
A Door ~2~

5 years later, Keizu and her family,(her mother and brother) moved to Paris. The death of her father is still remaining in her heart. Her mother sickness is still not recovering. she needed more money for her family. Therefore, she moved to a place where she can find more money.

She's still not familiar with the new environment and large population and every new things. But she got new job in a very few days after moving. She didn't stop with just one job. She work another part-time job at night time.

One night, when she went back from her part-time job, the lack of sleep caught her head. She sat beside a wishing pond while putting her head on her hand which was on the band.

"When will these bad and tired days over?"she whispered to herself.

"I wish I can rest for a while in a peaceful place" She made a wish and then stood up but she fall back and her head hit the ground.

When she woke up, she was in an unknown place . she tried to get up and found a man sitting on a chair.

"who are you? where am I?": Keizu

"oh you woke up! it was faster than I thought. my name's Pan. I'm an owner of this shop.": Pan

By the words the man who call himself Pan said, Keizu looked around the place and found various bread and cheeses.

"I found you in the front of the pond. The pond is right in front of the shop you see. So I brought you here and let you sleep since I think you're lack of sleep." : Pan

"Thanks you Mr. Pan" Keizu

"No need. But I think you made a wish to the pond. did you?" Pan

"Umm I think I did make one but it wasn't really important or anything " Keizu

"Well, but you made a wish and you dropped a coin to the pond too so" Pan

"No I didn't put any coin" Keizu

"But one of your coin dropped when you fell off" Pan

"It was unexpected. but it's ok anyway" Keizu

"Well. you lady you seems doesn't care about that but what if your wish can be granted? Will you still want it?" Pan

"If it could, but my wish is just a very small one and I can't rest now my family need me" Keizu

"Yes your wish is a very small one and that's why I'm asking. I can grant it" Pan

"Ok cool" Keizu

"Go to the room over there. And use this and keep this in your hand."Pan

the man gave Kiezu a paper and a ticket. On the paper, there was a name Sayriko.

"What is this? is this some kind of games or just a relaxation centre or what??" Keizu

"You're just a talkative lady. Just go there and don't forget to give the ticket to a man when you meet at the very first entrance. and give the letter to a young lady who live in a small house of a Suzuki forest." Pan

"I don't understand what you're saying " Keizu

"Don't ask a thing just go! it's almost time" Pan

then the man pushed Kiezu to the room.

Inside the room, Keizu only can see a faint small light coming from the other side of the room. she went straight to the place where the light was coming. Then she saw a man Wearing the whole black suit and standing in front of the door.

"Where do you want to go Miss?" The man

Keizu doesn't understand what the man was saying but gave him the ticket that Pan gave.

"This place, At last the door has to open again" the man

with that, the man open a door and Keizu went in there without know what the place or what the man was saying.

"Be careful for the fall" Pan

'What does he mean by fall? is the place is full of water? Cool I like water anyway'

Keizu went into the door but before she could put a step, she feel something. She was falling from the very high place. the whole place was like a sky at night and when she realized she was falling and looked back to the door, the door was slowly fate away and she saw the man mumbled something. She read the man's mumble "Good luck" the man.

soon after, she reached the ground. But fortunately, she fell on the leaves which were gathered but the place she fell was so height and she was tired so her body was ached and her eyes were heavy to open . And then she saw something coming to her. that something was holding something like a fanal. then her vision was out.

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