
Chapter 25

Ryo, who was walking with Hiromi, was enjoying his surroundings. There were so many unfamiliar people around that it made him feel a little bit nervous and excited at the same time. The youth he missed out on his previous life, he could finally enjoy them now. Mingling with students, making friends, and doing fun things. 

He could see some students conjuring magic spells; however those were only the harmless basic spells. The basic magic spells and the theory about it can be taught by a tutor if one decided to homeschool or if one was sent to this Academy to learn at a very young age. Usually the commoners would do the latter as they can't afford to hire a tutor for themselves. 

He could see some beastmen transforming into their animal form to bask in the sunlight. He could see some of his own kind in the crowd but they looked cold and aloof and only mingled with their fellow vampires. Most people in the crowd had the same appearance to those of humans save for their eyes or their ears. 

While Ryo was lost in thought, he wasn't aware that his gaze landed on a boy with dog-like ears and bushy tail that noticed his gaze. Ryo wasn't actually looking at the youth, he was just spacing out but the boy misunderstood him. The boy thought Ryo was trying to intimidate him with his gaze making the boy riled up. Ryo snapped out of his daze when he saw the boy snarl at him. Ryo was confused but he just chose to ignore him and continue walking. 

Hiromi, who was beside him was also checking out everything in their surroundings as if a country bumpkin that came to the city for the first time. She looked around with bright eyes and smiled back politely to those who smiled at her. She had round big blue eyes that were currently bright in awe, making her features look cute and sweet along with her pinkish small lips. 

Her cheeks were tinted with pinkish blush due to her excitement. She had golden hair and white jade skin that was flushed from some places due to sunlight, making her look like an ethereal beauty. She looked small standing close together with Ryo however it did not downgrade her features. Coupled with her bright eyes and warm smile, she looked like a small ball of sunshine. 

She just radiates that energy that every kind of person would be comfortable with. Hiromi knows that Ryo isn't much of a talker (or maybe Ryo just doesn't want to talk to her with her boring topics) so she just stood next to him while admiring the place just like him. She didn't feel shy at all from all the gazes directed at her as she had enough confidence with herself and also because Katsumi taught her well in this matter. 

Although she was very excited, she was still refined. Ryo could notice the gazes directed at Hiromi and at him but he chose to ignore it despite feeling slightly uncomfortable with it. Some of the gazes directed at them were dreamy, thinking how good they looked together. In a romantic sense. If Ryo could hear their thoughts he would definitely barf and punch the person who thought of it. 

Not only because she's his sister but he would rather stay single for the rest of his life than be with a ball of energy and sunshine. Their energy is just too much for him. He just didn't want to be in a relationship since he finds it bothersome. He'll have to constantly communicate with them and exchange affections ugh he's just too lazy for that. 

In his previous world he didn't have any romantic relationships with. It was intentional though as he was busy raising him and his sister most of his life and was slaved at work. He barely had time for himself and he was constantly tired, having no room for anyone in his mind and heart. He tried dating one but backed out after a few days after experiencing how much time and attention he must invest in it. 

However he did have a few flings and one night stands to scratch the itch whenever he felt it. At first he entertained sleeping with women alone but after a few of them wanted to establish a relationship with him, he reconsidered. It wasn't because he was a scum but before they engaged in their bedroom activities, they did talk and agreed that there were clearly no strings attached. 

He didn't want to hurt them by leading them on so he cut them out of his life one after another, driving him into a dilemma. Just as his itch was getting unbearable, the bartender of the club he frequents to suggested for him to try men and also suggested a pretty good and decent gay bar. He was hesitant at first not because he's dustusted but because he had no experience when it comes to gay s**.

His experience in the rainbow area was not that pleasant. Some guys were greasy in their actions, some were overly clingy and feminine, some were overconfident and like their ego stroked constantly during intercourse. He took a mental note that he won't ever listen to the bartender's suggestions. Then an acquaintance of his suggested another gay bar that was finally, truly decent. 

Just as he was getting better experiences, he stepped on shit and was transmigrated to this world. With that said, he's not that resistant to being in a relationship, however he probably will only commit to one after 50 years or so. He'll enjoy lots and lots of me-time first. 

His attention was brought back to reality when he felt the stirring of the crowd. He looked around and saw some students whispering among themselves excitedly as if they were about to see a celebrity. 

"Hey, the student council is here!"

"Oh my, wherever could they be?"

"I saw the Student Council President! I think I'll faint at any moment now."

"The Vice President is so hot I can't even."

Lots of murmurings and squeals were heard and the crowd, making Ryo curious about the mentioned student council members. As the crowd parted, the first one Ryo saw was the man walking in elegant strides with a bright smile on his face. The sunlight hugged the man's entire being, appearing gentle and warm as if he was the sun itself. 

His golden hair that was tied up in a half ponytail reached his shoulders and was shining from the sunlight amplified his features, making him look friendly and approachable. His blue eyes were like the ocean, enchanting anyone who gazed into it into submitting themselves as they crashed through the waves. His long butterfly-like eyelashes fluttered every blink, giving a seductive feeling to it coupled with his tear mole. His lips were naturally curved creating an illusion as if he's smiling even when he's not. 

Even though he still has the youthful air around him, the maturity in his posture and expression still leaves an impact. He was tall and based from the uniform that was hugging his figure snugly, the body underneath must be well-toned. 

'Oh wow, he's handsome.'

Ryo thought as he looked at the man. The man was looking in his direction but he wasn't sure if he was looking at him with that warm gaze as if he was the most important person to that man. Hiromi noticed the man's gaze and she was sure that that person was looking at her brother which made her feel as if her position was threatened for some reasons. This was the first time she met the person but she couldn't help but be wary of him. 

Ryo didn't want to assume things so when he was done admiring the person's looks, he was just about to walk away when he saw a round object (camera) come flying in the man's direction and directly smash against his head. Almost everyone that saw it was dumbfounded and some (like Ryo) grimaced as he heard the loud impact. 

"That was…embarrassing." Ryo commented. 

"Serves him right." Hiromi snickered as she held back her laughter. 

Alarick was walking around the campus on the excuse of monitoring the students but the real reason was he was looking for someone. The other student council members accompanied him much to his dismay. He could only bear with it. He was just gonna drop a greeting for his first ever friend anyway and see how he looks now then he'll go. 

Just as they rounded a corner he heard the murmurs and squeals but he could care less as his eyes landed on the figure he had been looking for. As the crowd parted like a veil, he finally saw him, inadvertently ignoring the existence of the girl beside Ryo. Under the sunlight, his tawny skin looked more vibrant and healthy, covering his vampire features. 

His curly hair that was as dark as the night sky looked glossy and silky smooth, tempting one to touch and feel how soft it is. His ruby red eyes were squinted as it looked at him, making his heart flutter and his plump pinkish lips that were slightly parted looked so enticing making one want to bite it. He was the very definition of tall, dark, and handsome even though his features still carried its youth. 

It has been 3 long years since he last saw him but he was even more attractive since the last time. Alarick was enchanted enough that he didn't notice the monitoring camera barreling against his head. His head lurched forward followed by his body from the impact but his eyes were still on Ryo. 

He initially didn't feel anything but when he saw Ryo grimaced while looking at him, he finally felt the pain and realized what happened. His face flushed from shame as he bent down and picked up the broken camera. He could care less about other people's thoughts but when he saw Ryo started turning his back to walk away without even a greeting made Alarick upset. Feeling like his friend abandoned him. So in a fit of desperation he called out his name. 


Ryo didn't know his thoughts so when he just took a few steps away, he suddenly heard his name called. He turned around and saw that man that got his head smashed by a camera jogging towards him. Ryo raised an eyebrow when the man was finally within his circle. 

"I don't think we know each other enough for you to address me by my first name." Ryo said as he seriously gazed at those awfully familiar eyes. 

Alarick felt as if a thunder struck him as he stared at Ryo, dumbfounded. Seeing how he was just standing foolishly, Ryo sighed and was about to turn his back when the man spoke once again. 

"But you clearly said three years ago that I could address you by your name…" Alarick said as he lowered his head like a dog abandoned by its owner. 

"What do you mean?" Ryo asked, intrigued and felt like this guy really looked familiar. 

"D-don't you remember me? It's me, Alarick Beowulf. W-we've been e-exchanging letters for 3 y-years and w-were friends!" Alarick stammered as he panicked. 

When Ryo heard his explanation, his eyes widened as he looked at Alarick up and down incredulously.

"You're that crybaby Alarick? The one I met in the greenhouse?" Ryo asked with doubtful eyes. 

Seeing Ryo's reaction somewhat relieved Alarick for finally being recognized but was feeling slightly upset with Ryo's doubtful tone. 

"Yes, I am." Alarick said with a slight pout, looking aggrieved. 

"Oh wow…I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. You just looked… so different from when I first met you." Ryo said. 

Ryo was really surprised to see how much Alarick changed. His physical appearance alone was mind blowing. From the timid, sniveling, unhealthy looking, youth before was a stark contrast to the sunny, tall, energetic teenager in front of him. He also didn't have those wolf ears and tails anymore, that's why he didn't recognize him. 

They've exchanged letters, yes, but it only carried the friendly vibe in it. Seeing how sincere Ryo's expression was, Alarick felt better. Then he took it as a compliment. 

"It's understandable. So much happened to me in the past 3 years and I'm itching to share them all with you now. I apologize for keeping some of the details about myself unmentioned, such as my ears and tail being gone. I just wanted to surprise you." Alarick said with a shy smile but his eyes were exuding confidence. 

"I am pleasantly surprised so it's alright. I'd like to hear more about it in your free time." Ryo said as the bell chimed, indicating that the orientation and classes were about to start. 

Ryo and Alarick went further in the Academy, stuck in their own worlds, forgetting about their companions. The left behind student Council members were dumbfounded by this outcome but they didn't forget doing their assigned tasks and dispersed. However there was one member that chose to be left behind. Hiromi was fuming as that Alarick guy kidnapped her brother, ignoring the guy that had been looking at her with interest. 

Just as she was about to follow Ryo, an arm blocked her way, making her glare at the owner. Hiromi took a deep breath and looked at the guy calmly. 

"Is there anything you need?"

The man chuckled from the way she spoke to him, looking at her as if he found an interesting toy. 

"You're the first woman to ever treat me this way, my mother aside." The guy said with a smirk, his eyes filled with mirth. 

Hiromi looked at him as if he had lost his mind and scoffed before walking away. The man wasn't offended in the slightest bit as he placed a finger on his chin, thinking. 


Hey y'all! so I drew the illustrations of Ryo and Alarick but I can't upload images here so you can just check it out in Scribblehub or in Foxaholic in chapter 25. I attached there the link of the images. thanks for reading and I do appreciate the support! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

SleepyLazyKaelcreators' thoughts