
The Unveiling Feast: Bonds, Truths, and a Kingdom's Fate

Leaving Marcella in the main area of my bedroom was a bit weird. Considering the etiquette that had been pounded into my head for the last 8 years. Still, I didn't really care that much, and headed into my private bathroom.

While on the ship, I had only been able to wipe off, so it had been two weeks since I had truly got a good cleaning. I looked in the mirror and scoffed at myself. I looked like I had just been rolling in the dirt all day. No wonder the princess was so harsh with me. I looked like a bum.

The hot water from the shower felt heavenly against my skin as I scrubbed away the grime, sweat, and memories of the long workday. My surprisingly muscular child-like body still felt weird at times, but with the sheer amount of skills I was honing daily... it made sense somehow.

When I came out of the bathroom, towel draped around my waist, I found Marcella exactly where I had left her. She was sitting at the far end of the room, a distance far enough that she couldn't eavesdrop on me or sneak peeks. It didn't bother me though. 

Fetching a fresh outfit from my room, I decided to be magnanimous, "Did you miss me?" 

Marcella rolled her eyes but didn't deign me with a reply. Not that I was surprised. The girl could hold a grudge like nobody's business, it seemed. Still, this was better than a kick between the legs with a frozen boot.

As I pulled on a clean tunic and began to lace my boots, I eventually broke the silence again. Her brooding silence was surprisingly uncomfortable. "Have you ever tried actually talking and not just, you know, flipping everyone off the second they say something you don't like?" 

That earned me a sharp glare and a cold, "You do not know what you are talking about."

"Sure, if you say so, princess," I shrugged nonchalantly, feigning disinterest. The effort to get her talking was more draining than I had thought it would be. My new craft was laying bare my weak social skills.

"Are you ready to go now?" She asked, standing and looking ready to leave even if I wasn't.

I sighed, letting her lead the way to dinner. As we walked towards the dining hall, I couldn't help but think about how... awkward and tense everything felt between us. It wasn't entirely unexpected, given the circumstances, but I wished it would improve sooner rather than later.

After reaching the grand dining room, King Aldrich and Queen Lydia were waiting for us. When I saw the two of them, I sighed internally. I was glad that dinner was about to begin, though their solemn faces immediately told me that this was more than a casual family meal. This was a calculated attempt at diplomacy, an effort to bridge the gap between Marcella and me -- or at least, that's what it felt like.

Greeting them with the formalities required of my position, I took my place at the long, oak table as the servants began to pour in, each carrying a silver tray adorned with an array of food. The scent alone was enough to make my mouth water, reminding me that I hadn't eaten since morning.

Throughout dinner, King Aldrich and Queen Lydia engaged in casual conversation, yet there was an underlying tension that was hard to ignore. Marcella, on the other hand, remained notably silent, only speaking when spoken to and providing curt responses in return.

Despite the unappetizing atmosphere, the food was delicious. It was a feast befitting a king, well, kings, and I gratefully filled my plate, trying to avoid the occasional glances shot my way.

Finally, as the desserts were served, King Aldrich cleared his throat. "Gideon, Marcella," he began, commanding our attention, "we have invited you to this meal hoping that it would be a good opportunity for you two to get to know each other better."

I nodded, stealing a sideways glance at Marcella, who was still wearing her icy glare. This was going exactly as I had thought it would - a political dinner disguise in a casual meal. 

"Yes, we had a chance earlier to talk in my room before I went to get cleaned up. We had a slight spat, but I think we cleared things up, mostly," I said resolutely, but then deflated like a balloon. "Honestly, you guys put her in an awkward situation by not telling her more about me. My bastard father killed the man she wanted to marry, and now she is stuck with a weirdo monster of a child that could probably beat you in an arm wrestling match."

Both the King and the Queen blinked in obvious surprise at my sudden bout of frankness. Lydia opened her mouth to respond, but Aldrich beat her to it. "That... is a more colorful description than I was expecting."

Marcella visibly cringed at my words, her cheeks heating up a stormy red as she glared back at her plate, clearly mortified. She didn't utter a word in return, her pride refusing to let her respond.

"We all know what I am, but I don't think any of us really understand what that means. I am actually much older than your daughter, and when I can find it, I will figure some way out to grow this body, or progress my age, but not right away," I said, and then looked down. 

I did want my more adult form, but there was a part of me that wanted to enjoy the world a bit more like this. Something told me that when I became an adult again, things would start changing fast. When that happened, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the freedom that I had now.

As I finished speaking, I could feel their gazes boring into me, heavy with a mix of intrigue, shock, and... perhaps a smidgen of respect for my honesty.

Lydia recovered her composure first, smiling reassuringly across the table. "Your honesty is commendable, Gideon," she stated, a hint of pride edging into her tone, "It's impressive and heartening to see such maturity in a young man."

"I do agree," added Aldrich, his gruff voice softer than usual. "We've put undue chances on your shoulders. Taking it all so gracefully... you've surprised us."

Silence fell upon the table, punctuated only by the clinking of cutlery being set down. My gaze flitted to Marcella, who hadn't uttered a word after my revelation. Her proud head lowered, her face a mix of thoughtful and harassed emotions.

But amidst all the uncertainty, one thing was clear - tonight's dinner was not just an ordinary meal between an oddly-matched couple and their well-meaning parents. It was an introduction to the turbulent and challenging life ahead, in our kingdom of Havenby- a life that I was more than ready to craft into a future worth living.

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