Havenby Kingdom
"Have you heard any word of Gideon, yet?" Marcella asked her father, King Aldrich Havenby.
The king looked at his daughter for a moment and considered his words. While they still didn't know if she was with child yet, the king didn't want to worry his daughter. Yet, lying to her would end up being much worse.
"Gideon has decided to stay and help the Kingdom of Jagar. Not only that, but I have reports that three gods have made themselves known here on Velum," King Aldrich explained, and Marcella paled. She knew what that meant.
For nearly a thousand years the world of Velum and its records from all nations have only seen peace with small skirmishes. The time before that was said to be a violent, but golden era. A time when the divine walked among mortals.
"Are you saying that something Gideon has done has caused this to happen?" Marcella asked in confusion.