
Chapter III

"Three jars please." A blond man in blue clothes asked, placing down shimmering gold coins.

It was already deep in the night but the taverns and wineshops were as lively as ever. As the travellers say, Duvin City never sleeps.

The City of Wine's town square was home to brightly lit streets and countless stores- most of them selling alcoholic drinks, of course. Duvin is called the City of Wine for a reason.

One of the stores was the home to the finest wines in the region, precisely brewed and tastefully aged, however it was also heavier for people's pockets.

"Oh- sorry- could you make it four?" The blond added placed down gold coins, the look on the vendor's face was tainted with delight and surprise.

To be able to sell this much to one person was good for the business so the vender was rightfully delighted, but he was also surprised- considering the blond young man didn't seem to belomg be any sort of wealthy family, spending this much on expensive wine would surely take a blow at someone's money.

"Are you holding a gathering, young man?" The vendor asks as he reaches for the jars on the shelves behind him, the blond slowly shakes his head as a respond.

"Not at all, sir. These are for a friend." The blond smiled as he accepted the wine jars given to him, all four bound by one rope to hold on to.

"All four of those for one person?" The vendor wondered. The wine he sold was pungent and strong, even one jar was more than enough to get a grown man wasted, let alone four. So either this person had unusually high alcohol tolerance or simply had some sort of dipsomania.

"He likes his wine." The blond gave a slight shrug, still having a smile plastered on his face.

"He surely does." The vendor agreed, he then grabbed the gold coins the blond placed on the counter.

"Well lucky for your friend, you've bought from this shop. Our wines are nothing less than superb." The vendor boasted.

"I've heard, word really gets around when it's about wine here in Duvin." The vendor chuckled at the blond's remark.

"I'll be on my way then!" The blond in blue gave a slight bow before heading out of the wineshop.

"Thank you for buying, young man!" The vendor said to the leaving blond as he attended to a different batch of customers.

As the blonde man in blue walked down the bright and bustling streets of Duvin City's townsquare, he saw a recognizable face in the crowd.

Two young cultivators in white, one with a sword hanging by his waist and one with two swords crossed on his back.

The two stood out like doves amongst ravens, one of them immediately recognized the blond and in turn walked towards his direction, the other one following behind.

"Sir Vallehollow, good evening." Nevaeh greeted with a bow while Hyeong-sun just stood behind him. Nevaeh looked at his companion intently, but Hyeong-sun immediately got the message.

"Good evening--" Hyeong-sun copied Nevaeh, greeting the blond man in blue infront of them.

Hyeong-sun didn't recognize the man at all. He was stranger to him but Nevaeh seemed to know him, he went as far as to greet him after all.

"You're too formal, Nevaeh. You can call me Lake, you know?" The blonde

man in blue smiled once again.

His smile was amiable and gentle. Even though Hyeong-sun had only met this man at that moment, it felt like he was kind and good-natured. The can-never-hurt-a-fly type of guy.

And with the addition of the man being familiar with Nevaeh, it wasn't hard for Hyeong-sun to start trusting him, though of course he still had his doubts.

"So, how have you been?" Lake, the blond man, asked as he shifted his position into a more comfortable stance. The wine jars in his clinking in response to his movement.

Hyeong-sun looked at the number of jars Lake was carrying- Is this guy an alcoholic? The young cultivator pondered. Maybe Nevaeh secretly drank with him in the past? Is that why they're so familiar?

"I've been well, Sir Lake." Nevaeh politely replied.

"Don't- ah- nevermind." Lake slightly shook his head and let out quiet laugh. Nevaeh was a little too polite, even having told to just call him Lake, the young cultivator was insisted on keeping the "Sir" precedent.

"I see you have a companion." Lake glanced at Hyeong-sun who kept looking at him with narrow eyes, as if trying to inspect him. The blond gave him a nod and smile which made the young cultivator quickly stop.

"Hyeong-sun Ri, we've trained together at Taeyang Temple." Nevaeh answered, Hyeong-sun had the a hint of surprise on his face.

It seemed like Lake already knew about the temple him and Nevaeh lived in, as Nevaeh mentioned it so casually- Maybe they didn't just drink? Hyeong-sun unconsciously furrowed his eybrows. Why would the quiet Nevaeh talk so much with this Lake guy though?

"Lake Vallehollow, you can just call me Lake though." The blond introduced himself. However, Hyeong-sun was just staring at nothing with his eyebrows still furrowed- Nevaeh knew that his companion was drowning in his own thoughts.

"Hyeong-sun Rio." The young cultivator sternly called, to which Hyeong-sun immediately reacted to- his train of thought quickly fleeting.

Hyeong-sun turned to Nevaeh. He would've never thought that being called by his full name would shake him up so much- or maybe that's just because it was Nevaeh who called?

"Sir Lake helped me during one of my-" Nevaeh started to explain to help with Hyeong-sun's questions, but then he suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence.

"...personal missions." He slowly continued.

"You mean your tantrums-?" Hyeong-sun retorted but then he suddenly shut his mouth when Nevaeh glared at him from a split second.

Nevaeh Weiss has always had good control over his emotions ever since he was young. Rarely showing his feelings and only speaks when he deems necessary. However, when he does succumb to his feelings and emotions, it's total chaos- even having breakdowns lasting weeks or even months.

"So I'm extremely thankful for Sir Lake and the Euphony." Nevaeh finished.

"Eh? No need to thank me!" Lake scratched his nape with his free hand. A tint of embarassment in his expression.

"Nice to meet you, Sir!" Hyeong-sun suddenly blurted, finally having processed what Nevaeh said. It was a bit late- but it was there nonetheless.

"You really do use your titles." Lake beamed at the two young cultivators.

They always used "Sir", which wasn't a problem with the blond.

In contrast, it just reminded him that they resided at a temple, of course they'd be more respectful and polite than the usual people their age. Well- atleast Nevaeh was, but Hyeong-sun was also trying his best.

"Well, what brings you two here? Aren't you a little too young for the strong alcohol?" Lake asked.

"Demon sieges have been increasing as of the late. We've travelled around to investigate as well as to help." Nevaeh swiftly answered while Hyeong-sun just nodded behind him.

"I see..." Lake's expression changed for a split second, but then hastily returned to the normal gentle look.

"Has there been an attack near Duvin City then?" Hyeong-sun shook his head as a reply.

"Nevaeh brought me here to listen to the Euphony's song." The young cultivator continued.

"It was amazing! I've never heard a voice as angelic as that. Not that I'm any less angry- but it truly calmed me down- like really- it surprised me." Hyeong-sun gushed like a child talking about his little adventures.

"Is that so?" The blond's smile turned into a proud grin.

"Sir Lake usually guards the Euphony's building." Nevaeh explained which made Hyeong-sun's eyes widen.

"Does that mean you've seen the Euphony? Have you talked? Ho-" Hyeong- sun was about to bombard the blond with countless of questions when-

"Hyeong-sun." With Nevaeh's one call of his name he puts his lips together tightly.

"It's okay, Nevaeh." Lake chimes in.

"I have seen him- but you really have no reason to be wary. Whether or not you've seen the Euphony, I can assure you that he is not a threat to anyone." The blond explains.

"The Euphony just dislikes speaking- or being seen for that matter."

"I apologize, Hyeong-sun's curiosity is uncontrollable." Nevaeh bows once again while Hyeong-sun awkwardly stares at his companion, not knowing what say or do.

"No need to be sorry!" Lake instinctively shook his head and smiled.

"I'm happy to answer questions- though I might have to go soon, it's already far past midnight." The blond says as he looks up to the sky, the moon shining with it's soft white glow.

"We will be going as well." Nevaeh nodded.

"Oh, how about you bring a jar of wine back?" Lake suggested, knowing that the two had a master they returned to at Taeyang Temple.

"There's no need, Sir-" Nevaeh politely declined, looking at the wine jar he figured it was not cheap- accepting it did not sit well with him.

"I insist," The blond pulled up the wine jars he's been carrying the whole time.

"Here, I've heard it's the best wine around this region." Lake untied a jar from the bunch and offered it to the two. Nevaeh froze, not knowing if he should accept or decline once again.

"Thank you, Sir Lake!" Hyeong-sun took the initiative, seeing that his companion was too sucked up in his moral dilemmas, bowed and accepted the jar.

"Watch your steps then, Take care!"


After Lake Vallehollow had parted with the two young cultivators, he continued walking to the outskirts of Duvin City.

Still carrying the three jars of wine he had left, the farther he strayed from the townsquare the quieter and murkier it became until it was only the moonlight that lit the path Lake was walking on.

The blond finally reached his destination, a quaint building located in the outskirts, the same building where the Euphony was, the same building he guarded-

the same building he called home.

As he was about to open the door, he noticed that it already was- which was strange.

Did he go out? Lake asked himself. Why would he?

"Riel?" He called out expecting to get an answer, but instead all he was greeted with deafening silence.

The blond checked the bracelet around his wrist, the ruby-colored gem that was on it was radiating energy which Lake felt on his skin.

"Riel- are you asleep?" He calls out once again but the result was the same, there was no one who replied.

It's impossible that he went out. The gem's reacting- he should be here.

Lake had an ominous feeling, there was definitely something wrong.

Did he really fall asleep? Leaving the door open?

The blond put down the jars of wine on a wooden table, he then instinctively grasped the hilt of his sword- preparing for the worst.

He walked to the end of the hallway. None of the lanterns were lit, only the faint glow of red gem on Lake's wrist provided light.

Lake entered the room where Riel was supposed to be- but what he was met with put him in a state of panic.

The nauseating metallic smell of blood had filled the room.

Lake immediately ran to the where it was from. The sight of his friend laying on the ground covered in blood was enough to make his heart race like there was no tomorrow.

Riel was unconscious, his clothes painted crimson with the upper part torn in half revealing a long cut slanted across his chest.

What made Lake even more shocked was that Riel wasn't alone in the room.

A man in purple robes knelt beside his friend, seemingly unconscious as well, with a bloody sword laid near him.

Riel's hand was tightly wrapped around this man's arm- from time to time twitching around.

"RIEL!" Lake didn't even have the time to unsheathe his sword.

Instead he quickly positioned himself at his friend's side and forcefully pushed the purple-clothed man with all his force.

With a loud bang Quest Lawless had hit the wall, causing him to jerk awake.

Lake quickly ripped a piece of his outer clothing and pressed it onto Riel's wound, applying pressure to try and stop the bleeding.

However the blood was still seeping through, he couldn't do anything but to keep his hand on it since there was nothing near him that could replace it.

Quest was still in a daze, his field of vision blurry. He tried his best to shake off the dizzyness he felt. When he finally was able to see clearly-

Lake already had unsheathed his sword and had it threateningly pointed at Quest.

Quest Lawless hasn't even wrapped his head around or even start to comprehend what had happened after the Euphony touched him, and yet here he was- met with another problematic situation, as if his life wasn't already hectic enough.

Curiousity really does kill the cat.

When Quest raised his head to see who was pointing the sword at him, he was completely speechless- that face he was so familiar with took him back to the past, it was nothing less than staggering. If he had a thousand questions before- now he had a million.

"YOU-!" Lake's eyes widened at the sight of Quest Lawless, but the shock was quickly exchanged with anger.

Quest didn't know how to react or what to say, all he knew was that Lake never wanted to him again after what happened, yet there he was- showing up right infront of him.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?" Shouted the blond, wrath wrapping the tone of his voice.


Quest felt like Lake's voice echoed endlessly, his words were like sharpened daggers simultaneously stabbing him. It kept repeating in his head.

"Lake- I-" Quest's voice was cracking, all the guilt that he kept inside started overflowing as his past memories flashed in his mind.


"And then- you-" Lake looked at his bleeding friend resting on his arms, seeing Riel in that state only fueled his anger- especially knowing that it was Quest who did this.

"How dare you?" The blonde looked up once again, his fiery gaze locking with Quest's guilty eyes.

Quest looked down, seeing the Euphony in Lake's arms made him clench his fists.

He never meant to hurt the Euphony- he never meant to hurt anyone.

I had no choice. The thief told himself. I had no choice. But no matter how much he repeated, the shame didn't waver.


Lake couldn't hold back any longer, he slowly put down Riel and quickly drew his sword.

He raised his blade at Quest whose sword was on the ground, about to attack but-

"D-Don't hurt him-!"

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