
The long winter Part-2

Sitting in front of the reading table, Ray was deep in thought, thinking about the possible solution or plan to help as many people in this world to survive this frost era.

In front of him is a plan the government made for its citizen to survive this catastrophic event.

He found about it when he was snooping around the government buildings. He was looking for plans the government made to ensure the survival of its citizen.

The plan they made was to send a part of the country's people to the northern coal enrich areas where they built great generators capable of producing heat to keep at least a small city warm.

And send the rest to the warm region of the kingdom's colonies.

To them, the plan looks physible but not to Ray.

One Ray knows, thanks to Rita, the Ice age is already started, and it will be staying for a long time. So, sooner or later, frost will cover the warm regions.

And as for the other plan, it might work for 5-10 years but not a long shot.

But Ray needs a plan suitable for making a home or a city capable of withstanding this Frost storm as well as the aftermath of it.

That's right, the aftermath.

After a great storm, comes a great flood.

Even if people with some miracle survive this white apocalypse, they have to face the rising water.

Now if anyone knew he had magic, one would simply ask why he is thinking of multiple different plans instead of using magic.

Well, the answer is simple.

They can not replicate what Ray has done after he leaves this world and they still need to face the winter another two or more decades.

Besides, when he leaves, there will be no source to fuel the magic and the world will not evolve to hold mana in Rays lifetime as well for it to fuel the magic naturally. Because it takes a huge amount of time and mana to make the world jumpstart in the production of its mana which will take from few hundred years to few thousand years.

After all, Ray doesn't have the reality manipulating ability to make the world possess mana with a click of his finger.

Nevertheless, currently, the world is unstable. If he adds mana top of it, he would have no idea what type of reaction it would cause. And Ray is unwilling to take such chances.

More importantly, he doesn't want to babysit the people he rescued bit for them to thrive on their own.


'Damn! I still can not think of anything concrete,' I thought while rubbing my forehead.

I stood up from the chair and started pacing around the room as I thought.

'Then again, I can't make a concrete plan without a suitable location. And the map would help in this case. I need to go to a suitable place first before I start building a city.'

Coming to this point I sighed,

*Sigh* 'It looks like need to start preparing for the cold journey that awaits.'

For the next few days, I started wrapping up my business while putting my puppets in the inventory.

Since the time I kept them in my inventory, I started feeling a sense of clarity as I freed myself from multitasking on fifty different tasks or works.

It is at this moment I feel that my thought process is so fast and diverse that, one would simply be confused if he ever tried to enter my mind.

Getting ready, I started walking on this snow cover world as I leave Landon for the first time since I came here.

Reaching the outskirts of the city, I turn back and look at it one last time.

It won't be long before society crumbles down due to the sheer weight of the snow. This situation will push the government to enact its plan to save as many citizens as possible from the bitter winter before things get to escalate any further.

While this keeps going, the once-powerful city would slowly get buried in this snow.

"I hope by the time I come back, It won't be too late. So, survive. Survive as long as you can. Until then, farewell."

Saying my piece I turn around as I bring my large snowmobile and entered it.

Starting the engine, I start moving forward in this stormy blizzard leaving the city behind.

My destination, France, more precisely Paris.


To check the condition of the city and whether it is already plunged into anarchy or not.










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