
Welcome to Part Two

To anyone else, they'd find Country Q. to be some sort of haven. With blue skies every day and the sun blessing everyone with its warmth. But Country Q's biggest attraction, is the bright and beautiful cherry blossoms. They are everywhere. The petals would fall like snow, speckling the ground and people's heads. All that beauty and loveliness and yet, not everyone sees Country Q with the same eyes. You see, Country Q has a few stars: The Crofts, and the Quinns.

The Crofts are a wealthy business family. They all have the desire for monetary success and worldly treasures. They couldn't care less for real happiness. Daimon Croft, the eldest son of the family, is the most powerful man in Country Q. He created the Croft building which towers over the rest of City S. But Daimon Croft isn't the man I want to talk about, at least not now.

So I've told you what kind of city we live in, right? But imagine seeing it through a different pair of eyes. You don't need to focus on the entire city, as that is unnecessary. Just focus on the cherry blossoms. Bright petals with a splash of pink, reminds you of springtime where the air smells of nature and bliss. Now...see it through a grey scale. Take away all that color and beauty and turn it to grey. With doing that, you no longer see beauty. In fact, you don't even see the falling petals from the cherry blossom trees. You merely see ash, floating in through the wind which you can't even feel.

Could you handle that? Could you stand it?

So how would you feel, to know that someone who has lived in the beautiful City S, lives this way? Do you feel...sorry? Perhaps...you can relate?

Well, this person is a significant character to this story. He is one of our two stars. A Quinn. But here's the thing, City S. isn't filled with happy people. Since the beginning, these people have never truly felt happiness. It's simply not in their wheelhouse, it is more of a challenge than to get a job for these people. Hmm. Maybe "people" is just too nice of a word for them. They are more like programmed robots, with the appearance of humans. Anyway, here's the thing: happiness is a choice. People can decide whether to be happy or not. But deciding is not the same as controlling. "Emotions are a curse." -this is a common thought in City S, since so many fail to express their true emotions simply because of the fact that they don't want to. They have been so accustomed to hiding behind their fronts, disguises,etc. Irving Quinn. A twenty-year-old man who admired those who can live a simple life. He despises drama, chipper people, and those who can't keep their word. He prefers to stick to those he is-"supposed" to trust, such as his twin brother and mother.

But do you know what the worst thing is for someone who wants to live a quiet, peaceful life without drama? Someone who is the offspring of their celebrity parents. Lucky guy, right? Hmm. That's all I'll say for now. All you need to know before you meet everyone, be sure to suspect everyone. Don't think for a second that you can trust any of these people, because you never who they are or what they've done. These people, are all fools. Whether you think they can change and become great is up to you.

Decide and control.

Foolish and great.

Good and bad.

Too many comparisons.

Next chapter