
Chapter 4

An: I will be rewriting the previous chapters. I won't change anything major. Except for the fact that I'd kill off her family at the hands of Darkseid and make revenge her primary motivation. I feel like it is a better reason to prevent her from immediately leaving for her family than what I tried to do in the previous chapter.

In a blink of an eye, 6 months had passed. And I spent the first month properly grieving my parents as my capture by the citadel and subsequently by the Psions didn't leave me with enough time to do so. The rest of the time, I spent reading the tomes, conversing with the my fellow initiates and learning more about this new world.

Both me and my sisters had always wanted to visit another world, interact with the locals sample their delicacies. Those were simple times. Times when we thought that life was, as the Earthing's call "all sunshines and rainbows". It was a mistake my entire species had made. Thinking that we would be safe so long as we maintained our neutrality. So long as we take a peaceful stance despite our rather colourful history of war and violence. We should have known that not all of them think the same way we do. Not everybody wage war for glory, wealth, or even territory. Some people simply do it because they can, with no regards to the lives they take or the families they destroy.

Which is why I must do this. The blood that was spilled by Darkseid will be payed in the blood of his soldiers, his generals, his Furies, his sons and finally himself. It is a pipe dream as the humans call it, but it is the only thing keeping me going.

In the rare occasions where I find myself not training, I spend flying around the mountains of the Himalayas. It provided me with an isolated enough spot for me to train my other abilities, namely my star bolts. The crevices, cliffs and other hazards of the mountain also provided me a good enough spot for me to practice my flying while simultaneously rescuing the occasional hiker who gets lost or stranded.

It was on one such day that I was practicing my star bolts against a group of innocent icicles. Since carving my way out of the Psion's ship, I had learned to control the strength of the bolts. I also tried to utilise them in other ways as I remembered shooting them through my eyes when I first got that ability. It took a few weeks but eventually. I could shoot them with my eyes. The beams shot this way were faster than my regular starbolts but, they were weaker and made it hard for me to aim considering that it was emerging from my eyes when I use it. I also tried to compressed them into a single point, a single finger or two but it was progressing slowly. I was finding it difficult to focus the starbolts on just one of my fingers and had instead managed to train myself enough to be able to use the starbolts with only four fingers. It was a start I guess.

After exhausting myself with my training, I began to fly my way back to Kamar Taj. On my way, I lowered my altitude beforewave at a hiker who was in midst of climbing up the mountain. The latter in turn, began sputtering with shock and tried to call out to his friends, undoubtedly to try and point me out to them. I simply giggled before blowing him a kiss and then I picked up speed before disappearing from his sight.

Juvenile, yes. But pranks like this never fail to make laugh.

I was nearing the base of the mountain when I suddenly heard something call out to me. It began as a whisper but I could hear it despite the roaring winds of the mountain. I then heard it once more and I was entranced. I began slowly descending towards the ground near the base of the mountain. The spot looked unassuming at first but as I got closer, I saw a small city with buildings rising out of it. The entrance to the city was barred by a large gate. I set myself down several meters away from the gate so as not to alarm the residents.

The whispers spoke once more as I faced the gate, urging me to open them. I complied as I walked forward and pushed on the gates. For a while, it didn't seem that I was having any effect on the gates as they refused to budge causing me to exert more force on it in return. Unfortunately this didn't seem to have an effect on it either. As such I exerted more and more force into my arms until I was pushing my body to the limit. And only then did the gate started to open. I began pushing it further while heaving until the opening was enough for me to walkthrough.

I walked through the now open gate to find several robed humans standing across from me. They each bowed down in respect and I mirrored their actions, a little confused about their presence.

"We have been expecting you, Outworlder. If you follow us, Kun Lun awaits." they spoke in sync before walking away in a single file while I followed them on foot. I would have floated but the Ancient One had told me several times that it might be seen as rude by other monks. Speaking of which, these monks didn't look like the ones studying at Kamar Taj. Were they from a different temple or part of another faction within Kamar Taj? I couldn't help but wonder.

As we walked though the city, I couldn't help but compare them to Kamar Taj in my mind. Though to be fair, this was only the second major settlement I have seen since coming here so I don't quite know how either of them are compared to the other cities of this planet. All in all, this new city resembled Kamar Taj quite a lot. Not the architecture, but the general atmosphere was similar in my opinion.

I was led inside a temple where a larger group of monks awaited in an arc. I was escorted to the middle of it before my escorts told me to wait and went to rejoin their brethren.

"Welcome to the hidden city of Kun Lun Outworlder. Do you know why you are here?" One of them spoke.

"I was drawn here by a voice." I replied as I studied the faces of the monks in front of me. None of them seemed to be surprised at my words as they nodded to one another while whispering amongst themselves.

"Very well. It seems explanations are in order." One of the monks began to speak before a familiar voice interrupted them.

"I should hope so."

We turned towards the source of the voice to find the Ancient one was walking out of a portal away from the sight of the monks and myself with her arms behind her and a stiff expression on her face.

"Its not everyday that the Order of the Crane Mother is willing to teach a sorcerer at their own volition. Given the history between us." she stopped next to me after giving me a small nod.

"I see that the concept of manners still elude you Sorcerer." One of the elder monks remarked with a frown.

"Only when the fate of our world is at risk. Or that of my disciple. Speaking of which you were about to tell us why you were expecting her."

The monks shared a look amongst themselves before the elderly monk from before began talking.

"I am sure you are aware of the Invaders from 5 years ago." he asked the Ancient One who nodded in return while I stood confused about what they were talking about and thus turned to the Ancient One for answers. She saw my inquisitive glance and began explaining.

"5 years ago, both Kamar Taj and Kun Lun were attacked by Invaders from another dimension. 8t was a long brutal fight but we came out victorious in the end." she said.

"Correct. However, our city also received help from an unexpected source. A higher being desceneded onto our temple and aided us to push back the Invaders. Without hundreds of our citizens would have died even if we could have driven back the Invaders.

As such, we offered a boon to the higher being for his assistance and he said this, "5 years from now, an Outworlder will arrive in this city, guided by my voice. Train her and help her reach her true potential and I will consider our debts settled.". He disappeared shortly after telling us this. Hence we are honorbound to aid you regardless of what enmity we may have."

"Thats an interesting story. But I'm sure you realise that she has obligation to Kamar Taj and learning the mystic arts as well correct."

"We are aware yes."

"Then it seems that we have much to discuss in regards to her itinerary." The Ancient One spoke before turning to me.

"Why don't you go for a tour. It looks like you will be spending some time hear as well. I will discuss you training regimen with these masters and come up with a way for you to be able to learn from both of us."

"Shouldn't I get a vote though." I asked but got a resounding No from the Ancient One and the monks present there in sync. Causing me to back down in shock.

Something tells me that whatever they are about to discuss won't end well for me.

An: Yes I kind of altered Kun Lun from its MCU counterpart. Mostly because I didn't watch Iron fist and the only thing I know about Kun Lun came from Ultimate Spiderman animated series. Thus I made it closer to the comic book version than the MCU.

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