
Divine Dice and Reckless Gambles

"That kid of yours is going to break this world," Tryst complained as she stretched out on her reclining chair, an ornate goblet filled with ambrosia in her hand.

Algris, ever the responsible one, offered her a small smile. "Isn't that the point of the whole reincarnation?" he said, his calm voice resonating around the Seven Deity Chamber. 

Velemir, however, was swaying on his feet, excited and uncharacteristically so. A craftsman deity partying wasn't a sight they were accustomed to. "His little dice did awaken me," he exclaimed, a hearty chuckle following his words. "And there's a lot more to come! My boy Gideon is gonna do big things, just you wait!"

Each deity had mortals they favored and cheered for; it was a pastime amongst them. They were generally hands-off unless a preordained, reincarnated soul was involved. As deities, they had the luxury of time to be idle, to observe and occasionally meddle if they chose to.

Velemir, whose domain of motivation mostly lay in creation and craftsmanship, didn't have hefty bearers. It was refreshing for him to see an involved candidate, especially after Gideon's dice stunt.

"He is certainly shaking things up, that's for sure," Morghen grumbled, the War deity being particularly displeased with Gideon due to him not choosing to become a traditional powerhouse. "Tryst's right, he's going to cause trouble over there."

"I'm with Morghen, can't quite say I love the kids approach," Haroun added. Most of his patrons were pragmatic, hardworking folks. Gideon with his short-term gambles and reliance on luck wasn't his first choice. 

Ignoring the naysayers, Velemir swirled his ambrosia, his demeanor jovial. "What's life without a bit of adventure and mighty leaps of faith, huh?" 

"I think that he will be entertaining, but why was someone like him reborn?"

Everyone turned to Eldaer, the typically quiet deity of life, noticing the thoughtful look on his face. "He's a rebel, a rash popinjay, who is probably better suited to be a cursing lumberjack. He drowned face down in his own puke, right after gambling most of his earnings away. Why would such an individual be chosen to reincarnate?"

Algris gently placed his goblet of divine ambrosia down, his gaze meeting each of the divine deities. "Because the cycle of life is not about perfection in the past, but growth in the future. It is about potential for change, for improvement. And Gideon, even with his shortcomings, showcases that in abundance. He has already begun to learn new skills and take initiative. He's challenging himself."

Algris' words hung heavy in the chamber, a solemn reminder of the cycle they were all part of, the balance they were responsible for ensuring. Brief silence enveloped the chamber, each deity digesting his words.

Velemir raised his goblet, breaking the silence, "To Gideon, may he impress us all!" His voice echoed, the cup in his hand shining with divine light.

The rest of the deities raised their goblets in response, even the skeptical ones. Their voices lifted in unison, "To Gideon!" A surge of divine energy traversed through the chamber, a pulse of powerful vitality, hope, and expectation. 

Regardless of their doubts and disagreements, they were all intrigued by Gideon. The next few years were going to be interesting and they were ready for the show. The harmony amidst their clamor marked a rare occurrence, further emphasizing the peculiarity of the reincarnated Gideon. 

From somewhere in the expanse of Velum, under scrutiny from his mortal companions and the divine gaze of the septet deities, Gideon had no idea of the prophecy that was silently brewing for him. The only path he had his eyes set on was forward, cautiously stepping into the unfamiliar yet stirring Havenby kingdom. Little did he know, soon it was going to be his tale that would mimic the clamor in the divine chamber, echoing throughout Velum.

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