
My Curiosity

Our second week of school, our lunch time is done and I came out of the rest room, that was a good release of my pee. Coincidentally, I passed by the most beautiful girl of our class, the one who my friends were talking about, she was holding a book and came from the canteen, I guess she studied for our quiz while she had her lunch. I gazed at her eyes and thought to myself; She's indeed beautiful, she really is, her boyfriend is lucky. Then she also looked at my eyes, and she looked down and walked faster back to our classroom, I wonder why, maybe she's shy? That's natural I guess, but wait, I didn't study for the quiz! Dang it! Oh well, please bless me knowledge dear God. I pray atleast give me half of the correct answers, that's plenty enough! Thank you in advance.

And... Yes... Thank you very much! I got 2 correct answers out of 10 questions! Thank you! I'm really grateful and blessed that I didn't get 0. I know 2 out of 10 isn't half but atleast I answered 2 correct answers! Heh, how lucky can I be? It's class dismissal, and we're going to clean the classroom, I asked my friends how much score they got, they said "I got 0! BAHAHAHAHA!", "A perfect score, hehe! This is the power of my eagle-like eyes!" then I said; "Wow! No offense Jemuel, you're incredibly stupid! HAHAHAHAHA". Jemuel laughed and replied; "I know I am! HAHAHAHA! But Godsghieft, from whom did you copy your perfect score?!" Godsghieft then said; "Keep your voice down! I'll whisper it to you, come closer Jemuel." Jemuel then lend his ear to Godsghieft, "FROM THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THIS WHOLE CLASS! EUNHICE!" Godsghieft shouted, the whole class stared at Godsghieft, Jemuel screamed out of pain and laughed it off with Godsghieft, the whole class then started laughing and then I looked at Eunhice, she had a red face, I smiled when I saw her blush, some of our classmates then started teasing Eunhice and some teased Godsghieft, Godsghieft then went to the back of my seat and and asked; "DANIELLL! HELPPP! THEY'RE GOING TO CONSUME MEEE! AHHHHHHHH!", I laughed and let him stay at my back and some were saying; "Godsghieft! You like Eunhice don't you? You sure got the looks but you're too dumb to be with her! WHAHAHAHAHA!", Godsghieft replied; "YOU"RE CRUEL! ALL OF YOU! I KNOW I'M STUPID BUT PLEASE DON'T LET MY HOPES DOWN! I LIKE EUNHICE! But, yeah... Eunhice is beautiful and all, she might already have a boyfriend of her own". Then Jemuel joined their conversation and it's chaos, our classmates that's cleaning the room are complaining about them, then I saw Eunhice take her bag, getting ready to go home. I noticed, she goes home alone. Doesn't she have friends? For the first whole 2 weeks of our class, she always goes home all alone, but I thought to myself, maybe she meets with her boyfriend on the way home? Yeah, that might be it.

We're going home now, Godsghieft and Jemuel are talking about what happened earlier, they keep laughing about it, while here I am, thinking why she doesn't have friends, maybe she does but I don't know about it? I really hope that's the case. Well, even though she doesn't have friends she always has her boyfriend with her. But I'm curious though, maybe I should ask her about it. Tomorrow, I'll ask her tomorrow, we're parting ways now.

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