
The Beginning

Anger, Sadness, Wrath, Ourtrage, Dejection, Desolation,

Like a tidal wave, everything swept in. Despite already being knocked down, a young teenaged boy found himself getting repeatedly struck, each moment carved itself into his mind, pestering him for attention.

Escape. Reprieve. These were the only things in his mind; not the pain, not the sadness, nor the anger, just hope.

The teen's eyes opened as he accepted his fate, surrendering to the circumstances he has been forced to enure.

If he were to die here, would it not be just right for him to witness the grand finalé of his miserable life?

-A pity, truly.

That even as he found the courage to look at the demons that made him suffer, he could only see darkness at its full glory.

"And so it ends." Like a timely melody, a voice accompanied by a beautiful sonata reached the teen's ears.

The teen looked around, as if the horrors in his head multiplied. His eyes that were originally bloodshot started to burn in hatred.


Just the voice alone was powerful enough to rekindle the blazing fire that was sleeping within him.

His eyes darted left and right, seeking, hunting down the source.

"What do you seek, child?" The voice sounded out once more.

The teen began to shake, as if scared.


The teen shook his head.


The teen denied.


Still a missed shot.

"Then, what is it, child?"

The teen opened his mouth, wanting to say something yet was unable to.

Finally, after minutes of mouthing it out, he managed to produce a word out of his mouth, "Solace".



With a thundering cry, a playful bun pounced on the chest of a sleeping young man.

"Mother and father are looking for you!" The bun tapped the now conscious teen.

"Ugh," With slight discomfort, the teen sat up as he held the little bun away from him. "I told you not to wake me up like that." He uttered in discontent.

However, he couldn't maintain his displeasure at the sight of the boy's outstretched hand, seemingly wanting to touch his face.

"Big bro Khai had bad dreams?" The bun asked, slightly tilting his chubby head to show curiosity with a little bit of worry mixed with it.


As the young man, Khai, wondered what the little bun was saying, he turned his sights to the door, inadvertently meeting a mirror.

"Ah," Like a lightbulb that was connected to a power supply, Khai's queries were lightened.

Reflected on the wall mirror was his face; at first sight, anyone who saw him would definitely suspect that he had been going through something.

With ruffled hair that faced different directions, big black bags underneath his empty jet-black eyes, and a worn out expression written all over his face, it wouldn't be a surprise if someone would mistake him for a ghost.

"It's ok big bro, I'm here." The bun caressed Khai's face, with fingers as tender as cotton and as smooth as silk. He felt that his heart was touched along with it.

"Thank you, little brother." Khai smiled, hugging the little bun within his shaking arms.

'That's right. I can't die yet. I still have people that care.' He reminded himself silently.

"Tom!" Just as the siblings were interlocked in an intimate gesture of affection, a loud cry was heard downstairs.

"Ah!" The bun's eyes started to blink rapidly.

Khai was exasperated. "You.."

"Ehe~" With a little smirk, the little bun quickly dismounted Khai's embrace and ran towards the open door.

Unfortunately for him, his escape was immediately canceled as two firm legs stood in his way. On the originally empty doorframe stood an old man with a furious expression.

At first impression, the inevitable damage of time could visibly be seen. He had white hair and beard and wrinkles that were too many to count.

However, despite his worn out look, the same could not be said for his muscly stature. Although he was continually pushed outside his prime, his firm stance and stern aura did not get affected.

"Tom!" The old man's eyebrows furrowed, exemplifying his wrinkled face and making his domineering disposition all the more threatening.

The little bun stepped back, fear could be seen rising slowly from his timid posture.

"It's fine, grandpa." Khai interjected, not able endure seeing the fear on the bun's face.

"Khai,," The old man finally remembered Khai sitting at the edge of the room.

Of course, like the sharp man he was, he didn't miss the ghostly state of his grandson.


"I'm fine, grandfather. Little brother was just worried about me, would you mind not punishing him just this once?" Khai asked, forcing a smile.

Truth be told, this was not the first time that this little brother of his caused chaos. He was a trouble make at birth and even Khai was a victim to some of his little brother's ploys.

Nonetheless, he was not lying when he made an excuse for the little bun- he felt the need to step in as he was also gratified at his cute display of worry.

Needless to say, Khai already knew why the old man was angry- simply put, his little brother broke multiple rules at once the second he stepped in the room.

"This.." The old man couldn't even muster the energy to retort, immediately caving in at Khai's request.

How could he, as the useless grandfather that he already is, further torture his suffering grandson by robbing him off a single request?

Releasing a sigh, the old man beckoned the little bun. "Fine. Come here, Tom."

The little bun stole a glance at Khai and hesitated whether to go back and embrace his big brother or to appease his grandfather.

"I'm fine, little brother. Go to grandfather now." Khai smiled.

The little bun still looked hesitant. He knew that Khai wasn't alright.

'What should I do with you..' Khai was sure that the little bun needed more persuasion.

However, contrary to what he thought, the little guy scurried off to his grandpa, flailing his hands upward- an indication of "carry me please".

'Ah?' His little brother's sudden cooperation came to him as a shock.

Even the old man had to blink a couple of times to ensure that old age wasn't pulling his leg, deluding his eyes to see such a fantasy!

Nobody spoke but one thing was surely on their minds, "He.. listened?"

Seeing as Khai was still watching, the old man pulled his mind together and managed to command his hands to function, picking up the cute bun looking up at him from his feet.

"Thank you, grandfather." Khai said as the old man finished making the bun comfortable on his arms.

"Of course, my grandson. Is there anything else you'd like?" The old man forced a tender smile.

"I'm good."

"Alright, rest well."

As the old man left, the little bun clenched his fist and faced them towards Khai.


"That.." Khai blinked blankly.


A second later, a smile formed on his lips.

It was the first time he saw the little bun be this affectionate.

However, the gentle joy jumping in his heart soon vanished as fatigue overwhlemed him.

'Damn,' Like being struck by lightning, all his strength was suddenly sapped and darkness started to corrode his line of thought.

"How long will this last?" He muttered under his breath.

Everything seemed so bleak and he was powerless to do anything to change that fact.

"Son!" Suddenly, a voice brought him back.

Turning his head sideward, he saw his mother worriedly looking at him.

Close to her was his boyfriend.

Both were very anxious, looking at him with deep concern written all over their faces.

"Are you alright?"

Seeing his son being responsive again, his mother heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine, mother."

His sight shifted to and fro the two people present.

"What's up?"

He would usually get ignored in mornings. He would always skip breakfast and go to the kitchen to get a coffee and lock himself up in his room. Most of the time, they would just let him do his thing until lunchtime and dinner; where they call him down to eat.

Today was a new experience for him, being woken up so suddenly and being visited by his parents; what was even more unsual was the presence of her boyfriend.

"Ah," His mother hesitated and looked at his boyfriend, seemingly asking for his opinion.

"Perhaps another time would be more appropriate." He said.

His mother immediately agreed to his proposal. "Mhm, rest for now, sweetheart."

Unfortunately for them, Khai didn't want the matter to bug him so he wanted to hear about what it was right then and there.

"I'm well rested, mother. I just had a bad night as usual."

"Aw, honey." His mother's worries deepened. She placed her hand on his. "I'm sorry I can't do anything about it."

Khai forced a smile. "No need to apologize, mother. None of this is your fault. I'm just getting played by fate."

"Still," His mother looked down in contemplation. When she looked back at him again, her eyes looked resolute, saying, "We'll search for better doctors next week."

"Ah," Shocked by his mother's words, Khai felt something warming up deep within his chest.

"We've already tried, mother. We've tried everything." At this point, he couldn't help but to pause.


"I'm ready to live my life like this." He looked back at his mother with the same resolve. "I only get one life, don't I? I can't waste it on sulking all day, everyday."

"Oh, son. Don't say that. You're too hard on yourself. You're doing great." His mother hurriedly corrected him.

"Mother, you don't have to be so sweet all the time, you know you can scold me for being lazy, right?"

"How could I? You can't even stand up straight for 5 minutes without passing out!" She exclaimed.

"Yet every time, I don't die."

At his answer, his mother was at a loss for words.

"Don't say that! Never ever!"

Khai sighed, "Can't you set me free? I've been locked up in this house for years now."


She really had a strong son.

A tear escaped her eye as she closed in for a hug. "Of course! I'm proud of you, son. I'll always support you." She sniffled.

"I know, mother." Khai welcomed the hug with his own.

After composing herself, his mother glanced at her boyfried.

"Do you want to tell him instead?"

"Mhm." He didn't deny. "However, I'd rather just show him."

Without waiting for further consent, he closed in on the duo and grasped her girlfriend's hand.


Both were visibly shocked.

"Ah!" Her mother blushed like a teenager. But she didn't back away, fully trusting that the man in front of her would do no harm.

"We're engaged." He smiled as he presented her hand to Khai.

The joy in his eyes could not be masked as how his pride as a man skyrocketed at that very moment.

The girl of his dreams was finally his!

"That's," A series of myriad emotions passed through Khai's mind but he didn't let any of them show on his face.

"That's great, you two. Congratulations!"

His mother and partner looked at each other with relief. Just those words were enough to lift the heavy weights on their chests.

"Thank you, son. You don't know how much this means to me." She smiled.

Truth be told, Khai really had no idea how much his consent gave his mother comfort.

Her partner proposed to her a week ago and of course, she was very happy to accept it. However, for the past few days, she felt guilty as she hasn't asked her son if he wanted a step-father.

Fortunately for her, everything went smoothly.

"So? When's the day?" Noticing the silence in the room, Khai spoke up.

"Ah?" The duo exchanged glances.

"Well, about that.."

Contrary to what Khai expected, the date of marriage had yet to be decided. According to his mother, they were worried that he would get upset so they haven't done any preparations yet.

After some more chitchat and Khai reassuring his mother that everything was really alright, the duo left, contented with the response they received.

On their way downstairs, the two encountered Khai's grandfather.


"Hello, Lily." The old man nodded, greeting Khai's mother.

"I suppose you already told him?"

Lily, Khai's mother, showed a hint of shock, looking at her fiancée.


"You didn't tell him, Drake?" The old man's gaze switched to the man.

"Well, I didn't have time to. I didn't want to get her hopes up, only for it to get crushed." Drake scratched his head awkwardly.

"Mhm. Wise choice. A child is unpredictable, after all. Though is it safe to assume that all went well?"

"Yes, sir. As you suspected, Khai was open-minded about our marriage! I didn't even see any discontent!" Drake spoke excitedly.

"You talked to father-in-law?" Lily asked.

"I didn't want to ruin anything. I talked to him even before I proposed to you." He confessed without hesitation.

"You.." Lily looked at the old man warily.

"It's alright, Lily. I consider you as my own daughter. You needn't act this way."

"Are you really fine with it?" She persisted, still unsure whether the old man was telling the truth or just trying to be nice.

The old man thought for a moment.

"No, but I raised him for more than enough years to know that he would've wanted you to have this."

At his answer, Lily's expression died down a little.

So was he just agreeing to the marriage because her late-husband would've wanted it?

"Lily. Don't make me regret my choice." The old man saw that her mood dampened, speaking up upon notice.

"I know how much you've suffered." He sighed in lamentation. "Consider this my thanks to everything you've done up until now. From this point onward, you're free to chase your own happiness."

Hearing this, a strange sensation bubbled up in Lily's heart as she bowed earnestly. "Thank you, grandfather."

"Enjoy, my daughter." The old man patted her head and continued to walk to his destination.

As soon as the old man turned a corner, Drake immediately informed Lily. "Honey, he's gone, you can stop bowing now."

"Honey?" Seeing no response, he quickly shook her, slightly panicked.


Like a trigger was pulled within her, tears started to flow out from her eyes.

First came droplets, dropping one by one. And soon, a river started to flow down, washing her face with tears.

Hurriedly taking out a handkerchief, Drake offered it to his partner. "Should we go somewhere else?"

"Mhm." She grunted and Drake escorted her away.

Next chapter