
A tale of dark rose

A guy got transmigrated in harry potter world. At first he was happy but when he sees the year he was in was 1976 marudars era as a student of hogwarts in his 5th year he didn't even have the time to react. when memories came flooding in his head. He was a Slytherin. He was a pure blood His name was,..... Shit guess I just roll with it. Author's note: I don't harry potter all any of its characters.

arazels_gambit6759 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Weekend part-1,

5 days time skip- Saturday

I was walking in the corridor patrolling, or sneaking out of the Ror, Yesterday day was not so eventful dada class duel can be called as nothing more than a disappointment, i pretty much destroyed my opponent (not enemy he is not worth it maybe opponent is still too much, but the feeling of destroying him was quite nice).

I don't want to associate with any Slytherin who are thinking of murdering me because of my red haired partner in class, I want to talk with Andromeda and Nacrissa but didn't manage to do it till now.

Today was a weekend many people likes to go to hogsmeade , I wanted to check it out but without any one it will be only lonely and troublesome, i asked lily but she had something to do knowing she had problems and will not be able to recover from whatever taruma if she didn't go out So, i annoyed her until she said yes, but next day because she had to do something, i didn't ask not to make her troubled or like preying in her privacy, I know she needs time so, i kindly shut myself.

Not knowing what to do today i beginning to ponder what to do while munching on a apple in my room eating my brunch , Yeah brunch because i wake up at 10.00 .

Yesterday morning madam malkins delivered me , my new customized gloves and scarf which was the same that i got from the bag.

It didn't change much the gloves now can turn fingerless, grow up to my forearm, and harden itself, whenever i want.

The white scarf now black with red clouds ( i like akatsuki ) it can now grow in length and breadth and harden itself as well.

And the best part in both there is a self cleaning, healing, summoning charm in it and there also heating charm which can provide heat or remove it not just from the part they cover it but whole body so, i don't have to wear winter clothes.

And due to them made up of dragon skin with self healing charm i can cote my hands in fire now, possibly other magics as well.

I changed my outfit from school uniform to sasuke war arc clothes , i don't wear his belt through.

Not knowing what to do, i entered Ror and starts practicing.

My elemental control is gotten better since last time, now i can shapeshift them into basic shapes.

Memory make magic is really helpful, i never make a single mistake again.

I started to practice some basic weapon fight.

As for my heavens curse seal, i didn't used it yet not until my mind is strong enough , speaking of mind the with book of helga Hufflepuff i started learning occumency, legimency have to wait until i learn the former.

The other books are also great , that i found was from former headmaster Derwent was interesting was as well, The duel of life is a dueling which have battle strategies, collection of spells for dueling, lots of good advices, and how to take and make advantages of your suitation.

Magic theory on the other hand shows more theory

knowledge, it focuses on not just branches of magic but on the magic itself.

Magic is not just about waving wands or spelling spells ,if you see closely there is nothing dark or light if you remove these stupid concepts than what remains is magic pure magic.

And there was my favourite one Curses, charms and cure. The book was awesome it was written by headmaster Derwent herself the book have curse, charm spells and their counters and the headmaster was a healer one of the best of her time their were also mentioned of disease or things that need medical attention there symptoms and cure, be it potion or a spell or remedies ,there were some written rituals are there. It was all there and i am going treasure it .

The diary is still locked, i managed to understand a little bit of runes but that was it.

I was walking down the dungeon but suddenly I heard a muffled voice.The was very small and quite almost inaudible which seems to came out of struggle, with my peak condition senses , following my instincts i followed the voice.


Mulicber was corner a girl with his one hand shutting her mouth trying to grope her , i can see tears in her eyes.

This almost makes my blood boil , i have to restrain myself from killing because i can't kill anyone unless i have occumency it will make my emotions unstable and my mark will either make me faint after killing him and her both or i will go on a killing every on my sight.

Analysing the suitation i walked slowly towards them, the girl sees me coming, i motioned her to keep quiet her eyes watered more there was hope and fear which is clear in her eyes.

I tapped mulicber on his solder startled he turn around violently his wand raised to hex anyone but unfortunately for him i blocked his hand and punched him square in the face breaking his nose in process.


The pain from my my punch made him drop his wand and clutch his nose and scream.

Not letting my advantage go to waste i quickly round house kicked him , knocking him aside.

I stare at the girl she looks at me in daze she have heart shaped face, dark brown eyes which held tears in them and curly blonde hair that reached her neck her clothes were a bit ragged and looks dirty her skirt looks almost ripped i can see her panties thankfully there is no blood there, i can see her cloak was red in colour (Griffindor huh, man no wonder likes Slytherin who will if someone assaulted you like this).

You alright i asked the seriously she didn't respond looking the same as she before ,i was about to ask again but.


Turning away from the girl , i looked at mulicber with annoyance and angry said "What the fuck i am doing, you should ask you that"


Registering his words i looked at him coldly and said i see so, that's it huh you still believe in those good for nothing stupid pure breed concepts and doing such noble things for us, I laughed coldly at him my patience running low, You knew what, i feel sorry for your ancestors.

HOW DARE YOU he said raising his hand to hex me , but unfortunately he forgot that his wand is now is beneath my feet.

I pressed harder breaking his wand without thinking, his expression changed from anger to confusion then fear. Rosi- he was about to say something but i swiftly cone towards him and kicked his face on right side , i reapeated my action but this time on left then finished him with the kick on his chin he flew away quite a distance lying on his back i can see the pain in his face as well as the blood, his broken jaw and nose.

I copied a move from jin mory , surprisingly it doesn't manage to finish him off , the wizards maybe pitiful without there wands but they are very durable think about Neville he fell from 10 feet above and only had a broken hand.

I couldn't leave him concious so, i accio his clothes and he along with them come in front of me.

GALE PALM i shouted

using wind to cover my hand i smacked my hand in his torso knocking him out after he coughed up blood.

Looking at his fallen from i didn't felt pity in my book child abuse and sexual assault is the worst crime in my book, even a murder can be justified it can be done in suitation such as self defence and in war the loss of life is null.

Turning my gaze towards back to the girl was staring at me in fear, my display must have scared her, You okay i said to her she was in too much shock to say anything , i asked again no response come, don't know what to do i walked towards her and pulled her in a hug , she flinched i lessen my hold on her but didn't let her go.

It's alright, iam here no one is going to hurt, not in my watch i said to her my voice was calm , serious and soothing at the same time.

She took some time and didn't respond but just like a dam broke her voice starts muffled all i can hear silent cries and screams, i hugged her until she passed out which hardly taken 10 minutes straight.

I picked her up in a princess carry after fixing her clothes to madam pomfrey.

As i entered the hospital wing madam pomfrey come to us and asked what happened to me and why i am carrying her.

Later madam you should check her up first and call Professor Mcgonagall and Slughorn i said to her she nodded told me to lay her in bed which i did and lay on one myself to calm myself down my mark will act if any more shit happened here.

i must have slept the stress from training and mulicber must have catched up to me , i felt someone gently shaking, as i woke i see both professor Mcgonagall and Slughorn looking at me there expression was blank but there eyes have concern for whom I don't know.

Ms. rosier poppy asked us to come and said you were holding a Ms. McDonald you didn't tell her what happened and asked to take her and call us, can you explain what happened to us now Mcgonagall asked me.

I just silently nodded and starts telling her.

I am grateful to you Ms. rosier , if you weren't there i am afraid there something might have happened to Mrs. McDonald 60 points to Slytherin she said.

With a sigh i said to her Professor i don't care about points now or anything just tell me what will happen now.

Mrs. McDonald is alright a bit tired but poppy will let her come out soon as for Ms. Mulicber due to his actions will be expelled , You don't need to worry about either of your names will be secret slughorn said.

I see... i guess it's for the best you said madam pomfrey will let her out soon, can i escort her professor, if it's not too much i asked them.

Indeed it's a good Ms. rosier you may , it's good to have students like you in my house he said to me.They stayed with me for sometime until she arrived, and for what ever reason she latched to me.

Giving professor a look i said to her , i know what are you thinking but listen please i am not saying you have to do anything i say but just listen okay, she looked at me with confusion woundering what i was about to say.

I know what are you thinking, i knew the look in your eyes i am quite familiar with it, You wanna die huh.. she looked at me in surprise was about to step back if i let her , professor also gasps at what i said but didn't say anything I just continued listen i am not the best person that you wanna hear it from but talk to your friends and family and if you can't i am here all i want is that you should try you don't have to take the hard way small steps may not look great from other sides but they're important as anything.

How... she looked at me and said the only word which hide many questions behind its back.

Smiling at her i said "Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down. Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward, and savoring the journey. What's done is done".

She looked at me and said hesitantly.. Will you help me.

Of course i replied her expression turned relieve she for the first time I seen her smiled. Now let's go your dorm mates will be waiting i said i took her hand and began walking forgetting to bud farewell to profesers.

We travelled in silence she keep her hold on my hand firm.

Hey, i don't like to say this but I don't get your name. i asked her rubbing my hair behind my back.

She looked at me first with confusion than smiled and said in a small voice "Mary McDonald".

I was about to say my name but she beat me for it,

Evan rosier i knew she said.

More silence as we reach entrance of gryfindor domitery.

You should think what I say, i told her, she looks me with confused and hesitant look but said I'll try

I smiled at her and didn't said anything just wish her good night and she said the same to me.

I was to bid farewell to her , suddenly an idea come to me i opened my bag and pulled out a potion bottle and give her that.

She looked at me confusion in but didn't ask, so i told this is a special potion it helps you to sleep dreamless sleep to be more precise i said to her.

This potion was used by my former self after father died , he normally ordered it but with headmasters book i can make it now the only downside is that makes the user addictive to it and more tired than usual , if not taken necessary seriously.

She looked at the bottle then at me and thanked me, i was about bid her farewell and asked her to leave my hand.

She looked confused at first then looked down to see that she was actually holding my hand , i can see the realisation drawn on her she startled and embarrassed left my hand starts apologizing, i just softly laughed at that and it's okay and bid her farewell.

I watched her as she entered the domitery.

Bye night rosier she softly smiled waved slowly, I waved back and said don't worry you be fine i said only loud enough for her to hear as the entrance closed itself.

Turning back i walked silently but swiftly the corridor was dark but my eyes are adjusted to dark.

My path ahead was dark but i have to walk in it, i choose it myself there's no running away.

I am sorry for late chapter, i just don't know how to write the scenario, please give me some advice and i hope you like it

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