
Chapter I

"Damn." Quest sighed, looking at the cut on his wrist which surprisingly hasn't healed yet.

The notorious Core Thief has fled the battlefield without anyone pursuing him once again, it was his expertise. Quest Lawless had already removed his mask and hid it under his dark purple robe.

The thief placed his other hand over the wound on his wrist and directed some spiritual power onto it to help it rapidly heal. Quest figured that it was unusual, especially since most of time wound this small would be able to rapidly heal on it's own.

"He's strong." He whispers to himself, referring to Nevaeh- one of the young cultivators in white who managed to cut him.

Quest ran away from the scene without stealing either of the two cultivators' cores, he decided that it was too troublesome- especially since the Yang cultivation sect's main base was nearby. He wasn't prepared to face a big number of cultivators yet, especially high-leveled ones.

He's travelled quite far from the initial town where he was earlier, he eventually ended up in a place called Duvin City- known for its strong and tasteful wines.

The reek of alcohol immediately clouded Quest's sense of smell right after he entered a tavern in the city.

"Two more over here, boy!" Yelled a clearly drunk man, the server swiftly complied and brought him two bowls of wine.

The thief decided to rest at the place for the time being, maybe even drink a bowl or two- he hasn't taken a break weeks, and this was the perfect opportunity.

"One here." Quest says as he sat down in a free table, one of the servers nods and brings him a bowl like he said.

What the- the smell alone could make you drunk!

Quest shook his head, it couldn't be t h a t strong- he looked around the tavern, plently of men had drank bowls- even jars of this wine, unless all the townsfolk here we're raging alcoholics- it shouldn't be.

And with that, he grabbed the bowl and poured in into his mouth- to which response was-


Quest started coughing but he still forced himself to swallow the wine he had in his mouth.

"This really is the City of Wine-" He murmured to himself.

"Would you like another bowl, Sir?" The boy who served asked, with a jar of win in his hand, seemingly ready to pour like it was his second nature!

"Do you have- milder wine?" Quest's voice a quieter than usual, probably because he was embarassed. An adult like him should be able to properly tolerate alcohol after all- even though he was sure that the people who lived in this city drank wine instead of milk when they were children.

"Sorry sir, but this is the mildest one we have." The server boy bowed his head apologetically.

"Ah-" Quest Lawless looked away in embarassment, he was an infamous thief yet he had trouble drinking the mildest of wines.

You're a damn adult! A pretty darn strong one at that! And old squashed grapes beat you?

"Would you like a glass of water?" The server boy offered, seeing the expression on Quest's face. The thief nodded as an answer and the boy nodded back and trailed off.

A loud bang was heard across the tavern when a drunk middle-aged man slammed a jar of wine onto the table. All eyes were directed to where the sound came from.

"Woah there- slow down! You've chugged three jars, you're drunk enough!" A man of the same age pushed the drunk's hand off the jar.

"No... No- am not!" The drunk man rebuked, trying to reach for the jar once again.

The man with him sighed and slowly shook his head.

"What happened?"

"My wife..." It took a minute before the drunk could answer.

"Our child... was stillborn." He continued, his companion let out another pitying sigh

"Stillborn children are born without spirits, that's why they don't survive." The man put his hand on the drunk's shoulder, supposedly trying to comfort him.

"Would you rather have your child be a soulless husk?"

After the man asked the question, the drunk bawled his eyes out. The man continues to try and comfort him.

"Ah- let's take you home." He says to his crestfallen drunk friend as the man helpes him up and leaves a few gold coins to pay for the jars of wine.

Quest has been listening to their conversation, however stillborn babies being born without spirits was not news to him. In fact, it was general knowledge where he was from.

Quest's eyes were following the two men as they exit the tavern just when the server boy came back from the storage room with a bowl of water.

But his eyes caught a glimpse of a more interesting sight- white silver-laced robes.

"Sir, you wate-" The server couldn't even finish his sentence when Quest practically sprinted out of the tavern, leaving a fair amount of silver coins as his payment.

It's the strong cultivator who cut my wrist- and the foulmouthed one beside him too.

What are they doing here in Duvin City? Aren't they a little too young to be drinking that pungent of a wine?

Most importantly, why the hell would they come here instead of the several nearer towns?

When Quest's eyes caught them, his immediate instinct was to follow them. His curiousity at its peak, he surreptitiously followed the two young cultivators in white, his steps undetectable.

Could they have gone here because of me? That's impossible- I'm sure they didn't know where I was!

"Nevaeh." Hyeong-sun called, Quest listening in while he stalked the two.


"Why..." Hyeong-sun muttered under his breath, unclear of what he was saying, Nevaeh turned to him.


"Why did you let him get away!" Hyeong-sun questions his companion in an angry tone, Nevaeh in turn faces him with an equally confused and surpised look.

"Agh, stop it! Don't look at me like that!" Hyeong-sun chided.

"You were stalling! You saw that thieving bastard's sword and mine were crossing but you stopped moving!" The young cultivator continued, which got Quest thinking as he was reminded of the events earlier.

That boy did stop, he just had his sword pointed at me and but I didn't see him attempt any kind of attack-

"There's no way you were too scared to the point where you froze, I know you're better than that!" Nevaeh, now stopped in his steps, was speaking in an angrier tone than before.

"If you'd have attacked at the start- he- maybe that immoral son of a bitch wouldn't have escaped! SO WHY?"

Foulmouthed brat. Quest thought. I still would've escaped of course, but that would've given me more trouble.

"Your language, Hyeong-sun." Nevaeh reproved his fuming companion, when he saw that Hyeong-sun was glaring at him he sighed and started to explain.

"I was... trying to determine the best course of action." Nevaeh spoke in a lown voice contrasting Hyeong-sun's.

"We were facing an unknown opponent, we did not have any information about him nor anything about the extent of his abilities." 

Quest shook his head.

Smart boy, how did he end up with this foulmouthed brat?

"If I were to just blindly swing my sword, it would have most probably not lead to anything good." Nevaeh finished and with that started walking again.

"But-" Hyeong-sun let out an agitated sigh as he followed Nevaeh, he knew that what his companion said was logical, what could he do?

"Damned thief! Selfish bastard can only confidently hold his sword because of his crimes! Feeding off other cultivators' lifetimes worth of dedication and work- who does he think he is?"

Quest felt a sharp pang in his heart as soon as he heard those words, they hit right in the sore spot, and it hurt. He knew he should be used to it by now but everytime he heard those harsh criticisms he couldn't help but feel this way, because he knew that every single word they said were true.

What made him feel more helpless was that he couldn't do anything about it, he chose this path- and even if he tried to explain his reasons, he was sure that everyone would turn a blind eye and condemn him.

"Calm down, Hyeong-sun." Nevaeh says while Hyeong-sun looks at him with disbelief.

"CALM DOWN? ARE YOU SERIOUS? How the hell do I calm down after what that thief did to our fellow cultivators?" Hyeong-sun was desperately trying not to yell at his companion's face, Nevaeh still kept a composed demeanor despite Hyeong-sun being a swearing mess infront of him.

"No one was harmed."

Quest was surprised at what Nevaeh brought up, this was the first time he'd heard it from someone else thought it was true- he tried his best to not physically hurt anyone, hence the barrier he put up.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Hyeong-sun, unable to hold back any longer, yelled at his companion's face, which instantly regretted.

Nevaeh looked at him, a little alarmed.

"Sorry- I- Argh!" Hyeong-sun groaned, still aggravated, he continued.

"Who cares if he didn't physically hurt anyone? He stole their goddamn cores! I cannot even comprehend how that felt- isn't that comparable to death in the cultivation world? In OUR world?"

Quest Lawless let out a deep sigh, guilt was welling up inside him again with every word the young cultivator says. He thought he'd gotten over these kinds of feelings, but now that the facts are facing him head on, it wasn't really a pretty sound to hear.

"I bet that fucking thief just left them alive to let them feel miserable!" Nevaeh just looked at his companion, with a sorry eyes.

Nevaeh wasn't the type to speak a lot, but despite that Hyeong-sun understood him clearly.

"I can't calm down, Nevaeh-"

"I know." Nevaeh answered.

"That's why we came here."

With that, the young cultivators started walking again. Hyeong-sun just followed his companion, but when he realized what Nevaeh said he furrowed his eyebrows.

"How does that have to do with anything?"

"Where are we anyway? we've been travelling for ages!" Hyeong-sun asked a different question, seeing that Nevaeh ignored the first one.

"Duvin City."

"Eh? Duvin City? The City of Wine?"  Hyeong-sun was surprised.


"Are you serious? You're really-" Hyeong-sun's mood wasn't completely lifted, but he felt a tiny bit better nonetheless.


"No." Nevaeh sternly replied.

"I knew it was too good to be true." Hyeong-sun sighed, annoyance clear on his face.

"Ugh- why take me here then?"

"The Euphony." Nevaeh answered, Hyeong-sun was confused and so was Quest who was still following and eavesdropping on the two young cultivators' conversation.

Euphony? Quest asked himself. A sweet sound- what is this boy talking about? Even if his hearing is enhanced, I'd still be able to hear it.

"Euphony-? What are you- holy- are you going crazy, Nevaeh? You're hearing things that I'm not?" Hyeong-sun places question after another. Nevaeh just sighs in response, looking disappointed at his companion.

"The outskirts of Duvin City is usually a placid and quiet part of town, however, this quietude is usually broken by a sweet melody." Nevaeh explained, Hyeong-sun's confusion turned into interest.

"So- that's the Euphony?"

"That is what the townsfolk call it." Nevaeh nodded.

"A certain quaint building at the outskirts-" He continued.

"Once you go there with an uneasy mind full of turmoil. The Euphony will sense you and he shall sing to ease you."

Quest was not buying it, after all, if you these kinds of things bothering your heart and mind a simple song, no matter hoe beautiful the voice is, will not help.

But it wouldn't hurt to try, would it?

"So you brought me here to-" Hyeong-sun felt touched by his quiet companion's gesture.

"Thank you, Nevaeh."


It was dark and silent, unlike the townsquare of Duvin City which was in contrast, bright and loud. The only things you could were your own footsteps and the occasional cricket.

It was certainly called the outskirts for a reason, barely anyone lived there since it was inconvenient because the stores were far away.

"Why is it all the wa-" Hyeong-sun couldn't finish his question when he heard sweet voice- the Euphony.

The young cultivator was stunned, and so was Quest.

It was certainly unexpected, both were surprised- especially Quest.

No way. Quest thought. How could a voice bring this much ease?

It felt unreal, like somekind of magic spell. Quest was sure it wasn't just some song or just some angelic voice. He furrowed his eyebrows and put his hand on his chest.

Is it- Is it also calming down welled up spiritual power? Can this Euphony reach spiritual cores?

"It's so... calming- it's almost scary." Hyeong-sun couldn't help but whisper, scared to disturb the beatiful song.

As they walked closer to where the sound was, it got clearer and clearer until they finally got infront of the quaint building where the Euphony was coming from.

There was a man with his eyes closed, kneeling infront of the building. He looked like he couldn't hear anything but the Euphony.

Quest recognized after a few seconds.

The man who had a stillborn child.

It seemed that this "Euphony" was acknowledge around Duvin City, why else would a grieving father go this far if it was only a rumor?

And it indeed wasn't just a rumor, Quest, the two young cultivators and the countless other people who have visited this part of town were proof.

Hyeong-sun and Nevaeh stood infront of the building. Hyeong-sun felt better, just listening to this sweet and serene voice, it surely confused him. He was so angry earlier yet, just by hearing a voice he'd calmed down significantly.

Nevaeh had his eyes closed, while Hyeong-sun couldn't help but wonder- Who was inside?

Hyeong-sun was about to walk closer to entrance when Nevaeh gently grabbed his arm.

"It is forbidden to go inside." Nevaeh quietly warned.

"Why?" Hyeong-sun replies, still in a whispering voice.

"The Euphony doesn't wish to be seen." Nevaeh answers. Hyeong-sun sighs and nods, going back to where he was standing earlier.

Who cares if he didn't see who or what was inside? The Euphony helped people, it was enough to make up for the obscurity- atleast for Hyeong-sun, Nevaeh and the townsfolk.


"Thank you." Nevaeh bows same as the man who was with them, Hyeong-sun hurriedly follows. After several minutes of singing, all three had placid look and feel. It was like they were under an enchantment.  The Euphony eventually stopped singing once they've reached this point.

Nevaeh then starts walking away.

"Eh? Wait- we're leaving? It isn't going to continue?" Hyeong-sun asks, wanting to listen more.

"We cannot stay for too long, Hyeong-sun." Nevaeh answers.

"Master Maven is awaiting our arrival at the temple. We should not stall too much."

"Right." Hyeong-sun sighs, following in his companion's footsteps.

It was silent once again, the man and the two cultivators had left the scene. It was only Quest Lawless who remained.

Quest had the same initial thought as Hyeong-sun- Who was inside?

Unlike Hyeong-sun though, Quest's curiosity could not be simply hushed by knowing that it was "forbidden to go inside". 

He was a thief, a rule-breaker. Why wouldn't he try and enter? Especially since he felt that the Euphony somehow can reach spiritual cores.

When he heard the voice, the newly stolen cores inside him immediately calmed down, it shocked him. It would've taken days for the new cores to settle- so how?

Curiosity really was peaking as Quest continued to contemplate.

He walked to the entrance, braced himself, and pushed the door open.

Next chapter