
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantasy
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96 Chs

New Skill Infusion, Ear Test

For the past two months, Chase and Ava had been practicing their own weapon styles. When Alex returned, he ignored Chase, and Miss Freya didn't say anything either. However, Chase had a feeling that Freya knew something, as she simply agreed that Alex was attacked without even conducting an investigation. Nevertheless, it was finally time to utilize their war power energy with their weapons.

They gathered at the Eagles Training Ground where Freya announced, "Today, I will be teaching you how to infuse your war power energy into your weapons, enhancing your strength and speed."

Freya extended her right hand to the side, and a bright blue energy swirled around Freya's hand like a celestial dance, giving birth to a majestic spear that seemed to have emerged from the stars themselves, The students were shocked to witness this phenomenon.

"What's happening?"

"I have no idea."

After a few seconds, an 8-feet long spear materialized in Freya's hand. The tip of the spear was made of a blue crystal, while the pole was gold, and the end featured another blue crystal.

"How did she do that?"

"What kind of spear is that?"

The intrigued students said out loud, Chase decided to examine the spear, sensing a strong energy emanating from within.

-Blue Crystal Giant Royal Spear-

-Quality: Extraordinary

Chase's mind swirled with intrigue as he pondered the presence of a royal spear in Freya's possession. 'A royal spear? How does Miss Freya possess such a weapon?' he wondered, his curiosity piqued. The idea of Freya wielding a weapon of such significance and prestige added an air of mystery to her character.

He couldn't help but sense that there was more to the story than met the eye. The fact that Freya had a royal spear suggested a connection to royalty or a significant event in her past. It was a weapon of heritage and tradition, not something easily obtained.

"I will now demonstrate how to infuse your war power energy into your weapon," Freya announced. As she spoke, the bright blue energy swiftly enveloped her hand and spread to The crystal tip of Freya's spear shone like a guiding beacon, illuminating the path ahead and leaving the students in awe of its beauty.


"Miss Freya did it so quickly."

"Feel the potent war power energy emanating from her spear."

Freya continued, "You can add more war power to different parts of your weapon to amplify its damage and speed, but be cautious not to overdo it, as it can lead to breakage." she explained, her voice carrying the wisdom of experience.

As Freya explained, the blue war power energy flowed from the tip of her spear to the pole and then to the crystal, creating a dazzling blue light.

"Ah, my eyes!"

"That light is blindingly strong."

The students covered their eyes, momentarily blinded. Then, the war power energy encompassed Freya's entire spear, although this time the crystal didn't shine as brightly as they didn't have enough warpower energy and it wasn't potent as Freya.

"Now, get ready to try infusing your weapons yourselves," Freya instructed, as the students tightened their grips on their weapons and prepared for the task.

"Feel the war power energy within your body," she urged, encouraging them to connect with the reservoir of strength that resided within. The students closed their eyes, focusing on the sensation that coursed through them the power that had always been there, waiting to be harnessed.

"Once you sense it, direct it towards your hand," Freya continued, guiding them through the process of channeling the energy to a specific point. The students followed her instructions, feeling the energy coalesce in their hands, like a surging current waiting to be unleashed.

"But don't use it too much. Just a portion of the energy," Freya cautioned. She knew that harnessing the war power energy required finesse and control. Too much power could be overwhelming and lead to unintended consequences.

With Freya's steady guidance, the students learned to temper their strength, finding the delicate balance between unleashing power and preserving control. The war power energy hummed at their fingertips, a potent force waiting to be wielded with precision.

"Now, transfer that energy from your hand to your fingertips and into your weapon," Freya instructed, taking them a step further in their journey of mastery. The students visualized the flow of energy, from their hands, through their fingertips, and into their weapon whether it be a sword, spear, bow, or axe.

After a few seconds, a red light appeared along the entire pole of Chase's spear.

"Wow, Chase did it first!"

"He's faster than everyone else, no one else has achieved it yet."

The students were astounded.

"I did it!" Ava exclaimed.

Suddenly, another voice shouted, drawing everyone's attention. It was Ava, her axes glowed with a soft lavender hue, emanating an aura of enchantment and intelligence as if they were whispering secrets to their wielder.

"She did it before us too!"

"Congratulations, Chase and Ava. You've learned to infuse your weapons. Chase, you've managed to infuse your entire spear and Ava, you've successfully imbued war power energy into both your axes. It seems both of you have great talent," Freya praised them with a smile.

"Miss Freya, why do they have different energy colors?" a curious student asked.

"Everyone has a different energy color, and each color holds a specific meaning," Freya replied.

"Lavender represents gentleness, intelligence, and enchantment, while red signifies strength, courage, danger, and destruction," Freya explained.

"Red is associated with destruction and danger. Does that mean Chase is dangerous?" a student blurted out, causing all eyes to focus on Chase, feeling like they shouldn't be near Chase.

"No, colors don't always define everything," Freya interjected, remembering when she acted like them to be afraid of the color meaning.

"What about blue?"

"Now, no more questions for now. Focus on infusing your war power," Freya urged.

After a minute, each student infused their weapon with a small amount of energy, resulting in various colors such as green, yellow, white, and brown. The students approached Freya, eager to know the meanings behind their individual colors.

"It seems you're meant to be gentle and intelligent," Chase remarked to Ava with a playful grin. He couldn't resist poking fun at her, knowing well her admirable qualities.

"Am I?" Ava replied, her head tilting slightly, curious about Chase's observation. She wasn't used to being described in such a manner, but his words sparked her interest.

"Well, maybe not so much on the intelligence part," Chase teased with a mischievous glint in his eye, fully aware of Ava's abilities.

Ava responded with a good-natured punch to his shoulder, the affectionate gesture a testament to their friendly banter. "And you're not exactly gentle either," Chase retorted with a chuckle, showing he could take as good as he gave.

"Miss, what about black?" another student queried.

Before Ava could respond to Chase, their attention was drawn to a student pointing at Chase's roommate in the corner.

"Black represents evil, negativity, and trauma," Freya answered.

"Evil!" Upon hearing Freya's response, all the students looked at Chase's roommate in fear and started backing away.

"Stop! What did I tell you about colors not always being true? And why are you afraid of evil? If you're afraid of evil, why did you join to become a knight?" Freya shouted with anger in her voice.

The students stood stiff, afraid of Freya's gaze.

"Now, pull back your war power energy into your body and line up!" Freya commanded.

Quickly, the students withdrew their energy and lined up.

"Tomorrow, we will head to Gruesome Mound Forest for your first combat test," Freya announced.

"Gruesome Mound Forest? But" a student attempted to speak but was swiftly interrupted by Freya.

"No 'buts.' Now, head back to your dorms and meet at the back of the academy tomorrow, sharp at 10 a.m.," Freya ordered.

Without daring to challenge Freya, the students headed towards their dormitories, leaving the training ground behind.

As everyone departed, Freya watched Chase and Ava walk away. When they disappeared from view, Freya finally calmed down and glanced up at a tall crystal tower, though no one else seemed to notice it except her.

The next day at 10 a.m., all the students assembled at the designated spot, where multiple blue eagles awaited them. Positioned at the center, Freya stood alongside several men dressed in silver and blue, wearing silver chest armor adorned with a blue eagle emblem, steel feather shoulder pad armor, helmets featuring long blue feathers, and wielding steel swords and silver shields bearing the blue eagle mark.

Observing the students' orderly formation, Freya pointed towards a long wooden table on the side, displaying leather armor for the chest, legs, and pads.

"Everyone, hop onto an eagle," she commanded.

The knights directed the eagles to lower their wings, allowing the students to climb aboard.

Freya noticed Chase and Ava preparing to board an eagle and stopped them in their tracks.

"Stop! Chase and Ava, come with me."

Chase and Ava exchanged glances but complied, joining Freya on her eagle.

"Take off!" Freya shouted, and all the eagles began flapping their wings to ascend.




For the next ten minutes, the eagles soared in a single direction. Chase and Ava engaged in conversation, while Freya secretly kept an eye on them.

"Look, it's Gruesome Mound Forest!" a student exclaimed, causing the others to take notice. The forest stretched ahead with tall trees, dense greenery, and a brownish hue, extending for miles. The students initially felt fear upon seeing the forest, but they quickly composed themselves, not wanting to incur Freya's anger.

The eagles descended towards the edge of the forest, and as they drew closer, the students could hear the sounds of wolves.




"Everyone, hop off and line up!" Freya commanded as the eagles landed.

The students dismounted the eagles and formed a line on the ground, with eager expressions on the students' faces resembled a canvas painted with a mix of determination and trepidation, all ready to prove their worth.

"Today, you will hunt goblins!" Freya announced.

"Goblins? Why?" a student questioned.

"This is to test your eagle style and practice infusion," Freya explained.

"Your task is to kill goblins using your war power energy and bring me their ears!" Freya declared.

"Why their ears?" another student inquired.

"Because that's the only part of a goblin that's worth money and that you can keep as a reward," Freya answered, noticing the excitement on the students' faces.

Freya surveyed the enthusiastic expressions among the students.

"Keep in mind that if any of you kill the goblins without using war power energy, I will know, and there will be serious consequences," Freya warned sternly.

Hearing Freya's warning, most students felt a cold sweat trickle down their backs, realizing that some of them had contemplated defeating the goblins without utilizing war power energy, hoping to go undetected.

"Two goblins' ears are worth one point. If you accumulate over 20 points, you pass the test. You have three days. You may use any means necessary to survive and become knights!"

Freya then gestured towards the blue eagle knights, to come.

The blue eagle knight came to Freya and kneeled down on one knee.

"Follow those two" Freya order the knights.

"The rest of the blue eagle knights will be stationed here in case of emergencies."

"Ok, Your Majesty" A knight answered.

"And don't call me 'Your Majesty'!" Freya exclaimed, her voice filled with anger.

"Yes, ma'am!" the knights responded quickly, before rising and following Chase and Ava.

Freya watched as the knight trailed behind Chase and Ava, disappearing into the forest with them.