

The next week passed in a blur as I kept to myself and focused on my mind scape. Alice kept me informed of what everyone was up to for the most part. Scott and the other wolves were healed up though he, Alison and Stiles were still tweaked because of the retail sacrifice they did.

The twins had survived whatever Jennifer had done to them only they'd lost their sparks. As omegas since Deucalion left them, they tried acting normally for the most part. Derek refused then entrance into his pack because of Boyd who still remained human.

Derek even went so far as to bite him again and yet it did nothing but leave him injured for a couple weeks as he healed at a human pace now. When he came to me for advice I told him. "By saving him like that, it may have killed his inner wolf. There's no changing that as the bite only manifests what is already there to begin with and gives it form. As it's dead, he can no longer be a werewolf no more than you could be human."

Scott who had sat in on the meeting asked. "So he's cured?"

I snorted. "You're an idiot. No he's not 'cured' it not a fucking disease. He's broken and while he can never be a werewolf, he also can't use mountain ash like Stiles. He lost a fundamental part of himself permanently. He'll never recover from that."

I turned to Boyd who was sitting there looking hurt by my words. I sighed. "I'm sorry for being so blunt my friend. I don't know if I could've preserved that part of you even if I knew it was dying. I nearly died myself saving this part of you."

I gestured to him and he smiled sadly. "No biggie. So I'm human now, so what. I'm alive, that's all that matters."

I nodded slowly. "Perhaps Deaton or his sister will know of a way to bring it back or heal that part of you. Derek could you-"

He nodded. "Already on it. We'll stop by the animal clinic after we leave here."

I nodded slowly before turning to Scott. "You see this as a burden still, though you've accepted apart of the wolf's nature. I'm certain it's the protection parts now as you've only experienced so little of it and you don't even have an inner wolf. There's only so far you can go from here but if you do want to get stronger I suggest you come to terms with the rest of your nature now."

He shook his head. "I can't shift. I'm not in control of-"

I raised a hand and pointed to Derek. "You teach him. I'm sure he'd appreciate an improved mind scape in the process."

Derek shook his head. "I've promised Peter I'd help him find something. I'll be gone this coming month. Till then Isaac's in charge."

I shrugged. "That's between you all then. As for Scott's training, Isaac knows the answers just as well as anyone else. I don't have the time to do it myself at the moment either way."

I gestured for them to leave. Derek sighed and told Isaac to teach him what he can as best he can. I stopped for a moment then told Scott. "Come here for a minute."

He came over and I struck like lightning and clawed his neck, entering his mind. It was a wreck of scattered thoughts and instincts. A basic teen mind if I think about it. I helped him build a mind scape, leaving him with a clearer picture of what was wrong with him. A door to his mind was left open and now that his mind wasn't a cluster of thoughts and hormonal instincts he was able to close it easily.

I left his mind and he dropped to the floor. I turned to Derek. "See that he gets home. He's mentally exhausted and I just helped him close the door to his mind, albeit temporarily. It was open from the sacrifice he and the others did."

Isaac asked. "So is Alison's mind-"

I nodded. "I'd imagine so. You know how to help the way I did so I suggest you give her the option. If she's too shy Erica can do it. Besides, I doubt you want to see what she really thinks of you. It's a personal experience for most."

Isaac nodded wisely as Erica asked. "Why would I do it again?"

I turned to her. "Because Isaac here likes her and he's your pack mate. Besides, she a girl and is more likely to let you in her head over him."

I shrugged as if to say 'humans are weird'. They left right after that with Derek carrying Scott. Alice asked. "Was that wise?"

I nodded. "They won't go through the same things as before so I had to give them a chance to fix it. Besides, the kitsune is already inside Stiles it just needs the electrocution to take over to some degree. This way there's less bitching and he'll have a better chance to put up a fight if he's lucky."

She sighed. "And Alison?"

I turned to look her in the eyes. "Alison won't die if I can help it, though that doesn't mean she won't suffer because of it. It depends on the situation I'm in at the time."

She chuckled and we got back to our daily routines. I'd began reinforcing my basic defenses that had nothing to do with the cage as it was necessary for the next step.

Throughout the next few days, Isaac and Erica helped Alison and Stiles with varying degrees of success. Erica was able to help Alison build her mind scape and she closed the door easy enough, but Stiles's mind was tricky for Isaac as it didn't work the same as everyone else's for some reason.

Stiles did however manage to close the door to his mind with some extra help by that I mean Isaac walking home through the process. Malia finally joined us in school and since we'd helped her she was no longer behind in anything.

With Derek and Peter gone Cora and Malia became closer and both seemed to gravitate towards Stiles. When Alice pointed it out to me I smiled and commented. "That's his charm I guess. The unique human in a world of supernaturals."

Alice agreed that while he was unique it wasn't as unique as me. I got a text a couple weeks later from Braeden saying she'd saved Derek and Peter from the Calavera's. A Mexican based hunter group, for Deucalion. Seeing his fatherly nature come out like that had its own interesting amusement.

I texted her to bring the mountain ash box they'd been after with her and that I'd pay an extra fifty grand for it. After I got her confirmation I turned to what I was doing at the time, super gluing everything on the coaches desk to the desk itself.

When I was done with that I used wood glue to glue the drawers shut. Alice smiled at my work and placed the special chalk on the board and wrote with an extra piece on the board. In essence it was itching powder mixed with chalk in sold form. She drew a rainbow and wrote happy birthday on the board.

Before we headed out I left an envelope sitting on the desk beside his glued down coffee mug. It was a birthday card with an open ended ticket to the Bahamas for the summer break to be used at his discretion. A small box sat next to it with a Rolex inside, I made sure it was see through so he didn't break it on accident as it was from my personal collection.

Damn thing cost me half a million dollars at a personal jeweler and watch making shop in Switzerland. I had the coaches name and birthday etched into the back along with Happy Birthday.

The ticket was from Alice and the Rolex from me. He was a good guy and he certainly didn't deserve all the crap he had to deal with. Alice informed me it would brighten his day a lot and make the pranks more tolerable for him.

As my favorite teacher and human in small town I went along with her suggestions. We met up with Scott and Stiles outside his office as Stiles carefully closed the office door. Scott asked. "What did you two do?"

I held up the glue tubes. "Glued everything to his desk and his drawers shut."

Scott smiled and Alice held up the old chalk sticks. "Replaced the chalk in his class with an itching powder chalk based solution. It'll certainly make his day more entertaining as he won't realize why he's itching all day."

Scott grinned now. "Sweet."

Stiles grinned. "We unscrewed everything in his office and left the screws in a present box on his desk. As soon as he lifts it the office will fall apart including his chair."

I winced. "Well at least he'll enjoy the actual presents we got him though."

Stiles frowned. "You got him real presents as well?"

I nodded. "Isn't that the point? The good with the bad. He gets the pranks but also the presents as well. Alice got him an all expenses paid vacation trip to the Bahamas and I got him a Rolex with his name and birthdate engraved in it."

Stiles looked to Scott and asked. "Shoulda we get him something? Can't be to hard I mean he got him a simple watch."

Alice laughed lightly. "He got him a five hundred grand Rolex time piece, not exactly a simple watch."

Both of them looked stunned at me. I shrugged uncomfortably. "It's from my personal collection that's all. Wasn't really hard to get it engraved. Alice actually spent money on the vacation."

She smiled. "Worth it to see the look on his face."

We left while they both argued over what to get him to make up for the pranks. Both were essentially broke as Stiles didn't work and Scott had to pay bills with what he got each paycheck.

Alice and I went home and while I meditated she put up black lights for the eventual party. She even went so far as to buy a few more generators and add extra lights in each room to ensure no flickering crap happens again.

The next day at school we watched Scott decline the twins for his 'pack' and enjoy being called the hot girl by Stiles. After that we headed to economics class to wait for coach Bobby's reaction. Alice sat in front of me but turned in her seat to play with my hands In amusement.

When we heard the coach yell. "Son of a bitch!", we knew he'd gotten Stiles and Scotts's prank. He came out and slammed his door throwing a pencil to the floor. "Mischief night, Devils night. You kids are evil! You think it's funny every year my house gets egged? A mans house is supposed to be his castle, mines an omelet!"

I chuckled and watched as he picked up Greenburg's present to him. "You think I'll fall for this trick again?"

He dropped it to the floor and stomped on it. When we heard it break he leaned down and picked up a piece of it before reading the card that came with it. "Happy Birthday, love Greenburg."

Sighing I watched him look around before picking up the Rolex. It didn't have a letter or card with it, he only flipped it over hand read. "Happy Birthday Coach Bobby, xx-xx."

He looked it over then muttered. "This looks expensive!"

I chuckled. "Probably because it is coach. Enjoy it, and happy birthday. Now read the card on the board."

He looked back over towards me and Alice before sliding the Rolex on and picking up the card on the chalk board. He read the card. "For the pranks we play, enjoy the presents we give to make it all worth it, Happy Birthday. Enjoy the vacation this summer."

He looked it over and his eyes bugged out before turning to me, I ignored his look and smiled as Alice found my jaw interesting to outline with her finger tips. Coach had the decency to look away and ignore us before trying to start class.

He failed spectacularly as he couldn't move anything else on his desk or pull out any paperwork from the drawers. Though he never seemed to lose his smile throughout the class period. On the way out I heard Alice tell him the cost of the watch and to keep it safe from thieves on his vacation.

He actually broke a little and hugged her before heading to his office. I caught Scott and Stiles leaving and I asked them. "So what did you settle on for the prank you pulled? What gift did you get him?"

Scott looked caught on the spot before Stiles said. "Only our smiling faces and a warm heart so he knows we care."

I snorted. "You didn't get him anything huh?"

Scott shook his head and I sighed. "Then maybe try and prevent his house from getting egged this year as a small present. I'm sure he appreciates the attention but egg has a way of ruining paint jobs and could cost a small fortune to fix any mold or bug damage it attracts."

Scott's eyebrows shot up. "I can do that-"

He turned to Stiles. "No egging his house this year."

Stiles looked caught on the spot and I raised an eyebrow of my own. "That's messed up. Well, have fun I guess."

Alice came over and we left them there to talk to each other. Alice whispered. "Lydia was acting weird during class, I think she senses something."

I shrugged. "Probably, but it's not our concern until it effects us. For now let them handle it."

I turned back to see Scott looking at us and I knew he heard. He turned to Lydia and started asking questions. Later during lunch we sat in with Kira and her father while Alice talked boys with her. Alice may have mentioned Scott's attraction to her a few times and Kira's father caught on easy enough.

When we left a blushing and embarrassed girl with her father who suggested she ask him out. On the way out I saw Scott looking at us and whispered. "The rest is up to you. She's into you and you're into her. You can thank Alice when Kira says yes to a date."

We left him gaping at the doorway while heading to Chemistry class. I curiously listened in and heard Barrow's heartbeat in the closet at the back of class. Not long after class began the sheriff and the police showed up to do a sweep of the school.

Alice looked at me and shrugged when I made up my mind. The Nogitsune was already inside Stiles so interfering wouldn't cause to big of a problem as it would slow down the possession is all. My interference could save the good sheriff his job though since Scott's dad, an FBI agent, was trying to impeach him and get him fired.

When the sheriff came in I waved him over and flashed my eyes to get his full attention. When he came over I whispered. "The back closet. I can hear his heartbeat though the chemical smell is stopping the wolves from smelling him. Use his capture to keep your job. It was Agent McCall who was at fault for his escape. Play it right and your job is saved."

He nodded slowly before going to the teacher and telling him to quietly and quickly evacuate the classroom. We left as the teacher waved everyone out and gave them the signal to be quiet. The sheriff and his officers surrounded the door and opened it, catching Barrow by surprise.

He started ranting. "He said I'd be safe here he said, he said the glowing eyes would finally be revealed!"

He continued to spout all kinds of crazy, luckily Stiles wasn't in our class as they dragged him out in cuffs. Alice was next to me when the sheriff came over to thank me.

I shook my head and told him. "Not here. Someone had to have unlocked the door for him. Leave my name out of the reports and don't thank me. Tell no one of my involvement, not even Stiles."

His expression became more serious and he nodded before passing me by and telling the teacher his thanks for his cooperation. After the police left with Barrow the sheriff ordered a school evacuation and a bomb search of the premises.

School was let out early today so Alice and I went back to the loft where Derek, Peter and Braeden were waiting for us. Derek was sowing Peter's finger back on and Braedon was sitting proudly on the wooden chest. I grinned and went to the wall safe. I pulled out a couple stacks of cash before handing them to Braeden.

She smiled. "Thanks for the meal."

I chuckled and shooed her off the chest. I opened it up as Peter asked. "How can you even touch that?"

I snorted. "I'm part Druid, unlike you. I was born as a hybrid of sorts, vampire, werewolf and Druid. So technically I'm both a supernatural immortal creature and a mortal Druid at the same time. A loophole of sorts was made for me. The exception to the rule or some such."

I waved my hand through the mountain ash and spoke. "This'll do nicely. Now I just need to add some mistletoe and it's all set. After it's added I'll be able to fully visualize what I need for my mind scape and create it there."

Braeden asked. "All that for a box you're not actually going to use?"

I shrugged. "I'll find a use for it as well I'm sure but yeah, it's more of a visualization exercise that'll ensure I'm successful with my other endeavor. Speaking of which how's your new partner?"

She smirked. "He's decent enough. He's running down some leads while I took this side job."

I nodded. "Well, don't let us keep you. If you need something for the job remember to charge it to my account."

She chuckled. "Got it boss."

She left and I turned to Peter and Derek. "What are you two doing then?"

Derek showed me the claws of his mother. "I need to ask her something. I figured I'd ask you for help before I had Peter do it."

I shook my head. "Not interested. Let him do it, after all I hear it's very painful to use another wolf's claws."

Peter grimaced. "Gee thanks."

I shrugged. "You're welcome. Now get to it, I have it on good authority the power is going to go out all over the city tonight and it won't be on till the day after tomorrow."

Derek frowned. "Why would it do that?"

Alice smirked. "Ryan promised me a black light party and he's going to make sure I get it."

Derek and Peter looked to me and I shoved Peter's hand into the wolf claws saying very clearly. "If you tell anyone what I plan to do or that it had anything to do with me I'll dig inside that mess of a head you have and make you relive your worst nightmares."

Peter gulped as I released his hand and turned to Derek. "Do I need to make a threat?"

He shook his head. "No, we're good. Got an extra generator for the house?"

Alice laughed and pointed to the balcony where the extra one was still boxed up and ready for them to take. "One step ahead of you."

Derek nodded and Peter told him it would be agonizing before he plunged his claws in. Alice told me. "It's time for you to go."

I nodded and blurred away to the power substation where I ripped it apart and through the now dead bales all over the place. Once it was all dead I ran back to the loft where the generator kicked on. Most of the city was dark from the looks of it though there were a few government places with power as well as the hospital.

I'd donated several heavy duty generators to them after the disaster fiasco the wolves had put them through. I did the same for the police precinct as well so they weren't in danger of being out of power any time soon. As for the other lit up places they were more than likely privately owned generators.

Alice turned ours on when I arrived and we watched the two connected wolves disconnect. Peter asked. "Did she say anything about me?"

Derek looked at him with an angry scowl causing me to laugh. "That'd be a yes."

I walked over and plucked the claws very painfully out of Peter's fingers. When I was done I handed them to Derek. "Keep them or bury them as a memorial, either way, get them out of here. They give me the willys or whatever you call it. I'm not a fan of wolf body parts not connected to wolves."

The next day Kira mentioned a sushi and pizza date at her house with Scott to Alice. The school was out of power so classes were done by window light. When Danny mentioned a black light party Alice told him. "Our loft would be a good place for a party, we even have a couple generators."

Danny smiled. "Are you sure? It's a big party."

I gave him the address saying. "Invite whomever you want, I'll even buy some alcohol just make sure everyone knows they have to get a ride home afterwards. I'd hate to be arrested for giving alcohol to a bunch of drunk drivers."

Danny seemed excited and thanked us. Truth was we'd been preparing for the party all week thanks to Alice's excitement. She'd seen it and wanted a fun party for once. Danny invited the wolf twins who in turn invited Lydia and from there both packs were invited. It became a chain reaction that ended up with nearly a hundred people being invited.

Basically anyone fun in our grade and a few seniors as well were coming. I made sure to warn Danny I'd kick out anyone bringing Rohypnol or GHB. He agreed immediately as they weren't party drugs but used by sexual predators and spread the word.

Several upper class-men backed out of the party as I saw my visions clear of kicking them out. Alice spread the word for girls to watch out for those few. They got a bad reputation from then on as gossip spread like wildfire.

Stiles ended up asking about Barrow's capture and I told him as honest as I was willing. "Your dad and a few deputies came in the classroom to do a search and the teacher noticed his keys to the closet was missing. They sent us out and your dad caught the guy at gun point after breaking the door down with a battering ram."

It was the truth for the most part only I left out my part in it. He seemed to accept that only asking if the keys were found. I told him I hadn't a clue but he should stop by the party and enjoy himself tonight.

I left him with Scott as they discussed it with Kira and Isaac. Later that evening Danny came with us to the loft after giving out the address to everyone. I stopped at the closest gas station to load up on ice as I already had the alcohol there.

Alice took him ahead to show the black lighted loft and the stand ready for the DJ he was providing. A wall of bottle openers at the far corner glowed as each one was on a glow in the dark keychain Alice had special ordered.

When I arrived I showed him the kegs and cases of beer along with martini mixers and liquor in the walk in cooler. I set the ice down and joined Alice in giving him the tour. I showed him the jar of ecstasy we'd pass out and the extra floors of rooms Alice had decorated if it turned into an orgy.

As she pointed out to him. "Every party is one kinky thought from an orgy."

That got him laughing as I sighed. The entire building was owned by us and technically it had become a house of excess and debauchery over night. We had an empty bowl for keys at the door and a cab service on dial for those who didn't wish to stay over night.

I dropped a gallon of acid and was smoking a bowl as everyone started to turn up. The paint artists set up a stand where I was with Alice as the first ones to get painted. More like we took off the lotion and oils revealing our sparkling skin even under the black lights before we got painted.

I received a bunch of vines wrapping around my torso that had blood drops from the thorns while Alice got a moon and pixie wings on her back with a glowing green wolf on her stomach howling.

The DJ and his personal body guard arrived and Alice showed him where to set up. She told him and his body guard that the drinks and drugs were free so long as they called a cab to leave or picked a room to crash in.

After that she actually put up a sign that said those exact words next to the loft door. People started coming in as the sun fell and got painted up. Alice secretly drank a pint of my blood to make herself walk the line between tipsy and tripping balls.

After a while everyone had showed who was going to. Even Derek showed up for a few minutes before leaving to pick up candy for the trick or treaters. When Alison and Isaac showed up I noticed he'd been marked by the Oni already but kept it to myself.

I saw Alice looking at me from next to Alison and I nodded before telling Isaac to leave the keys in the bowl. Everyone else had done so and he shrugged before dropping them in and grabbing a couple beers for him and Alison.

The twins took over helping out as they showed up as well. When Scott and Kira arrived with Stiles I made sure to take their keys before putting them in the drawer and locking them all up. The sign was very clear in the instructions so everyone was having a great time from then on. Alice hung around Lydia and I joined Ethan to get ice from the cooler.

When we got in there the black lights flickered before Oni showed up. I told him. "Don't resist. They mean no harm."

He looked nervous as he wolfed out. "How can you be sure?"

I sighed. "These are called oni they're basically demonic bounty hunters and I seriously doubt they'd fallow anyone's orders to attack me. It'd be a waste of their time and tails."

He frowned at what I said but let them act none the less. The first one marked him before turning to me. I snorted. "You could no more mark me than you could hurt me. Tell your master I don't like my time being wasted, now shoo before I get angry."

It stepped forward and I let out my aura that was pure blood thirst and rage. There was no possible way they could mistake it for a weak little fox no matter how strong it could grow. I growled. "Leave or I'll rip you apart then go after the kitsune that sent you!"

My own demonic aura pressured them into backing up several feet before they disappeared into the shadows. I snorted before breaking Ethan's hand. He awoke out of his daze and roared, coming back to himself.

I sighed as I changed back. "Get up, they're gone and congratulations, you've been tramp stamped."

I pointed to his ear that he continued feeling up before grabbing the ice and leaving him there to touch himself. I delivered the ice and looked out on the balcony where Lydia was with Alice. Both were being marked so I walked out and waited, catching them as they fell.

I snorted as the Oni left into the shadows again. I bit my wrist before shoving it into Alice's mouth. She car bit down for a moment then came back to herself. "Man that was trippy. They did a deep brain scan, slipping right past my defenses before leaving almost instantly. It felt like I was in a hypnotic daze."

I grunted. "Probably because you were. Take her inside by the heated couch and get her warmed up. She should be fine then."

She did so while I noticed Stiles slipped off upstairs with the girl that kissed him when he first showed up. I noticed she grabbed a few condoms and chuckled to myself. "Good for him."

I turned to see Isaac and Alison slipping away to another room and Kira and Scott heading for the roof for some reason. Shrugging to myself I walked over to where Alice was holding Lydia under a blanket as the couch heated up. Aiden joined us as well when Derek came in like it was an emergency.

I waved him over, stopping him from heading to the DJ. He arrived as fast as he could before rambling about his own meeting with the Oni. I sighed and told him. "They're demonic bounty hunters. They're obviously after some spirit possessing someone. The mark is their way of saying you aren't possessed and therefore aren't their target. Lydia and Alice were marked as well. So was Isaac though he's a bit to busy right now to tell you himself."

I waved to the bedroom he scurried off to before telling him. "Don't worry about it. After they've marked you the symbol acts like a ward against possession so you're safe."

The Oni were actually in the crowd now as they went after Aiden next to us. I told him. "Stay still. It's basically painless only a little uncomfortable."

Derek snorted and I asked. "Am I wrong?"

He shook his head. "No it's painless only they dig inside your mind against your will."

I raised an eyebrow before saying. "Huh, your wolf must've been able to resist to some degree. Either way Aiden doesn't have one so after it clears him take him outside and break something to force him out of it."

The Oni cleared Aiden three minutes later and turned to me. I snorted. "Try it bug and I'll squash you and your master."

The backed away at my desire to do violence. I wasn't to awful happy they marked Alice already. Derek turned to me and I shrugged. "They know they're no match for me so they don't even try. Besides I'm fairly certain they can tell I'm not being possessed by my aura."

Derek asked. "Who sent them?"

I sighed. "A kitsune I'm guessing. They're the equivalent of the tail it sacrificed to summon them. Other ways would be rarer still and this one makes sense because two kitsune moves into town recently. Scott's new girlfriend and her mother. I'm guessing it wasn't the girlfriend as she's far to young to even have her first tail yet."

He nodded while scanning the crowed. After a while longer the Oni left with the sun rise. The party had mostly moved into the bedrooms as loud lovemaking could be heard from all over.

Derek left and took a now marked Erica and Boyd with him. Cora hadn't been marked yet as she'd snuck off to Stiles's room to join them to Derek's eternal anger. Though he was only actually miffed that she'd chose Stiles of all people. Malia had joined them as well but came out a little while later saying he couldn't get it up anymore.

By mid morning everyone had sobered up enough to leave, not that there was any rush as it was the weekend but I was no longer dishing out drugs and booze. I'd kept an eye on everything as close as possible and those that went to the bedrooms were certainly not forced there. Most of the females had actually dragged the males off the dance floor for their fun elsewhere.

Lydia has recovered and found herself in a three way not long after with Aiden and another male she'd picked out of the crowd. Those without anyone to go to the rooms caught cabs back home earlier. Alice had coffee and breakfast brought to each room, meaning I was the one waking everyone up with breakfast.

After they all sobered up and got dressed they slowly trickled out. The DJ had long since left with the body paint artists. As the morning dragged on I got to work cleaning it all up. I made sure the keys were properly returned to their owners by scent as they left. They probably thought it was a magic trick now that I think about it.

When Kira and Scott came down off the roof I noticed they weren't marked yet either. I warned them of the Oni pointing out that she was a Kitsune with a quick picture and that Scott was a werewolf. She'd already known she was different so I left her saying. "Ask your mom, Kitsune are a typically hereditary thing and since she's the Japanese one odds are it's her that passed the genes on to you."

I woke up Stiles and the two girls he was with last as Scott was still there. The party girl left as I called her a cab. Cora got up without shame, smelling of sex and hormones. I pinched my nose at the smell and told her to grab a shower before she heads home or I'd never hear the end of it.

She didn't even bother with clothes and only growled at me as she passed by. I tossed Stiles his pants saying. "You're driving her home. I'd suggest you grab a shower as well or Derek will kill you. After all you just deflowered his baby sister."

I turned and left him still gaping at my departure and command. Stiles came stumbling out a few minutes later while Scott waited with Kira for him. Cora was done and dressed by the time he got to the door with Scott.

I bit out "Stiles is taking you home" as she walked passed me taking his Jeep keys. She became smug as she saw Malia sitting there with indifference.

Malia smiled. "I don't want anyone with no stamina anyway. I hope you liked being disappointed."

Cora couldn't remark to that as Stiles was in essence as much a virgin as she was and she hadn't actually had a good time. She snorted before walking up to Stiles and dragging him out. Scott left and I sighed. "I guess that means Lydia or Alison is taking you home when they get up."

She frowned and Alice took her arm saying. "That means we can have some fun of our own. There's a shopping channel on the tv-"

Malia growled and I chuckled. "No need to be sad little coyote. She means no harm and besides, did you really want to be with Stiles? He's an idiot when it comes to most things and the rest he's only slightly better at. Heck the only thing he's good at is being a detective. You'll find someone better sooner or later. Perhaps Scott, he's semi available. I'm sure Kira wouldn't mind sharing if you approached it right."

She frowned then thought on my words before asking. "You think?"

I nodded. "I do. Now off to amuse Alice. I'll make you breakfast before the others get up."

She asked. "Why didn't you just wake them up with the rest?"

Alice laughed as she dragged her away. "He's tired of smelling human sex and hormones and he knows they'll be the worst. Coward!"

I snorted and ignored her as I continued cooking. Another hour passed before Alison and Isaac woke up. They left after a bite to eat. Both were blushing horribly in contrast to the shameless walk of satisfaction Lydia had twenty minutes later. Alice gave her some clothes to wear and she went to shower as Aiden grabbed a bite to eat.

The 'extra' guy left in a cab. I hadn't even bothered to ask his name as it was pointless to learn Lydia's one night stands. She came out and ate a couple pieces of toast before leaving with Malia to drop her off at home. Ethan left with Aiden while I drove Danny home.

When he got out I told him. "Next party you want to throw let me know. It was... fun."

He nodded with a smile. "Will do. Thanks for letting us use your place."

I chuckled. "No problem."

I drove home and finished cleaning before doing the rest of the drugs that were left over. I gift wrapped the condoms and mailed them to Stiles as a gag gift. High off my ass I smoked the rest of the pound and a half of weed I'd bought on the balcony before making a bunch of animal meat I'd saved up from my recent hunts.

I waited my munchies and spent the rest of the evening tripping on the five gallons of LSD I had left over. Alice watched me with amusement before tricking me into breaking the couch, counter and bedroom. While she'd certainly gotten her satisfaction out of it, she also had an ulterior motives.

She'd seen a new bedroom and living room set she wanted and didn't have a reason to buy them until now. I didn't really mind as I was seeing ten of her as she rode me like a cowgirl. My hand broke the headboard as one of the twenty hands raked my chest and a mouth bit my nipple drawing blood as she fed.

I reached up and cupped her breasts before lunging up against the wall and bit into one of their necks while I fiercely and unrelentingly pounded into them. As the drugs wore off I was super glad they couldn't kill me as I'd forgotten what and how much I was even on.

Alice was purring and laying on my chest while goose feathers floated around us. I smiled just as her phone rang. She sighed and reached for it answering. "Hello? Who is this? Derek? Fine hold on."

She handed it to me and I grunted. "This had better be important pup."

Derek snorted. "Scott's hold up at his house and it's surrounded by Oni. We need your help!"

I growled. "Idiots. Put me on speaker phone."

He did so and I bit out. "Don't resist them. They're looking for someone whose possessed. They won't harm anyone who doesn't resist. Just let them do the check and you'll be fine."

A vaguely annoying voice spoke up. "What if I am what they're looking for?"

I snorted. "Kira you're a young Kitsune, there's no chance it's you at all. Nogitsune cannot possess an unwilling kitsune no more than they could possess me, like at all. Nogitsune are not born like you are, they are summoned by sacrifice. Since I highly doubt your mother or father killed someone to summon you, you'll be fine. Next time someone calls it had better be for something less stupid."

Derek asked. "How sure are you-"

I growled and he shut up after saying. "Got it. Alright, Malissa open the barrier and step back. No one fight or move in any way that resembles a threat."

I hung up and Alice pouted for a minute. "You didn't have to be so mean."

I sighed. "Personally I think I was pretty nice considering they interrupted the mood."

She blew a feather off my chest before leaning in for a kiss which I returned then started round two.

Later that night I got a call from Scott. "Stiles is missing and hurt. He says he's in some kind of basement and he thinks someone is in there with him. He says it smells awful. I need your help to-"

I grunted. "Hold on."

Alice was already up and waiting for me as I grabbed my clothes. I tossed her the phone saying. "You deal with him."

I pulled on my pants and stood up shirtless and shoeless. I walked over to the key hook and saw she'd already gotten them. I followed her out as I grabbed a pull over hoodie and slipped it on.

We did the whole search party thing and Derek found him somehow in Malia's old den. They hadn't actually taken that long as we were still searching Eichen house's basement. When I signaled Alice to go ahead she busted down the brick wall near sheriff Stilinski. She took the old sword and tossed it to me while telling the sheriff. "There's a dead body here you might want to take care of."

I walked out with Alice, Lydia and Scott as the sheriff called it in. When Derek called to inform us of finding Stiles I was sitting on the stares at the time. "Hey sheriff, Derek Hale found him. He's bringing him to the hospital now. He somehow sleep walked into the forest and into an old coyote den. He's fine though, except for the severe mental breakdown or whatever."

He came rushing over and I handed him the phone so he could ask his questions. Alice took my hand as we left the basement to head to the hospital. When we got there Derek was waiting. "Follow me, I need to show you something."

We did so and ended up on the roof. I sniffed around for a minute before walking over to the power lines. I pulled down the tool bag and pointed to the power line Stiles had mangled. It was still sparking as it was it also smelled of a little burnt flesh.

I snorted them told Derek. "Tell Malissa McCall to get up here after they've secured Stiles. He's the one the Oni are after. He's possessed."

Derek nodded and took off at a run. Alice sighed and asked. "Think you can fix it?"

I shook my head. "It would take Rosalie to fix it now and even then we'd still have to shut off the power."

She sighed. "I'll go have the maintenance crew to come up here with the hospital director. Get rid of the bag will you?"

I chuckled and picked it up before turned to the parking lot below and tossing the bag into the bushes by the Porsche. A few minutes later the roof was swarming with hospital staff. I pointed out the problem and offered to pay for the damages while they switched over to generators till it was fixed.

By morning it was fixed and the hospital was back to full power again. Stiles himself had slept through it all under his fathers watchful gaze. When we came down I pulled him out to tell him what Stiles had been up to.

I told him he was possessed by the Nogitsune, or dark trickster spirit as Kira called it. When he asked how it could've happened I told him and those that had joined us. "The sacrifice they did to the nemeton to find you all. It left their minds open and unguarded. It must've slipped in while they were finding you. That's the only thing I can think of."

Sheriff Stilinski asked. "And how do we get it out of him then?"

I frowned and turned to Scott and the rest before sighing. "I know two ways to kill the fox without killing Stiles and one way to trap it for eternity. All three are risky while one of them is very simple. You can't be a fox and a wolf at the same time. If I or any werewolf that has a spark bites him, it'll kill the fox and turn him into a werewolf."

Scott spoke up. "Isn't there a chance he could die?"

I snorted. "That's rare in and of itself. The reason those bitten usually die are if they are like Kira, whose born a kitsune, or pure of heart. The wolf is essentially demonic essence given shape to instincts and desires inside a person. A person pure of heart would have nothing for it to latch onto and it would be forced to fight for control of the body directly, killing the individual and the essence together."

Melissa looked shocked. "So you're saying you're demons?"

I shook my head. "Not really no. Think of it like a mutation in the DNA and the mind. Your body gains the ability to shift into a werewolf while your mind gets enhanced senses and cognitive skills. Basically a super soldier with demonic energy as a bases. Like all humans having evil energy doesn't make you inherently evil. It's the choices we make each day that define us. If you feed the energy it grows and you become like Peter or Deucalion."

The good sheriff asked. "And how do you know this? You're what? Seventeen?"

I smirked. "Try nine thousand and some change. All werewolves on this planet come from me. You could say I'm the demon that turned them. Those that I turned made more and so and and so forth. The original werewolves I turned have been killed off but I did happen to turn one more recently."

I turned to Derek. "Do you regret it now that you know it all?"

He shook his head. "I was already born a werewolf you just gave me more strength."

I turned back to the sheriff and he looked murderous. "You're a demon?"

Alice our a hand on his shoulder. "He's not really. His father was a demon who raped a Druid and force fed her his demonic twin brother. It's a long story but the point is he's not really a demon but a product of circumstance. He's no more to blame for your son being a possessed than you or Scott is."

The sheriff calmed down a little before saying. "Whatever, my son's not being turned into a werewolf!"

I sighed. "Then the other two options. Trap or kill it. Both require me to dig into his head and force the Nogitsune out. I can trap it in someone else's mind or I can kill it once it's out. So, anyone volunteer to hold a mystical demon fox in their own mind for eternity? Show of hands."

No one out their hand up so I sighed. "And show of hands, how many vote for me to kill the demonic fox."

Every hand went up except Alices. She frowned before saying. "Can't we put it in something harmless like a mouse?"

I shook my head. "It's a demon that can literally cause chaos around itself. Even in mouse form it would cause mass murders so it could feed off the pain and suffering of others."

Alice shrugged. "Ok then, killing it is."

I sighed. "Alright, Scott, I'll need your help. He's apart of your pack whether he's human or not. Once we're inside his head, I need you to get his attention and get him to stop playing mind games with the thousand year old fox."

We went to his room and found it empty. I cursed vehemently and repeatedly. The sheriff spoken into his radio and put out an APB and a missing persons report for Stiles. Derek went on the hunt with his pack and Scott joined him.

Next chapter