
the night before the beginning

It's raining again I thought to myself. I sighed knowing that my father was drunk again. he is always drunk by the time I get home. im a high school student. 12th grade I have black hair green eyes. im a huge cat lover. I used to have a cat but my dad sold it.

I opened the door and step in. my dad of course drunk on the couch I tried to sneak past him

" AVA! " he said without moveing. " come here slut. "

I walked to him " hi Dad. did i wake you?" I said not wanting to get to close.

my dad has red hair with red wolf ears and tail. he has brown eyes. he grabbed my arm and pull me close

" your a pathetic human. a toy for us animals " he said

did I forget to mention there are animal people in my world? yeah. there are some who can turn into the animal they are they are the elites they are more powerful then the normal ones who can only pop out there ears and tail. which is my dad. I was adopted. my mother died and my dad hates me.

he pulls me onto his lap " dad can you let me go? I have to do work. " I said shakeing.

he flipped over pinning me to the couch " not until I have my fun " he said his face next to my ear his breath is hot

" dad please!" I said fast. just then he got a phone call. whenever he tried to rape me something always got in the way. I think the gods are protecting me.i feel bad for the humans god isn't watching.

he picks up the phone and puts it to his ear " what" he said mad. he really wants to take my virginity away. " yeah. what about to slut?" he said then paused probably listening to the other caller " yeah she is a virgin " he said a few seconds later he lit up " h-how much?..... yeah of course! take her! " he hung up and walked off.

I was confused but I quickly ran to my room and began to do homework.