
A Villainess's Mother

Adriana, the divorced wife of Duke Auguste Von Britten, the youngest Swordmaster in the Kingdom, and the mother of the supposedly villainous woman, Annalise. She, along with her family were executed for being the family of the villainess. She came back to a time when her daughter just became three years old (15 years back), and when she was still a married couple with the Duke, only to realise that things were not as simple as they seem to be.

justa_livelyghost · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Seeing Elaine struggle with getting out of her bed, Edward who was on the same side of the bed as her immediately went to support her while nagging at her, " Miss Elaine, you still need rest. You were drained of your mana, so proper rest is mandatory. Even if you are the tower master or not, you are still just a human. And-"

Edward couldn't continue on with his nagging when he realised something wrong with everyone's expressions. The other ladies except Elaine were looking at him with pity, and even creepier was the light in Elaine's eyes.

Elaine eyed the doctor with the look of a predator eyeing it's prey, her eyes were so crazed that the poor doctor was scared stiff. He looked towards the other ladies for help, but the glances he received varied.

Adriana was lost in her own thoughts and Clara looked at him with pity, while Jessy looked amused and even had a teasing expression on her face that lasted for a second before it turned to her cold indifferent face. While Emma looked on with a happy face seeing everyone smile genuinely after a long time. Meanwhile, Annalise fell asleep at some point in time.

Elaine eagerly held up Edward's chin, looked at him with a flirtatious grin and said, " Would you like to be my...."

Edward immediately threw off her hands, his eyes showing emotions of disgust mixed with fear. He controlled his emotions and changed it to shyness and embarrassment.

Even if he could fool anyone else with his faultless acting, his change in emotions were clearly captured by Elaine, and Adriana who looked like she was waiting for this. Adriana smirked victoriously, ' This time I caught you, Black Wolf.'

The moment Elaine noticed Edward's change in emotions, she looked towards Adriana and as expected she noticed her smirking like a kid who succeeded in pranking someone.

Every single time Adriana had to pry out secrets from both men and women, she depended on Elaine to use her methods to either intimidate or seduce them into talking. And because of that, Elaine's was known by everyone as a flirtatious woman who'll flirt with anyone regardless of gender.

Even if there are such rumours spreading around, no one will outright mention it to her face, after all she isn't someone just anyone can offend.

Well, just look at her, she is the youngest and the first woman in history to become the tower master after defeating other Elders of the tower in a fair manner, with the Kings of neighbouring Kingdoms as the witness.

The tower has always maintained neutrality, and this neutrality was what kept the balance amongst these Kingdoms who are mutually enemies, which subsequently prevented war starting from 500 years, which was about a century after the Mage tower was born.

And yes, the mage tower is a sentient being that can choose candidates for being it's master. The one standing till the end of the competition amongst these candidates will become the tower master, under the witness of atleast three independent parties.

Elaine was never bothered about her worsening reputation and pretty much never cared about it, in fact she wanted to make it even worse due to personal matters, that she even hid from her only friend, for fear she'd be hated by her.

Adriana was the only person in her life who truly cared about her, so she didn't want her friend to see her imperfections but her best side. Adriana knew only a little about her family situation but not much in detail, she never pried into her matters but said that she'll wait patiently for Elaine to say it whenever she's ready.

Even though they haven't known each other for long, they had tactic understanding of each other. The smirk on Adriana's face made her realise that the mission of flirting anyone who suddenly approaches the Duchess of Britten, had finally ended. Though she started this flirting mission reluctantly, anyone can see that she really enjoyed teasing people.

'Hahh it's such a shame that the cat like shy boy was just a facade, he was just my type. It seems this is the guy is the one she's been looking for. Hmmm why is Addy desperately trying to get this man on her side? We really need to have a hearty talk. What is making you so desparate?'

Edward or rather the man disguised as Edward realised that his subconscious action almost gave him away, but he didn't think that he had been found out since he had been meticulous in his acting.

Edward or rather Jayden was the master of BlackWolfs, an independent organization that buys and sells information, an assassination turned intelligence agency. The kind of information that anyone in the Kingdom would do anything to get their hands on. And it's quite difficult to get access to their services even if you spent your whole fortune on them, even the royalty is treated the same way.

This organisation works rather differently from others. As long as you can amuse the leader aka Jayden, or make a bet with him and wins the bet against him, which is pretty much impossible, he'll do anything to help you. But should you lose, then the end result is unpredictable since it depends on his mood swings. Apparently he is a moody person.

Unlike most others who try anything and everything to entertain him or make bets with him, Adriana casually went up to their headquarters and beat up every single one of them before leaving a message,

' I heard that you are the greatest Master of Disguise. If you really are one, then prove that by infiltrating the Duke of Britten's mansion and approach the Duchess and get anything to prove you've really approached the Duchess. Ohh rather why don't you record your actions as proof. I'll leave you this high quality video recording stone just in case you're too poor to afford one. If you succeed, I'll help you with finding 'that' person. But if you are found out, you'll be my slave. Well then I'm looking forward to have you serve me. Hahaha....'