to ask about that later.

"But an incident occurred which directly led to the first fall. The source was apparently a mortal who gained knowledge from the Pillars and used all that power to plunge the world into a dark age"

"But what does that have to do with me? Why was she so convinced that I was the same person from eons ago?"

"That is because the mortal was a dark dragonborn as well" Rhaegah stopped in his tracks at that statement. It made sense now..... Not just the situation with Iara, but with him being called the dark dragonborn. Just what was the dark dragonborn and how does being able to choose any one attribute make a person so deadly. For the first time since coming here, he suspected Nygel was keeping something from him, something very vital at that. "What is the dark dragonborn anyway? What makes a dark dragonborn so terrifying?" he saw a chance at completely objective information and immediately jumped on it

"If your party hasn't told you that, then it is not my place to tell as I also do not possess adequate information regarding it"

"Is that...Is that what I think it is?" Herke paused obviously shocked by whatever he saw. Rhaegah turned to inspect what he saw and was dumbfounded as well. The most colorful bird he had ever seen was perched on a pointy rock protruding out of a boulder. The bird was a burst of colors that Rhaegah did not believe could even go together. The bird was also large, so much so that he was sure it could carry possibly two people on its back. What Rhaegah saw next only sent his brain into hyperdrive as the colors began changing and glowing with every gesture. He noticed that the bird was like a prism revealing a different set of colors depending on how light hit it.

"A ryhyr.... A beast that captivates all who set eyes upon it. Many have looked at it in that same manner young tamer" Herke looked back to M'hoku, surprised that he knew he was a tamer "but none have succeeded" he added

"Wait..... Does that mean you've gone outside the island before?" Rhaegah caught that

"Elementals dwell among the other mortal races and as someone in my position, I make several trips at a time" They came upon a door and Rhaegah for the first time since they left the others looked around to find that they were already at the entrance to a cave. Given the last experience, he stepped back reminding himself to take caution.

"What's down there?"

"The way up" M'hoku sharply replied with what Rhaegah was sure was a smile. For some reason he felt he could trust this fellow. So far all he felt was mainly indifference, meaning M'hoku didn't really have an opinion of Rhaegah and only said what he was allowed to. To Rhaegah's surprise, the equivalent shape and size of the large door opened in the ground leaving the actual door still standing. "This is the quickest means of getting to the earth Pillar"

M'hoku did not bother to wait for Rhaegah to decide if he was going to follow and dropped into the large gap in the ground. After all, the dragonborn was free to follow whatever means he wanted in order to meet the Pillars. Rhaegah shut his mind which only saw all the negative results of jumping in there. He drops as well leaving a discombobulated Herke darting his head around as though contemplating the decision. The loud and heavy thud of a golem nearby was all the motivation he needed to dive into the hole. The gap sealed up returning the earth to its normal texture and form.

"Are we really underground?" Rhaegah asked in astonishment looking around at the bright passage they were on. Something akin to the image of the cosmos was projected on the ceiling of the passage.

"Those are element crystals. Each region has its unique crystals, but the earth region is the only one harboring crystals from all four regions. The best part is that they can only be found here..... At least all at once like this" the tree figure kept his eyes above him and Rhaegah followed his gaze to realize that the cosmos he saw was actually tons of crystals put together glowing different colors besides the red, blue green stereotype representation of the elements he expected to see. Focusing on the walls, Rhaegah noticed what seemed like people sculpted into the walls on both sides of the passage. Looking at them closely, they had similar appearances with the earth elemental that accompanied Pyrah. Thinking back to the ice temple he reached a terrifying realization..... These were the guards of this place. Endless sculptures lined the walls making him feel stupid for even thinking he could get here without help.

They neared the end of the passage, light tearing through from the other side confirming this. They came to a huge garden full of many different plants. The plants were unlike anything he had seen, some at first glance were a combination of at least three earth plants merged beautifully into one. What took him aback was the vast variety of colors that stretched out over the garden. Never in his life had he seen a garden that reached out to his heart. They were so soft to the touch, he felt he would crush them if mishandled slightly "He was also fascinated by my garden" a tiny voice reached his ear only inches away. He turned his head to find a little girl checking out the same flowers. He tried hard to maintain his composure but failed miserably darting back and bumping into Herke who didn't even notice the girl. "And he reacted the same way as well. You really are very similar to him" the girl said to Rhaegah.

"Him? Who are you talking about?"

"Karnaq the dark dragonborn who was the mastermind behind the Lunar fall, later known as the demon dragon"

"Wait..... Who are you?" he looked at the little girl who funny enough in all sense of the word, was a total loli. She donned a white cropped top with a pair of shorts. Both white with patterns of black and brown lined along the edges. Her hair was blonde and she had bright green eyes "Never met a gardener this young before..... Wait a sec" Rhaegah felt something bite at his mind "The dragonborn that caused the lunar fall came to her garden? Wait how old is this girl?" he instinctively thought but decided not to question it seeing as almost anything was possible in a fantasy world

"A gardener? Well that is simply rude no matter how one views that" the girl said with a laugh. "This one is called Tierra" the girl spoke "and I tend to the garden in my spare time"

"What exactly is the dark dragonborn? And how does being able to choose any one attribute make a person so terrifying?"

"Any one attribute? Is that what they told you? I suppose it would make sense not to reveal your capacity for destruction when you're the one they claim can help them"

"So they lied to me!" his voice got louder and he turned towards Herke who raised a hand

"I know nothing of this. I am in the dark about all this same as you" Herke stated, now understanding Auia's earlier outburst. They had hurled him away from his life to fight their war yet he was was kept in the dark about everything that defined him. It was no surprise that Nygel would do such, but how could Symmone agree to this knowing how that affects a person better than anyone.

Herke's expression was so vivid, Rhaegah could tell he was battling that thought in his mind. "So what is the truth then?" He asked Tierra

"The dark dragonborn as the mortals have termed it, can wield whatever attribute he wishes without limitations to any amount"

Rhaegah wasn't sure he was getting it cos such potential shouldn't be possible. He turns to Herke who has the most terrified expression on hearing that. "That is impossible! Even the gods themselves cannot. That is why there are many gods who grant blessings for the many attributes" Herke protested after hearing the most ludicrous statement.

"Mortals are so noisy don't you think?"

"Passionately rejecting something contrary to one's core beliefs can be considered normal I believe" Rhaegah replied her still wondering who she could be. He chose not to ask risking an end to this casual flow of information. Since she was speaking freely, it would be unwise to agitate her. So far this was the only person he knew was being completely honest with him. "So you're saying I can learn any form of magic however I want, and the powers only accumulate?"

"Even you are slow for a being with the power to change worlds"

Now Rhaegah was beginning to question everything he already knew. He could no longer be certain what was attributed to him being a dragonborn, and what was him picking attributes from all over the place. His senses, the lightning "So the lightning was just a fluke? It could've been anything at all and I'd still believe I was restricted to one" But what if she was lying to him even though he could see no reason why she would do that.

"A mortal by the name Karnaq came to this island long before any of the things you see came to be. He was everything we hoped for in the mortal race....and to Iara, he was much more than that" she began what Rhaegah, through his experience with anime would call a 'filler'


The scorching sun fell on the face of a certain man washed on the shore. His scars visible through his torn robes from either many battles fought, or as a result of someone subjected to an incredible amount of torture. She looked over at him, the first man she had laid eyes on in over a century. He forces his eyes open resting his blurred vision on the woman towering over him. The giant frame sent shivers all over him. "Do not panic..... I am not your enemy" Iara said to tell man who had a look of terror on his face.

"My apologies..... I would not have come here if my life had not depended on it. I am aware that the mortals have been refused access to the island, but the storm that passed was not the only threat on the seas" he replied

"I am aware..... The pirates that attacked your ship under the cover of the downpour"

He darted back warily "Are you one of them?"

"Do I appear as a pitiful disgrace of a pirate to you?"

He had only seen her frame as his eyes had not fully adjusted considering the strain on him. He looked towards her again, his eyes immediately fine tuning themselves resting on the beauty with hair of water standing before him. Her skin was somewhat translucent under her flowing gown. The blue of the gown matched perfectly with the color of the sea behind her. More significantly, she was no taller than he was. She was just as a regular lady would look.

"I was under the impression that humans did not fancy the sea"

"Of course..... The sea.. Yes" he stammered "The sea is indeed beautiful. Do forgive my rudeness, I am Karnaq"

He explained that he had been on a journey over the Valahr continent learning all he could as an aspiring teacher. He had been to every major city on the continent, and was looking to journey to the forever plane as the final part of his journey. Though that final journey was his life long dream. He fascinated Iara with tales of his travels telling her so much about the world outside the island. He truly had been around the world, performing magic arts never before seen. The other elementals were done trusting the mortals but Iara's nature did not allow her to carry hatred over long periods. As a water elemental she was calm, caring and forever bearing. She was one who always saw the best in everyone and everything... And in this case, she was awestruck that such a mortal existed. His stay on the island made her forget all the horrid memories of what the mortals had put them through. Days passed into weeks, weeks into months, and after a few years, Karnaq and Iara had become inseparable.

Over the years, Karnaq was accepted by the other elementals who also shared their knowledge with him teaching him all they could, and he in turn showed them ways to incorporate their elemental magic in all number of things. "I am afraid you will leave this place someday. Don't you long to see other people besides we four? You have been on this island longer than any other creature from the outside world has"

Karnaq said nothing as he lay with his head placed comfortably on her laps. He then turned to face her, reaching up and putting his hand through the perfectly clear stream of water flowing down as her hair. He then leaned in to kiss her. This was something she had questioned the first time he did and he told her it was something mortals do with others they find special and loved. "I have no need of the outside world" he assured her "You are more than all I could hope for. I see no reason to leave this place"

"And what of your life long dream to visit the Forever plane. Are you saying you will give that up for me?"

"I will do no such thing" he said abruptly making Iara sink in that moment "I intend to find a way to take you with me. That is my life's goal now..... To share my dream with you" he comforted her and returned to his slumber. The two grew deeper in love and the other elementals had begun preparing themselves for the day the two would leave for the forever plane.

One morning on a sunny day, at the end of the fifth year, a blinding light followed by a loud explosion sent rumbles reverberating all over the island. Iara being the closest to the explosion hurried there to find a third of the island in flames with nothing but a crater left there. Plants, animals, even the ground itself had been burnt to nothing. All she could feel was the cold, malevolent aura that was fiercely blown out from the center of this nightmarish scene. It was a sight that was unforgivable. Iara suddenly went numb looking towards the centre. The concentration of mana was so thick it was impossible to believe that such a thing could get on the island unnoticed.

The others arrived to see Iara making her way towards the creature giving off this maddening eerie feeling. "Where is Karnaq?! Is he safe?" Tierra exclaimed "Where is Karnaq?"

Iara steeled herself, her normal translucent skin not an unbreakable layer of ice. The flames were indeed unbearable but as a being of pure water, this was nothing she could not handle. The closer she got, the more she felt her core break. This sad feeling was one she couldn't understand. She suddenly had an image flash in her mind of Karnaq covered in blood. The figure at the centre as if just noticing her, turned to face her. What was left of her core shattered instantly as Karnaq stood facing her with a mad grin. "I must say..... You elementals are as useful as they say"

Though a being of water, a tear rolled down Iara's cheek dropping to the ground. The single drop, upon touching the ground, instantly froze a large region of the crater keeping the flames from reaching the center. "What is the meaning of this? Who did this? Who would do such a thing to this place?" Iara asked with shaky voice not believing the obvious.

"You have been the most wonderful subject. I have learnt much more than I thought I would"

"Everything you said"

"Served it's purpose as was intended"

"Everything you did" she immediately remembered every single time he had touched her

"Enforced the hold I already had"

The wind picked up rapidly as storm clouds formed above. The layer of ice over here akin shattered to pieces as her frame grew increasing her overall size. He immediately remembered the first time he say her confirming the towering figure he saw that day. "You will die here" Iara coldly stated throwing fist to smash him.

Her attack was blocked by a bright violet mandala that formed at at impossible speed. "Impossible! A mandala is not something that should have any physical properties capable of such feat" Tierra shouted and headed over to where the two were. The other elementals followed suit as fast as they could. In mere moments they were within melee distance from him and made to strike making it a four point attack. Three more mandalas appeared blocking all their attacks like a solid wall. The four mandalas were perfectly positioned equidistant from one another thanks to the elementals being desperate to attack him from his four sides.

A circle of light connecting all the centre points of the four existing mandalas formed around Karnaq and inscriptions began forming inside "He formed the mandala from the bind? What is this man?" Tierra thought as Karnaq opened his eyes

"Dragon Cry"

Among the fairies in Faireim, a young Nygel felt a strange unease followed by a flash of light driving his attention over the sea where a pillar of light shot to the sky following and explosion of bright gold light. For some reason he could tell something devastating was happening where that light was.

Four elementals could barely stand after that explosion and only Iara was still able to utter anything. "I am now more powerful than all four of you. You have no means of stopping me"

"Please..... don't....leave...m-" Iara collapses as well as the others

"I have spent longer than expected, but I believe five years will suffice" Karnaq said to himself before walking away, the last Iara saw of him.


"Wait... You are-"

"I am the earth Pillar. Which is how I know everything about a dark dragonborn because I knew one. My biggest regret was letting him get close to her" Tierra frowned "She fell deeply in love with a mortal against her better judgement and not heeding any of our warnings, she opened her core to him"

"And he betrayed that love" Rhaegah said, now understanding the hate and rage he felt from Iara

"Precisely so. And that is also the very reason I will not lift a finger to help you..... because you reek of that same man. You are the exact replica of him, both body and mana"

"What are you talking about-"

"Leave this place now!" the earth elementals standing by suddenly turned towards Rhaegah burning bright green from within in response to their lady's tone. "Or he will certainly make sure you do" she added pointing to the wood golem who had begun forming a mandala.

"I will give you three counts to leave.....after which you will cease to exist" M'hoku stated as the garden began coming to life.

*This chapter was relatively short compared to the others but I had to certainly publish something this week. Hope the pseudo filler is good.....

Next chapter