
Chapter 001

Sirens, sirens are all I can hear. Looking around at the destruction that I'm in the middle of, I guess the sirens are of little concern. I try to get up but my body isn't responding like normal. I stop trying to move and starting looking at my body, to only realize it was half gone. I start dry coughing trying to laugh at the unbelievable situation but couldn't quite make it. Then a man and a women start walking toward me.

"Such a shame what happened to this poor guy." The man started talking then the women responded with "Well that's how it goes some people have bad luck, I don't think we can do anything except pray that he goes to heaven."

I start coughing, then tried whispering "what happened." They look over with shocked faces then got uncomfortable. "You we're walking in front of a store that someone stole from, and to cover their tracks they left explosives that detonated right when you were outside." I look at them with apprehension and started crying. Everyone around me commenced with the clean up, with a few people from the ambulance going to going a carrier and a black bag.

The man and women are still watching me as I slowly get colder and colder. When everyone is far enough away they start to smile. I stop crying. And I start to focus on why their smiling. The question must have showed on my face because the women steps closer to me and started to giggle and shake her shoulders.

"Well this sucks for you doesn't, since you aren't going to be alive for long let me tell you a little secret. The explosion was us. Yeah we just had to say those things in front of everyone so we aren't incriminated. The truth, we just wanted to blow someone up and you were unlucky enough to be our chosen."

I digest what she was saying and stared at them, which weren't even trying to conceal the joy and excitement on their faces. I start glaring at them and started to feel hot as the anger within me grew. Which made them laugh a little harder then before. "Welp this is goodbye hope you have a nice life in hell" the man laughed out. I close my eyes unable to keep them open any longer wondering if this is truly the end. Everything starts to become quiet and still then nothing.

This is my first crack at writing anything since high school. I hope you give this a chance and hope I can keep writing a story worthy of my readers.

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