
The Begining

On one cool breezy autumn day their was nothing out of the ordinary.Just a normal day.You would notice a woman jogging.She looked beautiful and like she was from a rich family.But she was an adopted child from the Lu's family.The Lu's were very rich but they weren't the richest.So they decided to have a marriage with another family.But the Man the Lu's daughter had to get married to was rumored to be ugly and disabled.So the Lu's sent the second daughter.Which was the adopted one.The other one wasn't adopted, so she got more nicer things and privileges.They sent the other one because Hanna the non adopted one was saying she didn't want to marry a disabled ugly guy whom she never met.

So Hanna got her way she was spoiled.But Lucy ( the adopted one ) didn't want to either.But the Mother and Father told her that they spent so much money on her when they didn't have too.But Lucy was finally tired of them and said " you never treated me like your daughter I'm out and don't worry I'll change my last name too!!"

But the father grabbed her arm and stoped her.So it was a good thing Lucy won the Martial arts competition and beat all the masters.But she still felt like their was still people missing.But Lucy grabbed Hanna's father's arm and flipped him on his back and said "goodbye Lu's family"

But just as Lucy was walking out she heard Mr.Lu say " what if you weren't really adopted!?!"

To Be Continued

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