
chapter one

"It was supposed to be a simple ceremony. The werewolf king would visit our pack and choose a suitable bride from among the eligible women. But he didn't choose any of them. He chose me. The runt."

*********A little room**********

I had woken up that morning ready to start my wretched life as usual, not knowing what fate had in store for me. I heard that a werewolf king would be visiting us soon, but I was indifferent because it's not like they ever notice me. What did it matter, right?

Muttering all that to myself, I jumped out of the bed and walked out yawning, still feeling a bit sleepy. When I bumped into someone, I thought, (Great, just my luck) and I started apologizing to avoid getting into trouble. Then I heard, "Whoa, easy there, cupcake." Wait a minute, there was only one person who called me cupcake. Realizing that, I suddenly looked up to see my childhood bestie Carlson grinning like a goofball. "God, Carlson, you scared the hell out of me," I said, at the same time not forgetting to give him a friendly punch on his chest while pouting.Ok, ok, I'm sorry, he said while laughing playfully. As I was enjoying the moment, I heard the alpha's second in command call for Carlson. He then looked at me and smiled helplessly. "Sorry, cupcake, gotta go," he said. I winced a little bit before forcing myself to smile. "I understand, it's okay," I said.Carlson, he got called again. He said, "Alright, I gotta go" and patted my head softly before he quickly turned around and left.

I took a deep breath in before moving forward to where I carried out my daily routine, when I collided with the trio sisters.Great, it's the Jaye sisters again: Janice, Jane, and Jayla. Three witches who use their innocence as a guise for bullying me all the time. Just my luck, I mutter under my breath. God, can this day get any worse?

But little did I know that I had just jinxed myself, because (flashback time, guys) you know how in the movies when a person says what could possibly go wrong or could this day get worse and it gets really bad? Well, that's when everything went wrong."Oh, look who it is," Janice said while walking towards me with her arms folded. "If it isn't the bottom feeder and runt of the pack." "Eww," Jane followed up. "Gosh, what's that disgusting smell?" "Yuck, I smell it too," Jayla added. "Girls, do you know what this means?" Janice said while smiling evilly. "Of course," Jayla said. "It's clean up time," said Jane and Jayla.

"Clean up," I thought, still confused, when it suddenly struck me. I gulped and took a step back, shivering with fear. "Grab her, girls," Janice said. They held me and I watched in terror and helplessness as she approached me with a sharp, thorny, sponge-like object in her hand. "Nooo," I cried. "Please, help me." "Shut up," she said, putting a finger to my lips while stroking my face. "Don't worry, I won't injure your pretty face. I mean, it's the only nice thing you have, right girls?"yes" they both reply. After saying that she uses the sponge to start scraping my skin viciously, I can't help but cry and wimper,when she says wait I've changed my mind, I heave a sigh of relief when I hear something even worse, I think your face needs a makeover too,she say grinning like a devil, I start shaking furiously but I'm just too weak, I'm about to give up when I hear the signal our pack gives to symbolize the arrival of an important guest,shit they all exclaim,count this as your lucky day Janice says before motioning the girls to follow her,come on guys let's go dress up,then they leave me alone there as a mess.I groan and walk back to my room to put on some clothes to cover my injuries and of course for courtesy.

*********Main Room*******

A majestic alpha male could be seen sitting majestically on a high sit

"Sir Damian"

The Alpha of pack spoke, "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today?" The alpha, feigning ignorance, asked, "Oh, you know very well the reason I am here." Damian replied, casting a fleeting lazy glance at him, replied, "Indeed, I am aware of the reason."

"However, I must say that I might disappoint you this time," the alpha continues. In response to this, Damian cocks an eyebrow and says, "Disappoint me, huh?"

The alpha quickly clarifies, "Make no mistake, Sir Damian. I say this not to come to challenge your authority, but because I'm afraid that you might be disappointed."

Damian reassures him, "No worries, leave that to me. Just arrange for all of them to be gathered. And when I say gathered, I mean every last one of them."

Yes Sir Damian.

*************Central hall*************

The scene unfolds with the alpha having successfully gathered many she-wolves in anticipation of Sir Damian's arrival. The atmosphere is filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity. The she-wolves engage in hushed conversations, gossiping about Sir Damian's renowned handsomeness and speculating about which one among them he might choose.

Whispers and giggles fill the air as they share their thoughts and opinions, each hoping to catch the Alpha's attention. Some discuss his commanding presence and charisma, while others debate his potential preferences or qualities he might seek in a mate.

Amidst the chatter, there is an underlying sense of anticipation, as the she-wolves eagerly await Sir Damian's arrival to see who he will ultimately choose from among them.

As the she-wolves gather, among them are the trio sisters, known as the Jaye sisters. They stand out from the crowd, dressed in overly ostentatious and revealing outfits, drawing attention to themselves. Their attire is attention-grabbing, adorned with flashy colors, intricate patterns, and revealing cuts.

Contrasting with the Jaye sisters, our female lead, Raya, is dressed in a more modest and conservative manner. Her choice of clothing is tightly covered, a deliberate contrast to the earlier injuries she suffered during a bullying incident caused by the Jaye sisters in the morning.

Raya's attire reflects her resilience and determination, as she refuses to let the morning's events define her. Despite the bullying, she remains composed and carries herself with dignity. Her choice to dress modestly may also indicate her focus on inner qualities rather than outward appearance.

The contrasting fashion choices between the Jaye sisters and Raya set the stage for potential conflicts and rivalries, highlighting the differences in character and values among the she-wolves gathered for Sir Damian's attention.

As fate would have it, the Jaye sisters and Raya cross paths once again at the gathering.

As the she-wolves gathered, the Jaye sisters, dressed ostentatiously, couldn't resist the opportunity to assert their dominance once again. Spotting Raya amidst the crowd, they approached her with smirks on their faces, ready to unleash their venomous words.

Janice: Well, well, well, if it isn't little Raya. Still hoping Sir Damian would choose you? What a joke!

Jane: Look at her, all covered up like a wounded puppy. Do you honestly think you stand a chance against us, dear?

Raya, though visibly affected by their bullying, stood her ground, refusing to let their words break her spirit.

Raya: Your words may be cruel, but they won't define me. Sir Damian will see beyond your shallow judgments.

Jayla: Oh, listen to her! So naive and delusional. Sir Damian would never choose a pathetic girl like you over us, the Jaye sisters.

Raya: It's not about competing with you. It's about being true to myself and showing my worth in ways that go beyond appearances.

Janice: (mocking laughter) Worth? Please, spare us your self-righteousness. You're nothing compared to us.

Raya: Maybe I am nothing in your eyes, but I won't let your words diminish my value. Sir Damian will choose based on character, strength, and loyalty, not just fancy outfits.

Jane: (sarcastically) Oh, how noble of you, Raya. Good luck convincing Sir Damian of that.

Raya: I don't need luck. I have faith in my own abilities, and I won't let your insecurities define me.

As Sir Damian makes his grand entrance, a hushed silence falls over the gathering. All eyes turn towards him, and the anticipation in the air becomes palpable. Raya, relieved that the Jaye sisters are no longer around, breathes a sigh of relief.

Whispering to herself, Raya mutters, "Thank God they're gone. Gosh, I almost blew my cover." She had been pretending earlier, trying to create an illusion that Sir Damian had noticed her and held some interest in her. Deep down, Raya struggled to believe that someone as esteemed as Sir Damian would truly notice the runt of the pack like her.

Despite her doubts, Raya had pushed herself to play the part, attempting to capture Sir Damian's attention and make herself stand out from the crowd. It was a delicate dance of hope and self-doubt, as she yearned for a chance to prove herself worthy of his notice.

With the Jaye sisters no longer present, Raya feels a mixture of relief and renewed determination. This is her opportunity to show Sir Damian her true self, to let her genuine character shine without the need for pretense. She realizes that it is not about pretending to be someone else, but about embracing her own unique qualities and proving her worth on her own terms.

As Sir Damian moves through the gathering, Raya's heart beats faster in anticipation. She knows that her chances of capturing his attention may still be slim, but she refuses to let self-doubt hold her back any longer. She stands tall, ready to seize any opportunity that comes her way and to let her true spirit be seen.

In that moment, Raya's belief in herself begins to grow, and she starts to realize that true worth is not defined by the perceptions of others or by superficial appearances. She is determined to show Sir Damian and the entire pack that even the runt of the pack can possess qualities that are deserving of love, respect, and admiration.

With a newfound confidence, Raya waits for her chance to make an impression, knowing that she has much more to offer than meets the eye.

As Raya's thoughts swirl in her mind, she spots him across the room. Her heart skips a beat as she recognizes him instantly. It is none other than Damien Black, the Alpha King of all werewolves. His presence commands attention, and the air around him seems to change, filled with an aura of power and authority.

Damien Black is renowned as the most powerful and respected leader in the entire werewolf world. He rules over the largest and strongest pack, and his word carries immense weight in all matters concerning werewolf law and order. His visits to other packs are rare and significant, and Raya can't help but wonder why he has chosen to visit their pack at this particular time.

Curiosity and a touch of apprehension fill Raya's mind. She wonders what Damien Black's purpose is in coming to their pack. Is he here to address an important matter that could affect their pack's future? Or is there something else, a hidden agenda behind his visit?

As Raya ponders these questions, she realizes that the presence of the Alpha King adds an extra layer of complexity to the gathering. The stakes are higher now, and every interaction, every decision made in his presence, carries greater significance.

Raya's determination to prove herself and catch Damien Black's attention becomes even more intense. She sees this as an opportunity to not only stand out among her peers but also to potentially gain recognition and favor from the most influential figure in the werewolf world.

With a mix of excitement and nervousness, Raya prepares herself to navigate the upcoming interactions, hoping to find a way to make a lasting impression on the Alpha King and uncover the purpose behind his unexpected visit. Little does she know that this encounter with Damien Black will set in motion a series of events that will challenge her in ways she never expected, ultimately shaping her destiny and the fate of their pack.

As Damien Black stands amidst the gathering, his gaze scans the room, his expression somewhat bored. The weight of his responsibilities and the constant demands of his position as Alpha King of all werewolves seem to momentarily dull his interest.

However, amidst the sea of faces, Damien's attention is drawn to a figure stealing glances at him. It is Raya, the self-proclaimed "little devil" who had been trying to catch his attention earlier. There is a flicker of curiosity in Damien's eyes as he notices her subtle yet persistent attempts to engage his gaze.

"Hmm, interesting," Damien muses to himself, his interest piqued. He recognizes the determination and the spark in Raya's eyes, and he finds himself intrigued by this seemingly unassuming she-wolf who dares to meet his gaze.

While Damien is accustomed to admirers and individuals vying for his attention, there is something different about Raya's demeanor that catches his attention. He senses a genuine spirit beneath her actions, a spirit that refuses to be overshadowed by her perceived status within the pack.

In that moment, Damien's boredom dissipates, replaced by a sense of curiosity and a desire to understand Raya's motives. He wonders what drives her to seek his attention, and he contemplates the potential depth and strength of character hidden within this seemingly unassuming she-wolf.

Unbeknownst to Raya, her stolen glances have not gone unnoticed by the Alpha King. Damien's observation of her sparks a chain of events that will lead to unexpected connections, challenges, and revelations for both Raya and Damien. Little do they know that their paths are about to intertwine in ways that will shape their destinies and the future of their pack.

As Damien's gaze lingers on Raya for a moment longer, he makes a mental note to find an opportunity to engage with her, intrigued by the mystery that surrounds this "little devil" who has captured his attention amidst the otherwise mundane gathering.

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