

The sound of wet mud could be heard as two pairs of feet walked down the pathway of gascaan. It was a lower district in town.

It had a smell that recked of fossil fuel. A product from all the coal that was burned in the workshops.

There were beggars on the street, children running around with tattered clothing, and ladies with their chest half exposed offering their services to whatever man passed by.

No place for a noble to be. But here Adonia was, turning the corner into the Jam-packed marketplace. It was rowdy and more barbaric than the one uptown.

All that could be heard was yelling, arguing, or cursing. Whether it be because they've gotten scanned by a vector or their belongings being stolen by a sneaking thief.

Adonia walked hastily weaving her way through the crowd. She only stopped to look at strange items that caught her eye or when a screaming match got a bit too loud and it look like there was about to be a more physical altercation.

Her maid followed close behind trying to keep the umbrella over her mistress's head while holding up her skirt with the other. She was becoming quite distressed with the whole situation.

She could not believe that she allowed her lady to convince her to participate in such activities. She gulped nervously as she thought about what might once they got back to the place.

"Don't worry Fawn", her lady assured. "The worst that could happen is we get dragged into a dark alleyway and get our throats slit". Her eyes widened as she stopped in her tracks.

People gave her the side eye as they passed by. "That was not funny", she uttered trying to catch up to Adonia realizing she had not stopped walking.

"Who said it was a joke"? By the look on her lady's face, she could not tell if she was being serious or not.

She was getting increasingly distraught by the minute. She felt like she was burning up

She took a miss step causing her to slip. Adonia turned managing to catch her in time before she took a nasty fall.

She put her hands on her lady's arms. It was a bit awkward with her being a few inches taller.

"We should just turn back now Chamberlian Petra will be very upset". More at me than you, she thought. Adonia turned away causing both of their arms to fall to the side.

"I will handle Petra", she stated as she continued walking. Despite her weariness, she followed close behind tilting the umbrella making such to hold it steady.

"Besides I thought a Chamberlain was supposed to run your household not dictated your entire like some tyrant". Fawn chuckled a bit.

Her lady was always speaking her mind no matter where they were or who it was about. It was something she admired in her lady. Wishing she to could just say whatever came to mind.

She currently couldn't think about anything other than what might happen to them. Every worst-case scenario swirled through her mind.

They had brought not one guard with them. Adonia had insisted she be the only one to accompany her.

She also made her promise to not tell anyone where they were going. If something were to happen she would not be able to protect them.

She was thin and boney. Nowhere near the stature, she should be to fight against an attack well unless that attack is a four-eleven child.

Even while it rained Fawn's forehead started to sweat. She just now realized how much she messed up.

Hopefully, the worst that would happen when they got back to the place is shed be put on pet duties. She was always bad with animals.

Being around them made her sneeze and her eyes would water. It was a terrible sight but what would be even more terrible is having the empress die on your watch.

Fawn was too caught up in her thoughts to realize Adonia had stopped walking. She looked at her lady and then followed her gaze toward the building she stared at.

It was a church. Well, a place that was supposed to be a church. It wasn't as grand or glamorous as one's she was used to seeing.

The religious symbol on the top was slanted. The wood it was built out of was a mix of beige and dark oak. The roof was slanted with noticeable pieces missing from it.

The stained windows were cracked, and the two large doors you use to enter the building looked as if they were about to fall off the hinges.

She clicked her tongue watching as her mistress disappeared into the rustic building. She took a moment to close the umbrella shaking off the rain before she went over pushing lightly on the doors.

They made a creak as they closed behind her.

Adonia stood in front of the podium looking at an old worn statue of a young woman. Speaks of dust floated around. Fawn walked down the narrow row of pears.

"Good day", she announced to the coughing man sitting in one of them.

He was one of the only other people in the church besides an old woman who looked like she was about to keel over.

He nodded his head toward her in acknowledgment holding a cloth to his mouth.

"If you had wished to pray we could have just taken a quick trip to the capital's church", Fawn said standing behind Adonia.

"I'm not praying", she explained. There was a comfortable silence for a moment.

"This is where his majesty..", Adonia stopped to correct herself. "Where Francis proposed to me".

Fawn peaked up. A person would not think of such a place to be a proper proposal site but she started to like it a bit more since it held some Sentimental value to her lady.

Adonia held out her arm to correct the statue before processing to turn around and began to walk away.

Fawn looked around very confused by the whole ordeal. "Is that all my lady".

Adonia simply nodded. "I just wanted to take one last look, I don't need to come back". She slightly turned her head.

"We should get going their serving pie for dinner, I always wanted to try such a weird creation".

Fawn let out a giggle. "Yes, I have heard it's quite well".

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