
Demon's Heart

"L-Lord Link P-please don't kill me I-I will do anything, please, please just let me live." A man, covered in blood and scars kowtowed. He was trembling nonstop and tears were continously flowing out from his eyes.

"You failed. What more can you do?" Link walked in front of the man and said monotonously.

"I promise I-I won't do it again.. please.. I have children. They need me, my wi-wife can't go to work when she's taking care of-of them." The man begged, his face and tone were filled with sorrow.

With the tears and blood scattered on the ground, any passersby would definitely feel sympathetic or just pure abhorrence.

However, Link did not feel any of those, what he felt was contempt and ridicule. It seemed he had gotten another one of those hypocritical people, who beg when they're losing, but will mercilessly torture others when they're winning.

"Haha. Are you trying to gain sympathy points? It won't work, trust me, I tried" A man chuckled. He appeared beside the begging man and kicked him on his stomach.

The victim was kicked off the ground and was sent crashing to a wall. His body shuddered and he continuously spat out blood.

"Do you know? People in your circle calls us 'demons'. Crazy!" The newcomer flailed his arms around in an exaggerated manner.

He continued, "I was curious and asked why we you call us that. And you know what they said?"

This time, the newcomer stepped towards Link with an eerie smile.

"What?" Link coldly asked.

"'Demons don't have hearts. That's why they're called demons.' HAHAHAHA! That's the answer I got!" He laughed as he gestured to do air quotes.

"Crazy fucker." Link shook his head. "Finish him up, Chuck."

Chuck looked at the man he sent flying and smiled. "My hands are kinda aching. I don't think I can finish him off in one swell swioop."

Suddenly, his eyes flooded with an endless aura of menace. "If you get what I mean, you can decide your way to die."

With a simple flick of his fingers, a knife was sent flying towards the man lying on the ground.

"Don't you feel blessed? You get to choose the way you die! Well, they're only two choices, but they're still choices right?" Chuck spoke merilly as if they were best friends.

He also felt the same was as Link, he did not feel sorry for the man on the floor.

Such feelings of emphaty already vanished from his heart a long time ago.

"P-Please, ple-plea-se-se ple-please..." Hearing the knife's clang as it hit the ground and Chuck's words, the man's trembling intensified.

It was a miracle that he could still speak over the fear that was clouding his rationality.

"Sigh, let me kill him boss. He's already at this stage." Chuck said lazily.

Link looked at him scrutinizingly and didn't say anything.

"Don't give me that look! I was joking! I know you already told me to finish him off!" Chuck pouted like a child.

He streched his arms as if preparing to kill the man.

Maybe out of helplessness and the acknowledgement of his impending doom, the man did not move nor say anything other than 'please'.

Chuck already knew from his vast experience that the man had already lost his remaining sanity.

A unexpected voice rang out as he was about to lay his hands on the begging man.

"Do you think demons have hearts?" Link asked.

Chuck blinked in surprise and did not move. Link would rarely show any interest to anything. He wanted to see what got Link to get curious.

The man trembled and did not answer, he was still begging for his dear life by saying please like a broken recorder.

"Do you think demons have hearts?" Link repeated himself, this time, with a heavier and commanding tone.

"Like hell they do!" The man's full body suddenly moved. He somehow found the strength to stand up and dash towards Chuck.

But before the knife could even graze Chuck, the man suddenly lost his balance, causing him to fall down beside the former.

"Tch." Chuck clicked his tongue.

"If he lasted a split second more, perhaps his knife would have landed and inflicted a scratch." He sighed, lamenting that he wasn't hurt. "Poor me"

"You don't believe demons have hearts, then?" Link asked, he did not even turn to see the man he was talking to.

Upright like a spear, his unwavering and composed aura radiated like strong waves.

"That's right! Killing people is all you do! Don't you feel anything? You have blood of innocents on your hands! How can you live with yourself?" The man shouted and slashed the knife at Chuck's leg.

Chuck just snorted and didn't move.


The knife plunged into his leg and blood started to flow out like a punctured dam.

"Idiot." Without even a slightest reaction, Chuck forcefully removed the knife.

He held it near his face and smelled it. "Mm. I missed this smell."

"Psychopath!" The man shouted in horror.

He thought he finally managed to hurt his kidnappers!

But instead, Chuck was smiling erriely like he was enjoying sniffing his own blood.

And to his horror, Chuck didn't stop there!

He licked the blood clean off the knife!

"MONSTERS!!" The man wailed.

"How can we live with ourselves; You ask?" Link gestured something to Chuck and walked away. Leaving a few words behind, "By killing more."

The man had already gone mad. The stunt he just pulled was his last hope. If he succeeded, perhaps he could have died in peace.

Instead, it was the one that broke the final string holding his sanity together.

The person they were to eliminate has already been eliminated.

"No! Noo! Nooo! Ahhhh! You Demons!"

After that, shouts after shouts were heard from an abandoned building.

Begging, cursing, wailing and cries of agony.

First they were loud, but not so long after, they became softer and softer, until it became silent altogether.

"That guy's hard to deal with." Chuck muttered as he wiped some blood off his clothes and arms.

He went up to the highest floor and saw Link staring at the horizon, stars glittered the sky and the moon shone bright like a night light. The place was tranquil and quiet. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

"Did you get it?"

"Sure did." Chuck chuckled.


"How about you, do you believe they have hearts?" Link suddenly asked.

"What's with you with you and your obsession with that topic?" Chuck grumbled but still answered honestly, "Hmm, I don't know. I never really did care about them that much"

"Are they really the enemy?" Link couldn't help but to mutter.

"Trying to save the world, huh? What a noble goal you have." Chuck complimented.

"Hmm... I wonder? This path might not be the right one." Link said as flash of regret flashed through his eyes.

"What? Are you doubting yourself now? You already know it yourself. This path is the only path we can walk on."

"Ah..I wish I made different choices back then..."

"Oh? Care to tell a story?" Chuck's interest was captured and his gaze was immidiately fixated on Link.

"It's a long story." Link smiled.

"Let's hear it. We can't do anything else anyway. The world is already ending." Chuck shrugged.

"Fine then. I'll tell you my story."

A story of the person who will one day become the greatest villain to even walk the earth.

This is, The Villain's Side of the story.

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