
Chapter 2- Welcome To Sword Art Online

Announcer: "Welcome to sword art online. Please enter your name and gender!"

Madyson: "Username: Madyson, Gender: Female"

Announcer: "Registered successfully. Now proceed by saying Link start!"

Madyson: "Link start!" *goes through a portal arriving in the Teleport gate plaza at floor 1*

Madyson: "Hmm, I wonder if Jackson is okay..." *she said as a boy came running up to her*

Boy: "Madyson is that you? Its me Jackson! Oh man, your character looks awesome!" *Jackson said his eyes sparkling*

Madyson: "Oh hey Jackson! Looks like we both made it here safely! My character looks awesome?! You should see yours! Your character looks amazing!" *they would both laugh*

Mysterious Voice: "You two must be new players."

*Jackson and Madyson turn around and see that the Mysterious voice belonged to Kirito*

Madyson: "Well... uhm..." *She would laugh nervously*

Jackson: "How can you tell if we're new or not?!"

Kirito: "Well... for starters you're both wearing beginners weapons and armor. And also... I've never seen you two around before. Anyways you two are beginners right?" *he puts his hands on his hips* I'd be happy to show you two what you need to do in order to survive and make your way through sword art online. Here I'll send you both an invitation!"

Madyson: "Invitation...?" *she looked confused*

Jackson: "Invitation to what?" *he was also confused*

Kirito: "An invitation to join me of course!" *He laughs then smiles* "Will you accept?"

*Invitation to join party pops up on Madyson's and Jackson's screens*

Madyson: "Count me in, from now on I'm a part of your team!" *she accepts the invitation*

Jackson: "Me too! I'm also a member of your team!" *he would accept the invitation as well*

*Kirito looks at their names shocked to see...*