
A Tale of Two Suns

Chapter One: Origin, The Tale of the Destined

A harsh sun shined down as it peered over the desert hills. The brightness felt like many swords being shoved into her eyeballs. Abigail breathed in the hot heavy air deeply. She was almost through... The desert was dry and not very kind. After travelling for two long miserable days into the lonely dessert, she found this oasis. There were palm trees, and a small ravine were she found water and twittering birds. After a long night of labor she was about to give birth.

"Such a beautiful place" she thought out loud.

Abigail felt her body preparing for birth. It had not been easy so far, why should this be any easier? She first came to this place while travelling to a village she heard didn't have a sandal shop. It seemed like a good idea to start making money to support her new child.

Pain went through her as she focused on her breathing. Suddenly a man appeared. In that moment Abigail became very defensive, picking up her sword and holding it up in the older man's direction.

"Relax, my child. You are safe." The man walked towards her, paying no mind to the fact that Abigail's sword was inches from his face. "I am here to help."

The man held a satchel on his arm, filled with bandages and medical instruments Abigail had never seen before. He put his hands on her belly. It was tight. She lowered her sword almost without realizing.

"Twins!" the man declared. "No wonder you are in such a struggle." He gathered water and brought it to Abigail to drink. She thirstily drank the water. Abigail was still unsure of this man... she never met him before. This was the middle of the desert, where did he even come from? She eyed him suspiciously as she continued to drink. Where she came from, if a stranger got too close that would be the end of them. She decided to see if he would be able to help her before taking such hasty actions. Still, she did not trust him.

"Fear not, child. I am but a lowly traveler. But I received word that you were here and needed my assistance."

"From who?" she snapped. "who told you I was here? I haven't seen a single person in two days of travel-"

"- Ah, but they have seen you... not to worry. You can trust me. The ones who sent me have something in mind for you and your sons."

"My... sons?" her heart fluttered. Two boys? That would make her so happy. "How can you tell they are boys? or even that they are twins for that matter?"

"It has been foretold..."

Abigail just stared at the man. She did not believe in destiny, prophecies, or anything like that. This man might as well have been speaking another language. The man seemed to read her mind. Or maybe she was showing her disbelief on her face.

The man continued. "It has been foretold that on the hottest day of the year, this year, when the sun has shined the brightest and hottest that two sons would be born in this very oasis. I have long awaited this day. I have been waiting here for many many years... The birth of the Flame Twins!"

"WHAT?!" Abigail shouted in disbelief. "what are you talking about?! ARE YOU CRAZY?-"

She screamed out in pain. The time was getting closer. All Abigail could think about now was what her babies would look like and if they would be healthy. What would she name them? This man was making her feel scared and confused. The man put his hands on her belly again, gently.

"There, there, child. It's alright. Enough of that for now, " the man said. "Just you rest. Your sons will be here very soon."

The old man pulled some thing out of his satchel, preparing them for the birth of the children. Abigail stared straight up past the trees and into the sun. It was unusually bright. The sun rays seeped through the leaves on the palm trees and reflected back from the water on the ground and into Abigail's eyes. She felt the heat from the sun on her face and in her belly. Sweat dripped down her face. Her whole body seemed unusually hot.

Abigail felt herself getting more and more hot as she used all her might to get through the birth... it was so intense. A push, and then... A beautiful red haired child. Moments later, then came another beautiful red haired baby. Two boys, just like the old man said they would be. She closed her eyes, and Abigail released a huge relaxing sigh. She had worked so hard and now she had two beautiful little angels. The sun didn't seem as hot anymore.

I am writing this story for my son. He loves adventure and I would like to show him that writing can be very fun, fulfilling, and rewarding- you can write about anything- and I want to get him interested to start writing himself.

oceaneyes707creators' thoughts