
The End

I lay there, a pool of blood surrounding my lifeless form. So why am I still here? What could have caused this tragedy to occur where I would now be floating above my own corpse, staring blankly into the abyss of life after death. My name doesn't matter anymore, but if you must you can call me Lj, a nickname given to me by the people I loved in life. I suppose I should start with why I'm here and why I decided to take my own life which would lead me to a journey I never thought I'd embark on. It all began with depression and anxiety, two beasts that can be very hard to tame, I lost to them obviously. I had good days, but mostly bad and on my worst day it all ended, or began I should say. All I can recall is getting in my car and driving to that bridge, the bridge where many before me met the same fate that I would. I left my phone and keys in my car, walked to the middle of the bridge and looked around. No one was there to stop me. Standing by the edge of the bridge my eyes closed as I fell, it seemed to last forever and then nothing. So that leaves us here, me floating around a lifeless body and you wondering why this story is being written. Well this story is just beginning and I don't know if anyone is prepared for what is to come. Day's passed by as my body was found, my family and friends mourned and I was laid to rest, but I was more restless than I had ever been in life. I had merely been following my loved ones around, but finally on the seventh day I saw the light. The light burned brightly as it encompassed me, I stepped towards it ready to be done with this world when a large man appeared from the light. His cloaks seemed to glow, a big burly man one you wouldn't think of as heavenly, but he had a softness to him that brought me peace. He stepped forward, "Hello, young miss I am Mathew and I will be your guide in your new life". A new life? I just wanted some rest and no stress, yet here we are. As I looked over the man I noticed a pair of very large opalescent wings, their beauty unmatched to anything I had seen before. Instinctively my hand reached for the wings, Mathew chuckled and allowed me a chance to feel them, they were soft almost like air. "What will be my new life exactly," I looked up at him curiously, "you have taken your own life and as such you must go through ten years of trials, you will be what humans know as a guardian angel, you will try to save as many people as possible from killing themselves so they don't meet your same fate". Gasping slightly I wanted to vomit, what did he mean? Me, a guardian angel? I couldn't even save myself how am I supposed to save others? The light became unbearable and before I knew it everything around me went black.

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