1 Prolouge

Sitting in the luxurious VIP room of the world-class restaurant, she cast her eyes over the majestic view of the city and sighed. She was bored. Ignoring the constant stream of notifications that appeared on her phone, she racked her brains over some method to alleviate her new found sense of boredom.

"Surely with all this money she could figure out some new way to spend it?" She had travelled to every exotic travel destination she could find, bought all the latest fashion trends, experienced the best technology had to offer; It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that she was living the life many dreamt of, the kind some would never even dare to dream of. Yet she was bored. Bored of this lifestyle. Bored of being able to do as her whims and fancy demanded. Bored of having the world as her oyster.

She wasn't an idealistic fool, nor was she one to romanticize reality. She knew the value of having money and knew that many would do anything to swap places with her. And she knew that it was no use brooding over her situation. She had more than enough money to play god for the rest of her life and still have enough left over for one more round. But she wasn't interested.

Sighing to herself she finally picked up her phone and started going through all the messages she had received. "How annoying", she couldn't help but say out loud, "As I thought, money really is overrated."

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