

*Plop* *Plop* *Plop* *Plop* *Plop*

Amusedly I looked on, watching as a trio of slimes carried the unconscious body of the boy I wanted.

Initially it wasn't so but after seeing the things that he had on him and how he used them to create other inventions with differing purposes. Yeah, it was then that I knew that I wanted him working for me.

It wasn't that hard, just knock him up a bit and kill the guards around him then have the slimes bring him back.

They were vastly underprepared for this. And even if they were they wouldn't have been able to resist death.

I had noticed it before but now it was plainly obvious to me, the way that both the slimes and spiders moved and did things.

It had this predatory vibe to it, and I knew exactly why that had happened. It was because of all of the conflict that I had ordered them to engage in.

It gave them the experience needed to be more in tune with their nature and develop to being even more deadly.

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